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ways to lose weight in Japan....rice, seaweed, fish, mass amounts of walking, and DDR.....

The addictive games begin....

This is the what the ?*#%? face...

Mer and Andrew..aka..Gimpy...

Things to do when you're waiting your turn.....

Chris rocking out...while Bart waits to the side

Play a round of pattycake...

Chill out on the ground...

for a while.....

Strike a pose?...


Some stuff other than DDR......

Me and Shinobu, my speaking partner

Chris and his speaking partners

Yes...he knows he's cool

Yummy....plastic food

Yeah! Print club...this one of Mer and Shinobu

A random Giant Whale inside a mall...don't ask...

Sake from a machine....oh yeah...also note the banana alcohol...yummy

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