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Let the press explain it for me...

review from Internet Magazine, issue 115

Ferion The Lowdown
Briefly: Epic browser-based strategy game
Pros: Challenging, can be accessed from anywhere
Cons: Not for action fans
Score: 4 out of 5

Inside many of us there's a power-crazed despot just waiting to get out. Luckily, we have Ferion to provide an outlet for this aggression - it's an online space-based strategy game that pits you against others with a thirst for dominating the universe.

Ferion began life in 1999, but version two was only launched at the end of last year. The game has proved so popular around the world that a new portal has now been built to serve its dedicated, international community. Despite a number of game developments, there are few fancy graphics or sound effects and it runs at a sedate pace. This doesn't matter, though, because Ferion is a game that will challenge the mind. Ferion is completely browser-based, which means you can play it from anywhere on all sorts of platforms. You'll need to be connected to the Internet, but a dial-up connection will be sufficient.

Once logged in, you start in a huge arena full of unexplored solar systems. The idea is to build an empire by colonising planets, researching new technology, constructing better spaceships and buildings - and destroying your neighbours. However, when you do encounter other players, attack might not be the best option. Alliances and trade agreements can be formed, or treaties signed - but you need to make sure you're not going to upset someone that's far more powerful than yourself.

Ferion is turn-based, which means all of your commands - and those of your rivals - are processed at the end of each tick (which lasts for one hour). So, if you've done everything you need to do within five minutes, you can go off and make the tea without fear of someone invading your empire while you're not looking.

This also means that you don't have to be online all the time to have a chance of success. You can set up queues and standing orders to carry out actions while you're away, but it'll help if you log in frequently to check on how things are going.

Signing up to Ferion will cost you nothing, and you can play for free for as long as you like. However, there's a technology limit imposed on your empire which can only be removed if you purchase a key. Keys also unlock new arenas that'll give you the chance to get higher scores - each arena game can last up to two months. A single key costs 6 Euros (about 5$) but, if you can't afford that, there's a referral scheme that earns you points each time someone signs up to Ferion via a link on your site.

Ferion's turn-based system will satisfy strategy fans who don't have time to sit playing games all day, but anyone looking for fast action will be disappointed. There are times when there's very little to do in a turn, especially early on in an arena, and you could be sat twiddling your thumbs for a while. This game needs patience - but if you're prepared to stick with it can be a very involving and rewarding experience.

well, I couldn't have been better at explaining it... I really advise you to have a try, you'll get hooked for sure!

Meet you in an Arena,

The Ferion Combat Calculator is probably out of date. It includes features such as ennemy fleet, home fleet, ennemy or home planet defense, and three individual ships you can permute and add to the home fleet. It also has an optimizer to 100% damage done or to 0% damage taken.

For the moment I still have to find time to add help files, or mouse tips, so you'll have to fiddle with the programme and find how it works (...or doesn't...) by yourself.

The various tools are Java applets. You would need to have Java installed to be able to use them.