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Advisory panel to be formed on school evacuation policy

01:00 AM EST on Thursday, December 4, 2003

Journal Staff Writer

NORTH KINGSTOWN -- The School Committee called for the formation of a subcommittee to review school evacuation procedures throughout the district, following incidents where confusion resulted when students were sent home early.

That committee, which may meet by the end of next month, will probably include a representative from each school as well as community members, town officials and representatives of the Police and Fire Departments. Members will discuss the current policy and consider ways to improve it.

For nearly a month, parents have been angered over what they call "administrative disregard" for their children's safety, stemming from confusion at the Stony Lane Elementary School, where students were evacuated twice last month because of glue fumes during a roof-replacement project. Several children were sent home to empty houses after the school was evacuated.

Last night's discussion largely avoided mention of the roof work at the three schools that were affected by fumes and instead focused on safety procedures.

Supt. James M. Halley said the language in the policy is intentionally vague to allow for a variety of crisis situations that schools may encounter.

But several committee members -- as well as parents -- said that it is difficult to define what constitutes an extreme emergency and, therefore, even harder for administrators to know how to proceed in a crisis situation.

Parents said they were pleased that the committee was taking action by forming an advisory group, but asked that in the meantime, a temporary plan be put into place. "I'm not opposed to having a committee formed as I am to having the same policy if fumes should come into Stony Lane again tomorrow, and 5- and 6-year-olds are dropped off on the street," said Brad Hammond, a Stony Lane parent.

Halley said the students were never in danger because they were evacuated and sent home according to procedure. He asked that parents whose children had an experience otherwise contact him directly.

The committee has moved the formation of the advisory committee to its next business meeting, Dec. 17, for adoption, but Halley said the group may not give its final recommendation until as late as June 2004.

No action was taken to implement the temporary procedure that parents requested.

"It's not always so easy as saying take the kids and move them to another building," said School Committee Chairman Donald DeFedele.