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Which Salem Gal are YOU??

Which Salem Gal are YOU??

Ever wonder which Days of our Lives character you were most like? Are you a sweetheart like Belle Black? Or conniving like Jan Spears? Take the quiz and find out!

1-Are you a teenager, in high school?
Yes, unfortunately
Yup! I'm head cheerleader!
Yes...counting the days 'til detention is over.
Yup...I'm the class bad girl :o)
Oh, no, I'm past those years!
No, my kid(s) is/are.
When I went to school, I had to walk, and it was uphill both ways! Why back in my day...

2-Have you ever been the butt of everyones jokes?
No, everyone likes me, especially when I bake for them!
No, I'm pretty popular.
They're just jealous cause all the guys like me.
No, and I don't partake in name-calling. It deflates one's self-esteem
Not really, at least not that I recall
There was that time back in third grade...
That's the story of my pitiful life.

3-Which (of these) is your favorite music genre?
Boy bands. (98*, *NSYNC, bsb)
Pop. (Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera)
Opera. (Charlotte Church, Sarah Brightman)
Classical. (Mozart, Beethoven)
Dance/Techno. (J-Lo, Cher)
Oldies. (Elvis, Leslie Gore)
Whatever comes on the radio.

4-Your significant other tells you it's over. You...
Ask him/her to explain to you, in detail, all of his/her insecurities regarding you and/or your relationship.
Burst into tears, telling him/her that s/he is your life, and begging him/her to stay.
Shrug, and tell him/her "It's your loss.", then pick a new guy/girl from your admiring throng.
Curl up on the couch and cry into a bowl of ice cream.
Cry on your best friend's shoulder.
Turn to that cute guy/girl who's a good friend of yours...JUST FOR SUPPORT!! GOD, WHAT IS WITH YOU PEOPLE!!
What significant other?

5-Do you have children? If not, do you want children?
I have children and grandchildren!
I've got a couple of children.
Not yet, but I want some.
I've got two kids...I think...Hey, do you see that strange light?...
No, and I'm not sure if I want any.
No and I don't want any.
I am a child, silly...or, at least I sometimes act like one!

6-Your dream career is (or is closest to):
to be the CEO of a large company.
to be a Psychologist.
to be a great singer.
to be a baker using my great, traditional recipes.
...uhh...I haven't really thought about that yet...
to be a cop or a lawyer.
anything where I can sleep my way to the top ;o)

7-You see the glass as:
Something to hold my double-tall, half-caff, vanilla latte.
Something to hold my vodka martini (shaken, not stirred!)
Something to throw at the wall when I'm angry!
What glass?
Half a glass is just half a more, no less.

8-Which scenario do you most relate to?
having a microchip in your head, and being unsure of whom you are at any given moment.
having people in your school/home/workplace tell stories about you or make up things that you have "done".
your boyfriend dumps you, telling you he got the class "bad girl" pregnant.
the class "bad girl" talks you into a scheme which ends up in criminal charges and severe detention.
being the clas "bad girl".
your husband tells you he got a close friend of yours pregnant...but doesn't really remember everything about when and how it happened because he had a microchip in his head at the time.
being the matriarch of a great, loving family.

9-*Singing* "You wait, little girl, on an empty stage, ...." Finish the lyric with the one that fit's you BEST:
"You are the Dancing Queen, young and sweet, only seventeen..."
"And isn't it ironic?...dontcha think?..."
"Cut my life into pieces. This is my last resort..."
"And I will always love you, I will always, love you..."
"It's been a while, but I can still remember just the way you taste..."
"...For fate to turn the light on..."
"How do you own the world? How do you own disorder?..."

10-And finally...the infamous quiz question...which of these is your favorite color?
Candy-Apple Red.

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I took the code from the Daria quiz, who took it from the heepoo who took it from the Resolution Quiz who took it from the beetle quiz.