On completion, submission of the application form, and after successful
Verification by our team, you will get a "Petz Green Shield". Submit your URL for Petz
green shield.
The website submitted by you should have content related to
environment concern.
The submitted website doesn't contain any kind of pornographic
matter, illegal stuff, cracks, warez, serials, hate, racist, communal stuff
or related stuff and it doesn't link to any site having such stuff.
The submitted website is safe for family use.
The submitted website is not slow loading and heavy.
"Petz shield awards" reserve to right to reject any application
and the right to withdraw any issued seal of trust without assigning any
Any decisions of "Petz shield awards" cannot be disputed.
You will not alter the code given to you by "Petz shield award".
You must add a link to "petz shield award".
You can make changes to your website even after getting the
seal, but if the changes breach these terms and conditions in anyway then you
must inform "petz shield awards" and stop displaying the Petz green
"Petz shield award" reserves the right to change these terms and
conditions without informing.