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Fumes close North Kingstown school

Elementary schoolchildren are sent home early after a roofing contractor uses a powerful glue.

01:00 AM EST on Saturday, November 8, 2003

Journal Staff Writer

NORTH KINGSTOWN -- Stony Lane Elementary School was evacuated yesterday and students were dismissed about three hours early after glue fumes from the school's roof seeped into at least three classrooms.

One teacher was taken to South County Hospital with irritated eyes, the Fire Department said, and at least one parent took her child to Rhode Island Hospital as a precaution.

The fumes were apparently released as workers glued insulation to the roof, near a ventilation duct. The ventilation system was off at the time.

The School Department had instructed the contractor, Wayne Roofing Systems, of Providence, not to apply any glue to the roof when students were in the building, Supt. James M. Halley said yesterday.

The building was closed Oct. 30 and Oct. 31 so workers could apply adhesive to what was believed to be the only concrete section of the roof, said James Larisa, the assistant administrator of the state Department of Labor and Training's Division of Occupational Safety. The rest of the roof is made of wood and other materials and does not require glue to attach the insulation.

Larisa said workers came upon an unexpected section of concrete on the building's eastern side but didn't notify Lou Cahoone, the School Department's maintenance supervisor, that they planned to use more adhesive.

"Once it was discovered, they should have stopped right there," Cahoone said.

Larisa said the adhesive that was used contains toxic chemicals and fumes that can cause sore throats, watery eyes, nausea and dizziness.

"We're lucky the [ventilation] system wasn't on," Larisa said. "It went through [the roof] but not through the whole school."

Davisville Elementary School was closed for three days last month after traces of lead were discovered as window blinds were being cleaned during roof repairs.

On Monday, about a dozen students at Martin Middle School in East Providence became nauseated and had to be taken to Hasbro Children's Hospital after fumes from a tar kettle on the roof got drawn into the school's ventilation system.

Stony Lane is expected to be open for classes on Monday, pending an inspection tomorrow by Larisa and Cahoone.

However, Forest Park Elementary School -- which is slated to begin roof repairs this weekend -- will be closed at least through Wednesday, Halley said. Teachers will have professional-development days Monday and Wednesday at the administration building.

Larisa said he will order Forest Park to remain closed until all roof work is completed.