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PlanetSide - Space Combat

Five years after the brutal urban wars ended the Declaration of Peace was singed by all sides. This new alliance called the New Vanu Republic worked side by side to resolve this issue between the 3 empires. It was not long until the Empires disagreed and the wars began all over again, this time in space. The NVR space expedition was looking for ways to settle cities in space when the Declaration was broken. There were 9 men on the expedition, three from each empire. The NC and VS worked outside the ships in space and the TR controlled the ships. When the TR found out about the broken treaty, they left the NC and VS troops there to die. Unfortunately for the TR troops that left the other troops,  they never did die. Instead they broke up peacefully for the last time into different zones. They each built 2 Space Stations which they called the SSS (Space Station Sanctuary). The TR eventually heard of the 4 SSS stations in space and set out to create one of their own. For years, they built this SSS in secret. They finally built the best SSS the world has ever seen. Not only did this SSS have the needed items like Med Stations and Equipment Stations, but this had a defensive weapon as well, the Charge Particle Accelerator Beam (CPAB). For moths they tried to aim the CPAB at the other SSSs but their orbit around each other didn't allow that. The 3 empire still waged war on the ground, but no one ever new that the TR's SSS would bring about the evolution of Space Combat. The NC and VS both stole the SSS CPAB blueprints from the TR and put them on to their SSS stations. Now that the SSS stations are set for battle, the war has begun.
New Weapons
Gravity Rail Gun : Heavy Assault : 4 Cert pts-
This rail gun uses a special grav-capacitor in its chamber to create devastating rail beams.

Moon Laser : Spec Assault : 3 Cert pts-
This weapon takes the light from the sun and turns it into a ball of pure energy that does heavy damage.

Gravity Grenade : Medium Assault : 3 Cert Pts-
This grenade is the most powerful grenade in the game. It takes the particles from space and charges them. Then ignites them, blasting the area with devastating damage

JPD (Jet Pack Deployable) : 0 cert pts-
This jetpack is key to moving around in this vacuum called space. It is deployed like an ACE but it floats in space until you pick it up (G). The basic movements are controlled by the Jet Pack. These are not required, but they are very useful because with out them, you cant stop unless you hit something.
New Vehicles
Meteor : 3 Cert points -
Under the Tactical Support cert, this teleportation system is much like the Router. Except that you can set multiple telepads to go to. You walk into the Meteor's pad and you get a map of the base with floor selection menus that say how many pads are on that floor. You then select the floor you would like to choose and then the pad you would like to warp to.

Supernova : 4 Certs-
Equipped with a mini CPAB on its back, this stationary cannon provides amazing support. It uses anti-grav technology to steady itself while deployed in space. While on Auraxis, this cannon digs deep into the ground to steady itself. It fires 200mm beams at an impressive 600kph. After each fire, it has to be reloaded and cooled (9 seconds to reload, 6 seconds to cool it off)
Special SSS stations make up this war zone called space. They are literally Space Mounted Sanctuaries with a Laser Cannon. The CPAB on the SSS is a bit less powerful than the OS. Only CR5s can fire the CPAB (a CR5 can only use the beam once every three hours. Ok, to make it simple, 2 CR5s can fire it one right after another, but then not again for 3 hrs.

A CR5 fires VS SSS#1s CPAB cannon with another CR5 waiting to fire it. The CR5 fires it, then moves to let the other person fire it. The timers are personal. There is a main timer of 10 mins where the CPAB has to cool down and reload.

The SSSs are able to be hacked and captured. Once an Empire captures all of the SSS stations in space, they can use all the CPABs to strike the sanc (Normal CPAB rules apply)

To capture an SSS, you need to do the following:

  1. Infiltrate the SSS
  2. Make your way past all the automated defenses to the top floor
  3. Hack the CC
  4. Bring the "LLU" (haven't thought of a name yet) to an already owned SSS or a friendly base (not sanc) CC
  5. This starts the 30 min hack timer
  6. The CC can be hacked during the transport of the LLU
  7. Once an SSS is captured, the automated defenses will turn on the previous owners.

Capturing an SSS is hard because of how important it is

Special Extensions
More Vortex Modules:
  1. Space Equipment Mod
  2. Space Vehicle Mod
  3. Jetpack mod
  4. Gravity Beam Mod (explained below)

Also, every ground base will have an inoperative Gravity Beam Cannon on the top of each gate. This cannon is only operable when the Gravity Beam Mod is installed. The Gravity Beam cannot be destroyed but it can only be fired once every 30 mins by anyone of the controlling empire. This GBC is an anti-everything.