
Character Page

Aragorn otherwise known as Strider, entered lord of the rings in the first
of the trilodgy called "The Fellowship of the Ring". He led Frodo and his companions
to the home of the elves were a council was held on what should become of the ring of power.
It was decided that the ring should be taken to mordor and cast into the fires of mount doom,
this is the only place it can be destroyed. Know he set out with his freinds and faced many dangers,
but he became seperated from Frodo and Sam and went to the rescue of Pippin and Merry. On his search
for the two hobbits he entered the land of Rohan were him and gandalf released the King Theoden from
Sarumans evil power. They then headed for Helms Deep were a mighty siege took place resulting in a
victory for the race of men.

Legolas first met the group at the council about the ring of power. He decided to help Frodo on his
journey and accompanied Aragorn and others over the misty mountians. He led the group into the realm of the lady of the wood
there he meet his fellow elves and rested. from there he followed the same path as Aragorn and parted
with Frodo and Sam and went to the rescue of Pippin and Merry and he led them to Fangorn forest and there they reunited with Gandalf.
With Gandalf they meet Theoden and went and fought in the great siege of Helms Deep, here Legolas and Gimli fought to see who could kill the
most orcs.

Gimli joined the group at the council about the ring of power like Legolas. Gimli very sort tempered and extremly confident tryed to destroy
the ring with his axe but this did not work, so he joined the party to see that the ring does get destroyed.
On there travels to mordor it seemed that all the paths there were blocked except the path through Moria the Dwarf minnnnes though the
Misty Mountains, this was also Gimli's home. As they made there way to though the mines they quickly dicovered that
the mines had bin overtaken by orcs and that Gimli's father had been killed. They fought there way out of the mines and ran into a historical monster
called a Belroch. they ran for there lives but Gandalf defeated the monster but he fell into the darkness with the monster. He then moved with Legolas and Aragorn
and fought in the siege of Helms Deep.

Arwen Is Aragorns love, she meet him and the hobbits as they were on there way to the elven city. She then took Frodo who had suffered a wound from a Ringwrath to her father the lord of the elves, were his wound could be healed. Defeating the wraths that followed her she got home safe and frodo was healed. Then once the council was held about the one ring she was left by Aragorn and the others so they could follow frodo.

Frodo is one of the main leading characters, he began his journey at the shire a little town were the hobbits live, His freind Bilbo found the one ring in the cave of Gollem a brought it back to the shire. When Bilbo left on a journey he left the ring to Frodo. Gandalf and Frodo soon discovered its evil and gandalf sent him and his freind Sam to take the ring to city of the Elves and that he would meet them at the inn of the "Prancing Pony". Gandalf never turned up and so they met Aragorn and with him they continued there journey. Then at the council about the ring he set off with nine others, but it wasnt long before the rings evil set in and Boromir tryed to take the ring from frodo resulting in his death. After this Frodo ans Sam made there way to Mordor by themselves and soon found a guide in the monster of Gollem he then led them to the black gates of Mordor which were heavily guarded and so he led them a different way. They get captured by Faromir brother of Boromir and are taken to a city under attack there frodo is nearly killed by a Ringwrath and so is let go.

Boromir is a prince of Gondor and met with the other characters at the council about the ring, he joined the party and lead of with his companians But the ring soon started to take over him and before the other members knew it he was after the ring for himself. They passed through the realm of the lady of the wood and resting there set of for Mordor but as soon as they set of he tryed to take the ring from frodo when a group of orcs attacked and he ended up helping frodo escape but in doing so he took several arrows in the chest but still continued to fight until Aragorn came to his rescue but by then it was to late and he was dying, plus the hobbits Merry and Pippin were taken by the Orcs and so Boromir passed away after the battle.

Gandalf started of leading the hobbits to the city of the elves but before he met up with them at the Prancing pony he went to talk to his fellow wizard Saruman but found that he had already chosen to follow the evil lord sauron and tryed to make Gandalf join him. Gandalf resisted and escaped on trhe back of a giant bird. He finally caught up with the hobbits and Aragorn at the elven city. The with the other companians set of for mordor but in Moria battled an ancient beast a fell with it into darkness. The after a long fight with the beast he finally defeated it. But in doing so he nearly died but then he was taken by some higher power and became Gandalf the white. He then found Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas in the woods of fangorn forest, from there they went to rohan and in doing so released Theoden and went and fought in the siege of Helms Deep.

Sam traveled with Frodo were ever he went, he left from the shire with him and they ran into Merry and Pippin who also dicided to travel with them they all ened up in the city of the elves, but when Frodo was summoned to a secret meeting Sam just had to listern from behind a tree, and when Frodo dicided to take the one ring Sam leaped at the chance to travel with him. So from then on out he traveled every were with frodo and when Frodo tryed to leave the group and travel on his own Sam went after him. Know after meeting with Faromir they dicided to let gollem lead them again, but he was leading them into danger.