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Johan, Jermaine, and Shammond's Charity: The Guzman Foundation/Center

The Guzman Center is a marvelous facility that will give the urban Twin Cities kids a chance to get off the streets and have some fun at the same time! Last July, Jermaine was quoted in the Great Britain Gazette:

"The main idea of the foundation is giving inner-city kids a chance to make friends and play sports at the same time at the center that just started up this winter. In the off-season, I go back to my hometown of Minneapolis, Minnesota. Since I grew up in inner-city Minneapolis, I know how tough it is for a child to avoid temptations that you get hit with when you grow up in that area. Some kids don't even have the luxury of a backyard to play catch in. That's why I'm starting the Guzman Foundation. There is a big building in Minneapolis that belongs to the foundation and in it are basketball courts, swimming pools, running track, pool tables, ping-pong tables, weight machines, and much more equipment. The center is a place where kids can get away from all the bad things they are faced with and just come to have fun. You would think that a place like this would be very expensive, but I know what it's like to not have any money in your pocket growing up. That's why the fee's for memberships are not expensive. There are options for weekly, monthly, or yearly memberships or you can just go for one day at a time. The daily price is one dollar. I know we wouldn't be making much of a profit, but I can cover for that. You can check out the Guzman Foundation and get information on it at it's new site, Guzman Foundation Homepage My main goal of this is to give kids a chance to get off the streets and shoot for thier goals, like I did."

There is also a homerun count where each homerun that Jermaine or Shammond hits, one hundred dollars is headed to the Guzman Foundation to fund for numerous charity events and new items in the Guzman Center. Check on the Guzman Foundation website for updates on the homerun count in 2008.

In the Twin Cities, there are opportunities for organizations like this to have sports teams that they sponser put in junior leagues. The Guzman Center now has it's own junior football, basketball, and baseball teams. All you have to do is go to the Guzman Center front desk and get a sign up form where you will get all the information you need to know. Right now, the Guzman Center junior baseball team has started their season and are 4-2 as of now. The Guzman Center coaching staff push for good attitude, work habbits, and sportsmanship in their players. The junior Guzman teams all practice at the Guzman Center facility.

At the grand opening of the Guzman Center, the Guzman cousins and other WBL players and coaches got together to introduce the Center to everyone. Shammond and Jermaine cut the rope to this beautiful, seven acre recreational center. Here is a virtual tour of the Guzman Center.

The Guzman Center (above) is a great looking facility that opened just a few days ago.

Another popular game is bubble, or dome hockey, shown above.

One of the favorite things that kids do at the Guzman Center, is hit in the batting cages (above). Everyone wants to become the next Joe Slugga!

Something that all kids like to do, eat! Shown above is the Guzman Center's Snack Bar where kids can come and grab a snack between games or activities.

Kids can cool down in the pool area (above) and maybe go down the waterslide or shoot some baskets in water!

The fitness area, above, is a great place for kids to come and work out and get into shape.

As you can see from these shots of rooms in the Guzman Center, this place has a very nice atmosphere. Here are some of the highlights of the Guzman Center:

‾7 acres

‾4 stories tall

‾2 regulation sized swimming pools

‾6 water slides

‾4 basketball courts

‾4 indoor tennis courts

‾10 batting cages

‾Fully equipped weight/workout room

‾Game room with many different games

‾6 pool tables

‾Snack Bar

‾T.V./Video Game room with 10 T.V.'s and 5 video game consoles

‾3 outdoor baseball diamonds (all different sizes)

‾2 outdoor tennis courts

***For Job Opportunities at the Guzman Center Please Call 286-GUZZ***