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(Last December)

Construction on Hamilton’s roof began the week of December 16, 2002. Work on the roof caused vibrations in the classrooms that resulted in particles falling on furniture surfaces. These vibrations were a constant auditory distraction throughout the week. Students had difficulty focusing and many of the younger children were frightened. The tar sealant was very noxious causing headaches, sore throats, eye irritations, and stomach upsets. Teachers opened windows to provide ventilation and students had to wear coats to keep warm. The combination of dust and odor caused breathing difficulty for one staff member. One teacher contacted her doctor because of concern for her unborn child. Hamilton never received written notification regarding the materials to be used and the possible health hazards that they may cause. Students were moved to the multi-purpose room when heavy machinery was on the roof and could lead to dangerous conditions in the classroom.

(This September)

Initial Notification to teachers was done through a note that went home to parents. We were not told (as it was unknown) that debris, water, and paint chips would be falling through the ceiling. The slated ceilings allowed for odor and debris to fall through into the classrooms unexpectedly.

Construction began on Monday 9/22/03 over the kindergarten rooms, the cafeteria, and the special needs room. Students remained in their classrooms for the morning. Children from these classes were taken to the outdoor classroom or to other classrooms for the afternoon.

No materials were covered for protection from falling debris, as the problem was unknown at the time.