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Save Our Neighborhood Schools - May 2003

On May 28th, the school committee voted (4-3) to accept Dr. Halley's May 21st reconfiguration proposal.

The DES, Quidnessett and Forest Park schools will NOT be redistricted as outlined in the K-5 report and map.

The basic differences from the K-5 report are that DES will remain K-3 with Full Day Kindergarten and in the map below, Mt. View (shown to move to Quid.) will remain at Forest Park.

The Providence Journal reported on Friday, May 30th that the Hamilton principal Doug Pierson will become the new principal of Fishing Cove.

Additional Links to more information are also listed below.

More Information:

Dr. Halley's 5/21 recommendation
K-5 District Line Map
School Committee Contact Information
Town Council & Newspaper addresses
A DES Letter to Editor Cihat May 2003
Dr. Halley 5/21/03 plan and Issues with proposal