These are some poems I have writen.Tell me what u think of them.Ill write more at least I think I will if i dont...Well life will go on.Enjoy
I looked down,
I took a deep breath,
And I fell off,
As I was falling,
I realized everything I have,
I kept falling and falling,
No end to the falling no place to stop,
I couldn’t see bottom,
I closed my eyes,
And relaxed,
In my mind it felt like forever,
I was still falling,
No end,
And then finally I stopped,
I opened my eyes,
And I was with you,
I was falling,
Falling in love with you,
What does it feel like,
Does any one know what love feels like,
If they do,
Can they tell you how it feels,
Do they know its real,
Or does there heart play games with their mind,
Is love the feeling I get when you’re not around,
And I think of you,
If I just listen to my heart,
Will I stumble and fall,
Or will I rejoice at my leap of faith,
If I listen to just my mind,
Will I be happy I never used my heart,
Or will my heart fade away,
If I listen to them both,
Will I ever be there fast enough to catch you,
Or will I be to late to see you even fall,
Why does love play these fickle games,
Why must love be there and your not,
Why do I feel like I do,
I love you,
Three little words,
Said simple by moving your lips,
Yet mean the world to that one girl,
If you say it wrong her world crumbles,
If you say it just right her world is complete,
If you say it without feeling you have emptied her heart,
If you say it with all the passions of your heart,
then you will be one,
If you don’t even say it at all,
you will never know what could of or what should of,
Its whats inside me,
It keeps building up,
It wants to destroy me,
It wants to explode,
It wants to engulf me,
Takeing over my heart and mind,
Why does anger do this,
What is its reason,
Other then to destroy lifes,
Other than destroying mying,
Why anger?,
Im so Bored,
It feels like theres a hole in me,
It makes me fell as though i dont exsit,
Like i have no perpose,
I do nothing but i feel empty,
Boredom the silent killer of me,
It eats me from the inside out,
And will exploed and maby i wont be so bored,
But for now im bored,
And will be waiting till I explode,
For something exciting to happen,
And maby i can fill the hole its left in me,
With what u can give me,
And maby i can do the same,
And cure the illness which is boredom,
The day was perfect,
Almost like it was made for me,
Not a cloud in the sky,
The night not yet upon us,
I went out with friends,
We were having so much fun,
I didn’t want the day to end,
My friends all left,
I started home,
On my way that night,
I stopped for a bite to eat,
A man walked in,
He seemed quite nerves almost scared,
He walked up shaking,
He talked to the girl at the counter,
She seemed scared and shocked,
The man turned around,
And he had a gun,
I backed away,
He started to scream,
He was frantic with fear,
He took aim at a child,
Then a mother,
He glanced at me,
I saw everything in his eyes,
I saw anger,
And darkness,
He took aim at the person next to me,
He was so frantic with fear,
The children were screaming,
The women were crying,
The men hiding,
The man pulled the trigger,
My mind slowed,
I was focused,
So many thoughts,
Yet all slowed at this moment,
Everything made sense,
This person next to me,
I could see the fear in their eyes,
There was now one thought in my mind,
Would I take this bullet,
Will I change the name on that bullet,
Will this bullet take my life,
Will it end their life,
If I take this bullet,
Will my death be in vane to save this person,
Or will my death impact their life,
What if I die,
What if they die,
Time came flowing back,
Everything at high speeds,
I did what I did,
I fell out of bed,
And hit my head,
I went to get washed up,
And I slipped in the shower,
I cooked breakfast,
And burned down the kitchen,
I ran out to the car,
And got run over,
I was late to class,
And failed my test,
But my day was perfect,
I was with you,