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A ancient islamic neck seal-Weight: ??g-Diameter: ??mm-Bronze-Ref.#aa1

Don't Know what it is yet-Weight: ??g-Diameter:??mm-Some sort of stone but its light though not heavy-Ref.#aa2

Don't Know what it is yet-Weight: ??g-Diameter: ??mm-Bronze-Ref.#aa3

A Ancient greek die?a broken die maybe? Clearly visible a deer with horns and 3 dots above it-Weight: ??g-Diameter: ??mm-Bronze-Ref.#aa4

Roman? Bronze bell with it's loose ball still inside -Weight:13.3g-Lengh:26.5mm-Bronze-Ref.#hp37-

Roman? silver part of a earing ? -Weight:1.5g-Lenght:18mm-Silver-Ref.#hp5-

Roman? Bronze amulette? missing the top part -Weight:3.0g-Lenght:20mm-Width:20mm-Bronze-Ref.#hp16-

Ancient iron axe tip -Weight:more then 100g-Tip width:56mm-Lenght:57.5mm-Iron-Ref.#hp53-

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