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"Frodo bowed low. 'I am answered,' he said, `and I place myself at your service, if that is of any worth to one so high and honourable."
[Frodo to Faramir, in: The Two Towers; The Forbidden Pool]




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Title: Elves, Orcs and the Road to Recovery Parts 7-12 (See also parts 1-6, 13-18 and 19-24
Author: KC
Disclaimer: The characters are not mine. They belong to Tolkien.
Series: This is number six in the series that started with 'Grief', 'Elf, Wasps and an Angry Wizard', 'Stubborn Stewards and Bright Red Paddles', 'Human King, Elven King & One Stubborn Steward' and 'Sweet Revenge or Let Licking Dogs Lie'.

Please let me know what you think of this story at

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· 14 · 15 · 16 · 17· 18 | 19 · 20 · 21· 22 · 23 · 24

Part 7

Faramir finished enough of the light broth and bread brought to him by Maglor to satisfy both Thranduil and the Seneschal but not risk the food reappearing unexpectedly. The young Steward, at the insistence of Maglor, laid back down and rested; closing his eyes and falling quickly into a light doze. Thranduil stood and looked down upon his human son; concern etched clearly in the flawless elven features. Faramir was still deathly pale, clearly struggling with the memories of the days prior to falling to a Southron dart. The elven King was torn between insisting his son rest and wanting to get him as far away as possible from Osgiliath and all the horror and distress it engendered.

"I wish to get him away from this place," Thranduil whispered.

"I also, Sire," Maglor, agreed quietly. "But he will need to rest here awhile. We should be able to travel on the morrow."

"I will need you, mellon-nin. He will need you," the elven King added as he looked from Maglor back to Faramir.

"I know. You and I have seen this before in both humans and elvenkind," the Seneschal said meaningfully, as he looked at the elven King gravely.

"Aye, and you helped me through, mellon-nin," Thranduil replied wanly.

"I need to check on our supplies," Maglor said as he looked once more at the sleeping human and taking his leave walked out, passing Legolas who was entering. Maglor smiled as the elven Prince made straight for his human brother.

"How fares he?" Legolas asked in a whisper almost immediately upon entering as he stopped beside his father.

"He fares fine," came the soft, groggy response from Faramir as he raised his arms above his head and stretched. The young Steward brought his bandaged hands to his face and rubbed his eyes in a way that seemed… childlike. Legolas chuckled at the thought, garnering a questioning look from Faramir.

"There are things to which I must attend," Thranduil said as he looked at Faramir.

"Changing of the guard more like," Faramir muttered in annoyance, stemming more from his own recent behaviour than that of his family.

"What was that ion-nin?" Thranduil asked with a stern look that was tempered by the glint of humour in the elven King's eyes.

"Nothing, ada," Faramir replied with a look of such innocence that Legolas had the sudden irrational urge to cause his brother physical bodily harm.

Shaking his head and chuckling at the astonishing resilience of humans in general and his son in particular, the elven King left.

"Guess who I spied in the city?" Legolas asked in a quiet voice as he perched on the end of Faramir's camp bed with a grace only an elf could manage, as soon as their father had left. "Lord Atiel," Legolas added as he saw his young brother was attempting to gather sleep-fogged thoughts.

Faramir's eyebrow rose skyward in surprise.

"Well… his conscription must be concluding soon," Faramir mused, trying to remember how long he had sentenced the idiot to the rank of a private in the Gondorian Army for his impolitic comments about the elves, dwarves, halflings, and especially the Queen. Faramir smiled at the image that sprang to mind at the mention of Atiel, of Legolas causing havoc with an arrow and a wasp's nest. "What was he doing?"

"I think he was headed for a tavern just inside the city gates," Legolas answered. "The twins decided to go to the tavern as well," the elven Prince added in passing.

The hairs on the back of the ranger's neck stood up at the mention of the Elrondion twins.

"Do the twins know of your altercation with Atiel?" Faramir asked in what he hoped was a calm voice, sending up a silent prayer that his brother answered in the negative.

"No," Legolas answered confidently but then all colour drained from his face. "Yes," the elf corrected on a rising, panic-filled inflection. "They somehow sensed a story after I told you and Aragorn. They would not leave it be. I knew Atiel had already been sent away so I told them thinking there would be no harm. And just now I mentioned his name!" the elf said berating himself silently for his stupidity.

Faramir let forth a number of very elaborate curses in a variety of languages in quiet bursts, as he scrambled to get out of the camp bed and dress as quickly as he could. With his outer tunic slung over his right shoulder the young ranger moved to the back of the tent, lifted up a section from the bottom, crawled under and out, followed by Legolas and then ran with the elf stealthily, towards the city gate and tavern whilst putting on his over tunic.

Neither Atiel nor the twins were at the tavern. The tavern owner advised them that Lord Atiel had departed about an hour before and the twin elves soon after. Faramir tracked the elves by asking people in the street if they had set eyes upon the twins. The Steward's heartbeat increased significantly upon hearing from one soldier that the elves were carrying a rather large sack. The trail ended in a deserted section of the town. Legolas' keen elven eyes saw movement in a dilapidated warehouse.

The scene that met the ranger and elf upon entry into the warehouse made both gasp. A white-faced, panic-stricken, Lord Atiel was pinned - spreadeagle - to the remnants of a wooden wall by several elven knives piercing his clothing. The Elrondion twins had been using the man for target practice. Elven arrows outlined the human's form, all within a finger-span of the terrified man.

"Oh Faramir, am… I… glad… to… see… you," Atiel blubbered in relief at seeing the Steward. "These two… have been… threatening… me… for no…. reason… and…" the man continued to stammer but then his eyes widened in fright and he fell silent as arrows were pointed straight at him. One aimed at his head and the other at his family jewels.

"That is Lord Steward to you Atiel and you are lying through those rotting teeth of yours," Faramir growled dangerously. "What did you say? Did you perchance say something against the Queen?" Faramir asked eyes boring into the human.

"It was only in… jest and I…I…did not know these elves could hear," the man mumbled, shifting uncomfortably, knowing that the Steward would find out the truth anyway and that he was in deep, deep trouble.

Faramir shook his head at the man's congenital stupidity.

"I would have thought you would have learned the lesson by now but I was expecting too much from you it seems. May I introduce you to Lords Elladan and Elrohir, sons of Lord Elrond and brothers of Arwen, Queen of Gondor," Faramir introduced the twins, exasperated by the entire situation.

The pinned man turned an interesting shade of green as he finally realised the extent of the trouble that he was in.

"I hope you like Osgiliath Atiel, for you will be spending a long, long time here. And if I ever get a whiff of you having said anything derogatory about the Queen of Gondor again, you will be banished!" Faramir said in his most quiet and dangerous tone. "Now release him!" the Steward barked.

To Legolas' surprise the Elrondion twins both started in astonishment and then released the human as ordered with alacrity. As soon as he was freed the terrified man ran away as quickly as he could manage. Faramir turned on the Elrondion twins, his face flushed and eyes blazing fire.

"You will not use citizens of Gondor for target practice, regardless of the provocation! Lord Atiel is an idiot. The whole of Gondor knows that Lord Atiel is an idiot. Your sister is Queen of this human realm and does not need you two to metre out elven justice on her behalf - mayhap causing her grief. Do. You. Both. Hear. Me?" Faramir growled as he glared at each twin in turn. Legolas smirked at the twin looks of chagrin from the sons of Elrond. "And you had better pray that ada does not find out about this!" the Steward exclaimed quietly in exasperation.

"Your ada knows already," Maglor said in a calm and dangerous voice as he walked out of the shadows followed by King Thranduil.

Faramir groaned, bowing his head in defeat. Legolas cringed at the look of anger in his father's face and the sons of Elrond resembled twin rabbits caught in a very bright light. Colour drained from the Steward's face and a small whimper escaped when he saw that Maglor was holding 'Faramir's Bane'.

"You and you!" Thranduil instructed indicating Faramir and Legolas. "Back to the camp." Both sons nodded and turned to leave for the tent. "Faramir," Thranduil said, his expression softening, stopping his human son who turned around. The elven King slowly and gently embraced his son. "A hand spanking only, ion-nin," the King whispered into Faramir's ear. The young Steward mumbled something into his father's tunic. "What was that, ion-nin?" Thranduil asked as he pushed Faramir to arms length so that he could hear him better.

Faramir was just about to repeat the comment when Legolas clamped a hand over his brother's mouth and dragged him by the arm from the warehouse.

Biting the inside of his cheek to stop a grin that wanted to break out at his human son's temper, Thranduil and Maglor turned on the Elrondion twins.

"You two are about to find out why the implement that Maglor is holding, engenders such a fear-filled reaction in Faramir. I assume we do not need to discuss why you deserve this punishment?" the Elven King asked the frightened elves. Both gulped and shook their heads in the negative.

Maglor passed the red paddle to King Thranduil who, taking the paddle, walked over to a wooden crate and sat down. Maglor took the other twin outside whilst his brother received his punishment. The elven King motioned to Elladan who walked over to the elder elf reluctantly, loosened the ties of his leggings, pushed them down to his knees and lowered himself gingerly over the elf's knees. Thranduil started Elladan's punishment immediately with a series of stinging whacks to the elf's exposed posterior. The young elf gasped at the stinging pain caused by the red paddle. The elder elf kept up a blistering pace until Elladan was whimpering and squirming on his lap. Outside, Maglor put both comforting and restraining hands on Elrohir's shoulders as the young elf heard his brother's whimpers. Inside, Elladan began to sob and the sobs turned to howls as the elven King continued to land blistering blows. Thranduil stopped the punishment when Elladan's buttocks were the same colour as the paddle.

Elladan remained over the elven King's knees as Thranduil pulled the young elf's leggings up and rubbed his back in comforting circles. When Elladan had regained a measure of calm, the elven King assisted him to his feet and walked him outside so that Maglor could see to his twin's punishment. Thranduil continued to embrace and comfort Elladan as he passed the paddle to Maglor who escorted a reluctant Elrohir into the remains of the warehouse. Leggings pushed down to his knees, Elrohir took his brother's place on the wooden crate across Maglor's lap. The young elf had only a moment to remember Estel's story about Maglor hitting harder than Gandalf and how unfair it was that he always came second because Elladan was born a couple of minutes earlier than him, when the first of many blistering blows landed on his posterior. It did not take long for the younger twin to be howling as loudly as his brother had howled. Maglor also did not stop until Elrohir's buttocks were the same colour as the paddle. On stopping the chastisement, Maglor pulled up the young elf's leggings and pulled him into a comforting embrace, soothing the distressed younger twin.

A short time later, just on nightfall, the well and truly chastened young elves were escorted back to the camp. The twins took refuge in their tent immediately.

Thranduil entered the tent that he shared with Faramir and saw both sons sitting in silence, each perched on the edge of a camp bed. It was obvious by the nervous and dejected demeanours of his sons, that the time spent waiting had been hard on both. Unfortunately, Faramir would have to wait a little longer as he dealt with Legolas, Thranduil thought.

"Elfling," The elven King summoned Legolas who rose from the camp bed and followed his father out of the tent passing Maglor who was entering, and into an old courtyard that contained a stone bench. Thranduil sat down upon the bench and patted his knee. Legolas sighed and after following the age-old routine, lowered himself over his father's knees presenting his bared posterior for chastisement. "What is this punishment for, my elfling?" Thranduil asked.

"For not telling you and Maglor before going after the twins and for getting Faramir into trouble," Legolas replied contritely.

"You did not get Faramir into trouble, my elfling, for he like you, excels at that particular skill. You would not have been able to stop him for he has a stubbornness that matches mine, and you know how stubborn I am," Thranduil chuckled. "But you should have come to me or Maglor," the elven King said as he landed the first of many stinging swats. Although enough to make Legolas whimper and squirm, the elven King did not metre out a harsh punishment to his elfling as both he and Faramir had tried to save their friends from trouble.

"I am sorry ada," Legolas said as Thranduil, completing the chastisement, pulled up his son's leggings, turned him over and enveloped him in a hug.

"I know my elfling. I do love you so much," Thranduil crooned as he embraced his son. "I must needs see to your brother," the elven King sighed as he pondered on Faramir.

Thranduil walked back to the tent in which Faramir was situated and saw that Maglor was sitting beside the dejected young man with his arm around the young one's shoulders. Faramir looked up into his father's eyes and Thranduil's heart almost shattered at the pain he could see in his son's eyes. Those Numenorean eyes were indeed a window into his son's soul and that soul was hurting, deeply, the elven King thought.

Faramir rose from the camp bed slowly and stood before his father. Thranduil opened his arms inviting his son into a hug. In the blink of an eye the young Steward was in the arms of his father and being held in a tight, comforting embrace. Elven father and human son stayed like that until some of the tension had drained from Faramir. Still maintaining contact, the elven King walked his son to the courtyard and sat down upon the bench pulling his son to sit down beside him.

"Do you know why you are to be punished, ion-nin?" Thranduil asked in a quiet, calm tone.

"For going after the twins and not coming to you first," Faramir replied.

"Yes, that is part but I must admit you handled the situation perfectly," the elven King said with pride. "But what else are you to be punished for, ion-nin?" Thranduil questioned. The young Steward wracked his brain for another possible reason but came up blank. The elf looked at his son's bewildered expression and sighed.

"You are alarmingly intelligent and canny, ion-nin, but in matters pertaining to self preservation you are as thick as a cave troll," Thranduil admonished, chuckling at the look of indignation that graced his son's features. "You have just been through a very traumatic experience with a battle memory and immediately put your health at risk again, by going into an unknown situation involving the Elrondion twins."

Thranduil patted his knee in a silent command. Faramir sighed, much as Legolas had and standing, loosened ties, pushed his leggings down and laid over his father's lap. Thranduil wasted not time in landing the first of a series of stinging slaps to his young human son's buttocks. Although not as light as the punishment he gave Legolas, Faramir's chastisement was not as heavy as that of the twins.

"I love you, ion-nin," Thranduil said hoping words with physical reinforcement would penetrate his son's stubborn adherence to the notion that his life was not worth that of others. "The pain you feel about the deaths of those who followed you into that doomed child of Denethor's madness, would mirror my own at losing you before your time. And remember, ion-nin, I will carry that sadness in my heart for all eternity," the elven King said in a choked voice as he landed blistering slap after blistering slap to his son's posterior.

On hearing his father's choked words Faramir burst into sobbing, fed from the very depths of his soul, where the pain severest. On hearing the change in the tenor of the sobs, Thranduil stopped the chastisement, pulled his son's leggings up, gathered him into an embrace and rocked the sobbing young man as the floodgates opened. Wracking sob after wracking sob came from the young Steward. Although there would, no doubt, be more rough times ahead, Thranduil felt the glimmerings of hope that his son would recover. The elven King rocked his son for a long time until exhausted; Faramir's sobs became hitching and shuddering breaths.

A goblet appeared before Thranduil as he continued to cradle his son in his arms. The elven King smiled up at Maglor through tear-filled eyes as the Seneschal held the goblet to his young charge's mouth.

"I honestly think… you need to talk to someone… about this drugging habit of yours… Maglor," Faramir muttered as he drank the sleeping draught offered. Both elves chuckled. It was not long before the young Steward was fast asleep, cradled protectively in the arms of his father.

"I think this may be a pivotal point, mellon-nin" Maglor mused as he looked at his young charge and sat down beside the elven King.

"What do you think are his chances of not putting himself at risk needlessly?" Thranduil asked seeking his friend's considered opinion.

"Honestly? Naught…as he will still be inclined to do things, dangerous to himself that is, without thinking. We simply have to work on reversing his instincts. You know, run *away* from orcs, run *to* family," Maglor chuckled at his young charge's instinct to flee from any possibility of physical chastisement by family and friends but run directly into danger when others are threatened.

"And how likely do you think it would be to teach him not to flee from family when he is in danger of having his posterior blistered?" Thranduil asked amusement showing in his voice and eyes.

"Naught… but we can try," Maglor replied with a similar twinkle of humour in his eyes.

Part 8

As was his wont in regard to mornings in general, Faramir, who was lying on his stomach on a camp bed, awoke slowly and in stages. From his position perched on the camp bed in which their ada had slept, Legolas watched his brother's battle to consciousness with amused affection. During the journey of the Fellowship, Boromir had regaled them with stories of his little brother. The burly man of Gondor had warned all that if they should ever chance upon his little brother awakening upon the morn, they should allow Faramir to wake completely before attempting to engage him in conversation for his brother could not be considered, under any current or past definition, a morning person. Should any be foolish enough to attempt such a feat he warned, they would find themselves in their respective ancestral halls so fast as to be wondering just how they came to be there in what seemed to be between one moment and the next.

The first thing of which Faramir became aware on gaining consciousness was the scents and sounds associated with being housed in a tent. The second was the soreness in his hindquarters. Memory followed immediately upon cognisance of pain and Faramir groaned into his pillow. Before Legolas had a chance to bestow his most musical greeting on his brother, Faramir's pillow hit the elf squarely in the face. Light elven laugher greeted the brothers from the tent's entrance. Legolas greeted their father with a smile whilst Faramir looked at him blearily, still obviously attempting to awake fully as the young Steward turned onto his side and used his arm, bent at the elbow and resting on the bed, to prop up his head. Thranduil and Legolas shared a knowing smile as the elven King walked towards his human son, kneeling down beside him.

"How fare you this morning, tithen-pen?" Thranduil asked quietly, looking at Faramir intently as he gently brushed hair back from his human son's face.

"I am fine, ada," Faramir replied in a whisper. The elven King continued to look at his human son. Faramir blushed averting his eyes downward under his father's intense scrutiny. "As well as can reasonably be expected given the circumstances," the young Steward amended in an even quieter whisper.

"That is good to hear, tithen-pen," Maglor said in a booming voice as he entered the tent carrying a tray filled with food.

Faramir startled putting the hand that his head had been propped up by upon his heart, which he felt might leap from his chest any moment.

"Really ada! Have you ever considered putting a bell around that elf's neck?" the young Steward admonished in a harsh whisper, trying to catch his breath and calm his furiously beating heart as he sat up. "And I hope you do not expect me to eat all that? I am a man not a hobbit." Faramir complained in a louder voice, glaring at the Seneschal.

Maglor raised an eyebrow. Faramir groaned. Legolas chuckled earning a glare from his brother.

After the young Steward had eaten, washed and dressed, preparations were completed for trip to Northern Ithilien. As Faramir exited the tent he had shared with his father, followed by Legolas, he saw the Elrondion twins moving to secure their sleeping gear to their horses. Both seemed subdued and still in pain evidenced by the stilted way in which they moved. The young Steward knew that both been given a taste of his dreaded namesake but was surprised that they still seemed so pained. Legolas saw the look of concern and bewilderment on his brother's face as he looked at the twins and deduced its cause.

"Lord Elrond is half human. They are a little slower in healing than other elves," Legolas informed quietly.

"Ouch," Faramir winced in sympathy. "I do not envy them this day's ride then. I know what that feels like after a session with that… that…'thing'."

Legolas smirked at his brother's inability to say the word paddle.

"Aur Vaer (good day)," Faramir greeted the twins as he walked over to his own horse to secure his sleeping gear.

"Mae govannen," the twins greeted in unison. The young Steward winced in sympathy when Elrohir winced from what was obviously a flare of pain from his abused rear. Elrohir graced Faramir with a small, chagrined smile.

"That…" Elrohir frowned searching for a word to best describe 'Faramir's Bane'.

"Thing," Faramir supplied.

"Thing," the younger twin repeated, "has the bite of an orc!" he confided in a whisper. Elladan nodded in agreement wincing as he felt a flare of pain from his own hindquarters. "How often have you faced that… monster?" the younger twin asked.

"Between the elvish version and the equally painful older human version over the years, enough times to require several new coats of paint," Faramir replied in a beleaguered tone.

The twin's eyes widened in both alarm and in newfound respect for their young human friend.

Faramir searched through his medicinal supplies for the jar of numbing salve that Maglor had given him, knowing - or rather hoping - that the Seneschal would have stocked more.

"Apply this salve. It will deaden the pain enough to make riding bearable… almost," the young Steward corrected as he handed the jar to Elrohir. The twins smiled their thanks and scurried back to the tent in which they had slept, with little of their elven grace in evidence. Faramir turned around to Legolas whom he could hear chuckling behind him. "I do hope Maglor packed a goodly supply of that salve, brother. I have a feeling it is going to be needed."

Faramir and Legolas walked their horses to where Thranduil, Maglor and Finrod were waiting, ready to depart. The twins arrived a short time later walking with more elven grace than they had previously. Mounting their horses the company set out for the forests of Northern Ithilien. The company rode at a steady pace stopping briefly for a noonday meal. The Elrondion twins were glad for the short respite for their respective rears still ached. Both elves disappeared into the forest with the jar of salve that Faramir had given them. The young Steward and his elven brother shared a knowing look and smiled. Faramir, in his own opinion if not that of Maglor, was presented with enough food to satisfy even Pippin Took. The young Steward ate the meal, although not without much grumbling and protesting, under the watchful eye of the Seneschal. After the meal was concluded and the twins had returned with much-relieved looks on their faces, the company remounted and continued their journey until almost nightfall when they stopped in a clearing near a stream, just off the main track.

Elves and human set about making camp and preparing a hot meal. Faramir was again presented with what seemed to the young human to be a double sized portion of stew by Maglor, which, after protesting yet again, much to the amusement of all, that the Seneschal was mistaking him for a hobbit, he ate. After the meal Thranduil, Maglor and Finrod dispersed into the forest taking the first watch, leaving the young members of the company to relax around the campfire. Faramir and Legolas were sitting side-by-side, leaning back against a fallen log. Elrohir was lying on his stomach, as his posterior was still sore although not as sore as it had been, to the left of the young Steward. Elladan was in the same supine position as his twin for the same reason on the side of the campfire opposite to his brother and to the right of Legolas.

Elrohir looked at Faramir intently as if he would like to ask a question but had chosen to puzzle it out instead. Faramir was aware of the intense scrutiny but had chosen to ignore it for the moment.

"I would suggest that it would be easier to ask, for your curiosity seems almost bordering on painful," Faramir suggested in a gentle though amused tone as he continued to look straight ahead and into the fire.

All three elves started and Elrohir blushed to the tips of his pointed Noldor ears and smiled in chagrin at having been so obvious.

"I was just curious…" Elrohir began.

"That much is glaringly obvious, my friend," Faramir chuckled wryly.

"We had heard about that…" Elrohir said, again searching for the word.

"Thing," Faramir supplied, knowing exactly to what the younger twin was referring.

"Thing," Elrohir smiled wryly in agreement. "But Estel would not tell us about its creation."

"There must be a story there," Elladan concluded for his brother, much in the manner of twins.

"Yes…there is," the young Steward sighed and smiled wanly as his thoughts turned to the past and to Boromir.

At seventeen, Boromir had reached a man's height and after his first battle campaign against forces of Mordor in the defence of Osgiliath, was fast filling out in heavy muscle. Boromir returned to the White City victorious after several months away and was looking forward to spending three months in Minas Tirith with his little brother. Upon riding through the city gates, Boromir expected to be greeted by Faramir but the youngster was nowhere in sight. The heir to the Stewardship rode through the winding streets to the top level of the city and into the courtyard in front of the palace whereupon his father and other members of the court greeted him.

"Greetings father," Boromir said somewhat distracted as he searched amongst the faces for his little brother.

"Welcome home my heir, my first born," Denethor crowed as he embraced is son. "You return victorious from your first campaign!"

"Where is Faramir, father?" Boromir asked quietly, "I would have expected him to meet me at the gates as he always does". The heir did not miss the slight flinch and look of disgust on his father's face before the Steward's impassive mask returned.

"Somewhere sulking I expect. But come, my son, we should celebrate your victorious return!" Denethor exclaimed as he guided his son to the palace.

"My pardon father but I need to freshen, for the journey was long, hard and hot and I must smell of horse and sweat. I will meet you in the great hall later," Boromir promised as he ran ahead towards the living quarters in search of his brother.

Faramir was nowhere to be seen. After much searching Boromir came upon his brother asleep on his stomach, beneath the oldest tree in the private garden their mother had created. Boromir crouched down beside his little brother and put a hand on his brother's back but was not prepared for the reaction from his younger sibling. Faramir woke abruptly yelping in pain and scrambling backwards on hands and knees as if to escape.

"Easy little one, easy," Boromir soothed quietly.

"Boromir," Faramir's face light up with a smile of such love and adoration and then he fainted.

Lifting his brother gently, Boromir hurried back to his quarters with his precious burden. Upon arrival he placed Faramir gently on the bed and removed the young one's shirt. The heir of Gondor swore mightily when he saw the thin red stipes that covered his brother's back; stripes the heir knew were created by a cane - his father's cane. Boromir cleansed his brother's wounds, for some of blows had broken the skin and had subsequently become infected. It was obvious that the caning had occurred a few days ago.

Faramir, fevered from the infection, woke briefly and graced Boromir with another beautiful smile reaching out to touch his brother's face as if to test he was real and not a vision. Boromir choked back tears as he fed his brother something for the pain and to allow his little one to sleep. Boromir smiled as Faramir fell quickly into a slumber. Sleeping draughts had always had that affect on his little brother. Boromir wondered briefly if he would ever outgrow the tendency.

Knowing that Faramir would sleep for some time, Boromir bathed and changed into fresh clothes before going back to his bedroom to check on his brother. When the heir entered he saw Denethor looking down upon his youngest son with something akin to guilt for Boromir had not yet applied bandages and the welts were plainly visible.

"I did not realise I had been so harsh for he made not a sound when I punished him. He has become so unruly, so defiant," Denethor said in a harsh whisper in a mixture of regret and anger.

"He is but twelve years old father and still has the stature of a child. You cannot continue to be so harsh with him father, for you risk damaging him," Boromir pleaded on his brother's behalf.

"I do not know what else to do," Denethor replied.

"I do father. If you trust me enough to turn his discipline over to me, whilst I am resident in the White City," Boromir implored.

Still looking down upon Faramir, Denethor nodded his head in agreement. The Steward held his hand just above his youngest son's head as if to pet him but pulled his hand back abruptly, turned and left the room.

Two weeks later Faramir was healed fully and in trouble again. Denethor was looking out of the window of his study and had just told his youngest son in no uncertain terms that he would not be allowed to accompany Boromir on the morrow for his brother would be spending time with his men. Alarmed, Boromir recognised the signs of his brother's impending explosion and clamped a hand over his young sibling's mouth and dragged him to the door, opening it and shoving his struggling brother into the hands of Beregond, who was standing guard. Beregond, understanding the situation immediately, clamped his hand over the young Lord's mouth before the young one had a chance to say anything and held him tightly.

"He will not accompany me father. I will make sure of it," Boromir said as he popped back into the room and then left again to see to his brother.

Denethor smiled as he had seen what had just transpired in the reflection from the window. The Steward trusted his first-born and knew that Boromir would handle the situation.

The Steward's heir grabbed his younger sibling by the scruff of the neck and marched the cursing spitfire down to the carpenter located in the commercial district in the second level of the city.

"Master carpenter," Boromir asked the startled carpenter as he all but threw his cursing brother onto a box, "can you please assist my brother in creating a paddle that would prove very effective on a bared behind?"

Faramir's cursing stopped abruptly and his eyes narrowed as he took in the meaning of his brother's words to the carpenter. In a flash the young Lord was up and running but unfortunately his move was anticipated by his brother. Boromir caught his cursing younger sibling around the waist and threw him back down onto the box.

"Yes, my Lord," the carpenter acknowledged trying not to show his amusement.

Under the watchful eye of the heir of Gondor and with the assistance of the carpenter, Faramir, cursing in various languages the whole time, finally finished the paddle. Boromir tested the paddle on his hand, much to the embarrassment of this brother, and was satisfied with the resulting sting. Boromir then asked the carpenter if he had any red paint. The carpenter answered in the affirmative and went to look for the paint. In the carpenter's absence, Boromir explained that he would be taking over his brother's disciplining whilst he was in the White City and that whenever he was forced to chastise his brother, he would not stop until Faramir's buttocks were the same colour as the paddle.

The carpenter overheard the conversation and chose a deeper shade of red than he had originally intended. Again under the watchful eye of his brother, Faramir painted the paddle in what he considered to be an alarming shade of red. The young Lord continued muttering curses in a variety of languages as he set about painting the 'thing'. The carpenter knew some of the languages in which the young Lord was cursing and could guess the meanings of some of the words. Overall, he was very impressed by the young Lord's fluidity and ability with languages if not the actual content.

It took about an hour for the paddle to dry upon which Boromir grabbed his young brother, laid him over his lap and pulled down his brother's leggings.

"What is this punishment for little one?" Boromir asked.

Faramir's stubbornness manifested itself in silence. Boromir let loose a mighty slap to his brother's bared behind.

"Owwwwww!" Faramir cried out in pain.

"I ask again little one. What is this punishment for?" Boromir asked again.

"For arguing with father and cursing at you," Faramir growled through gritted teeth.

"And Master carpenter," Boromir prompted

"And Master carpenter," Faramir mumbled contritely.

"Good, now that we are on the same page…" the Gondorion warrior said as he continued to land blistering slaps to his brother's posterior. Boromir maintained a fast pace as he landed whack after whack to his brother's ever reddening buttocks. Faramir's whimpers turned to sobs and sobs to howls as his brother continued to blister his rear.

"I… am… sorry…sorry," Faramir repeated over and over as Boromir continued the slaps unrelentingly. "Why does he hate me so?" Faramir wailed in abject bewilderment and pain.

On hearing the words, Boromir stopped the chastisement immediately, pulled up his brother's leggings, turned him over, enveloping his little one in a comforting embrace.

"Shhhh, little one," Boromir soothed. "Shhhh. He does not hate you. I know he has been harsh with you little brother but you must not push him, for he does not know how to deal with you. I will not see you hurt so again because you have pushed him too far, even if I have to paddle you every day that I am in the White City. Do you hear me little brother?" Boromir asked holding his brother more tightly.

"Yes," Faramir whispered in a hoarse voice as he put his arms around his brother's neck and cried into his brother's shoulder. "I… love…you," the young one said between gasps for breath as he cried out his pain for his father's inability to love him and his loneliness now that Boromir was a soldier.

"And I you, little brother, I you," Boromir crooned with unshed tears in his eyes, as his brother fell asleep in his arms.

The heir of Gondor carried his brother and red paddle back to his apartment and placed his younger sibling in his bed. When Faramir woke the next morning, Boromir was still there, asleep beside him on top of the bed and still fully clothed. He smiled at his brother and then winced and hissed at a flare of pain from his much-abused bottom. The young lord saw that the red 'thing' was on the bed as well. At some stage during the night Boromir had carved the words "Faramir's Bane" into the wood. Of all the times for the great oaf to develop a sense of humour, the young lord thought as he watched his sleeping brother affectionately.

Legolas and the twins whilst appalled at Denethor caning a little one of but twelve years old, could not help laughing at Boromir's attempt to get his brother out of Denethor's presence before the young one had a tantrum and the antics of sons of Gondor at the carpenters.

"Your brother must have loved you dearly," Elrohir said as he looked at Faramir.

"Yes he did," Faramir replied with unshed tears in his eyes.

"And does, muindor tithen," Legolas said in a whisper hoarse with emotion as he patted his human brother's knee in a gesture of comfort. "And does."

Part 9

Two days more of easy riding found the company of elves and human at the site of the elven haven just after midday. Camp was made and the members of the company sat down to share a meal. Maglor again presented his charge with a double portion of dried fruits and meat. Faramir looked at the Seneschal with a much-bemused expression.

"My dear elf. I am aware of my reputation for the ability to consume as much as a hobbit at times but I generally do not do so at every meal. If you keep feeding me this much food it will not be long before I am unable to mount my horse and you will needs roll me back to Minas Tirith like a barrel." Faramir explained in his normal quiet, measured tone but with a hint of amusement, eliciting chuckles from the other elves, as he looked up at Maglor who was standing in front of him holding a bowl filled with food.

"You are still too thin," the Seneschal retorted.

"I do admit that I am a few pounds short of the weight I once was but I am not overly thin," the young Steward argued.

"You are still four notches short on your belt," Maglor replied looking at the well-worn hole on Faramir's belt.

"Ahhhh," Faramir chuckled as understanding came. "I am one notch short of where I was but four notches short of Boromir - it was his belt."

The other elves chuckled but Maglor stood unruffled.

"A compromise then. You are two notches short. Eat!" Maglor ordered as he handed the bowl to his young charge eliciting even greater chuckles from the other elves.

Shaking his head and sighing in resignation, Faramir took the bowl from the elf and ate the food without further verbal protest.

After the meal was concluded Faramir and Legolas took great delight in showing the elves the land they had chosen for the elven haven. Thranduil, Maglor, Finrod and the twins stood with Faramir and Legolas on the top of the highest hill in the vicinity, looking down upon hills, vales and gullies covered with trees.

"What think you, ada?" Faramir asked shyly.

"It will do us well, ion-nin" Thranduil smiled as he looked down upon the hills, gullies, trees and the river that meandered through the hills.

"Easily defended," Finrod said as he looked up into the trees around them. Maglor and the twins nodded in agreement.

"Water, food aplenty," Maglor added as he to looked around.

"Free of spiders," Legolas said with a grin. The Mirkwood elves shared the Prince's grin.

"Plenty of timber for building boats…" Elladan mused.

"For those wishing to depart for the west," Elrohir finished his twin's sentence.

Faramir felt a sudden overwhelming feeling of great loss. The thought that all the elves would leave Middle Earth one day was nearly unbearable for the young Steward. Thranduil and Legolas both saw the pain and despair flash across Faramir's suddenly pale features. The elven King gently enveloped his human son in an embrace.

"Legolas and I will never leave you whilst you still walk Middle Earth, ion-nin," Thranduil promised, whispering into his son's ear.

Faramir relaxed into his father's embrace, his breath hitching as he battled to control his emotions.

"Thank you, ada," Faramir replied in a hoarse whisper as he returned his father's embrace.

Legolas shared a smile with his father as Thranduil continued to hug his human son.

Soon after, as the sun set, the elves and human returned to camp. Faramir rolled his eyes but made no other comment as Maglor gave him another bowl full of food. Legolas and the twins sniggered earning a glare from the hapless human.

Thranduil, Maglor and Finrod again took the first watch. Well after midnight they woke Faramir, Legolas and the twins to take the second watch with the intelligence that there appeared to be three human families camped a fair distance away in the gully below. The elves took to the trees and Faramir moved out onto an outcropping. All was quiet until almost the end of their watch at dawn. Legolas was the first to see movement in the distance.

"Orcs!!!" Legolas exclaimed as he jumped lightly from the tree and ran to Faramir on the outcropping. "They are heading for the humans!"

"Go tell ada and the others," Faramir ordered. "If I remember correctly there is a bridge in that direction" Faramir said pointing in the direction, "that spans the gully. Located beyond that is another gully that has but one entrance. Meet me at the top of that gully." Faramir said as the twins arrived. "Go! You are a faster runner than I," Faramir ordered when he saw Legolas hesitate. "Go!!"

Legolas turned reluctantly and ran back towards the camp whilst the Steward of Gondor and sons of Elrond ran towards the bridge. The bridge thankfully, was still intact and the human and elves crossed quickly. The twins followed Faramir as he ran through the forest and straight to the blind gully and then moving stealthily towards the edge. The orcs were approaching.

"Stay here and ready your arrows," Faramir ordered in a whisper as he turned and ran along the top towards the entrance of the gully.

The young ranger quickly scrambled down into the gully below just as the orcs turned a corner a few hundred yards away and came into view. On seeing the human the orcs bellowed and gave chase. Faramir turned tail and ran as fast as he could into the blind gully. By the time the young ranger reached the end, elven arrows rained down upon the orcs. The Steward reached for a thick rope that was tied to a massive boulder. The rope ran up the side of the gully and around an overhanging tree. At the other end of the rope was a large rope net containing rocks - suspended above the gully. Gripping the rope firmly the ranger whipped out his knife and cut the rope just below where his hand was situated. No longer secured to the boulder, the rope net filled with rocks fell to the gully floor propelling Faramir upwards. The young Steward felt a sharp stinging pain at his side as he jumped the short distance to solid ground at the top of the gully.

Winded, Faramir fell to his knees and panted for breath as he held a hand to his back where he had felt the stinging pain. The young ranger removed his hand and saw that it was covered in blood. An arrow had obviously nicked him the Steward thought. As thought returned Faramir realised that he was, in all likelihood, in deep, deep trouble. Finally daring to look up the young Steward's suspicions were confirmed when he saw his father's thunderous look as the elven King and Maglor came storming towards him with Legolas following. He could see the twins and Finrod in the background. Anger turned to concern when Thranduil saw the blood on Faramir's hand.

"What has been done to you? Where are you hurt, ion-nin?" the elven King asked as he crouched down beside his human son, looking for where the blood had originated. Legolas crouched down on the other side.

"Back," Faramir winced as the pain worsened. "Am I in deep trouble, ada?" Faramir asked in a tiny voice as Maglor inspected the wound, concern evident.

"The deepest, ion-nin," Thranduil growled as he put an arm around his son's shoulders and the other behind his knees and lifted Faramir off the ground and carried him back to the camp quickly.

By the time the elven King reached the camp, Maglor had started a fire, filled an iron pot with water, set it on the fire to heat and had put the blade end of an elven knife into the fire. The twins had gathered medical packs, Finrod was using some of the herbs to create a poultice and Legolas had laid blankets down on the ground. Thranduil laid Faramir on the blankets and with the help of Legolas, stripped his human son of his leather over tunic and shirt and rolled him onto his side. Both King and Prince winced at the three-inch long gash that started on Faramir's back just above his waist and curled around his side. Blood was flowing freely and the black tendrils that were beginning to radiate from the wound showed that the arrow had been poisoned.

"Is it poisoned, ada?" Faramir asked as if he had picked up on the thoughts of his father and brother.

"Yes it is ion-nin," Thranduil confirmed in grave voice as Maglor cleansed the wound, eliciting a gasp and pained moan from Faramir. "You know what it is we have to do?" the elven King asked as he removed his leather belt.

"Yes, ada" the ranger replied in a distant voice.

Thranduil folded the belt in half and slid it between Faramir's teeth so that he would not bite his tongue. He then took hold of his human son's hands. Legolas braced his brother's back and the twins held down his legs and body. Maglor took the red-hot knife from the fire and placed it against the wound both to cauterise the wound and to stop the spread of the poison. Faramir, biting down on the leather belt went rigid, every muscle in his body pulling taut as he fought to contain the scream that wanted desperately to find voice. He squeezed his father's hands tightly and felt his father's grip tighten in support. Just when Faramir thought he could take no more, the searing hot pain stopped replaced by a more bearable aching throb.

Faramir panted for breath still holding his father's hands. Legolas removed the belt from between his brother's teeth and stroked his hair, which was damp from sweat and pain. Finrod applied a poultice and he and Maglor bound the wound, eliciting pained moans from Faramir. The twins brought over their cloaks and placed them over their friend. Maglor brewed a tea for both fever and pain and fed the brew to his young charge. Faramir gave the Seneschal a look that spoke volumes about Maglor's drugging habits, making the elf smile. It was not long before Faramir sighed in relief and fell into a deep slumber.

The young Steward remained fevered for two days as the remnants of the poison took its course. Faramir was not left alone for one moment as the elves took turns in nursing him through the fever and nightmares and changing the poultice and bandages. On the morning of the third day Faramir, feeling much better, was able to sit up and eat a light meal. Having just arrived back from his watch, Legolas sat down beside his brother and smiled knowing that Faramir was on the mend.

"How fare you this morning, muindor tithen?" Legolas asked.

"Much better," Faramir replied as he smiled at his brother. "Is ada still *very* angry?" Faramir asked quietly his expression turning sombre.

Legolas patted his brother's knee, a gesture that spoke of the answer before it was confirmed in words.

"I am afraid he is, muindor tithen. He saw that stunt you pulled in the gully. You scared him and like Aragorn, he does not react well to being scared," Legolas replied in sympathy.

"Elessar," Faramir groaned as he remembered the King's parting words about being careful and the very explicit and painful ramifications of not doing so.

"Oh yes, muindor tithen. There is that," Legolas said as he looked at his brother with the hint of a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth.

"When is ada likely to…" Faramir began his voice trailing off in embarrassment.

"When you are feeling better," Legolas replied.

"Where is the incentive to get better in that?" Faramir muttered.

A familiar chuckle drew the attention of both Princes. Legolas smiled at his father wanly and Faramir attempted a smile that looked more like a pained grimace. Thranduil gestured for Legolas to leave them alone for the moment, smiling at his elven son as he stood and left. The elven King took Legolas' place as he sat down beside his human son. The young Steward looked down at his hands. Thranduil put an arm around his son's shoulder and pulled him close. Faramir rested his head on his father's shoulder.

"I am sorry, ada. I reacted…" Faramir began in way of explanation.

"And it is this tendency to react without thinking that we need to work upon, ion-nin," Thranduil said as he continued to hold his son. "Tell me, ion-nin. Did you know that the rope and rocks were still intact?"

"No. I did not," Faramir replied in a whisper.

"Did you think about waiting for Legolas to return with us?" Thranduil asked quietly already knowing the answer.

"No. I saw the people in danger and I…reacted" Faramir said as he continued to look down upon his hands.

"And you have done this before, ion-nin?" the elven King continued the questioning.

"Yes," Faramir answered truthfully knowing he was condemning himself.

"Oh tithen-pen! How have you managed to stay alive this long and how did your ranking officers keep you alive?" Thranduil asked in exasperation. Faramir went silent suddenly blushing furiously. "Ion-nin?" the elven King prompted looking askance at his human son.

"Much cursing and sometimes similar methods to Boromir," Faramir mumbled reluctantly. "When will you…" Faramir began not able to say the words 'paddle me'.

"The choice is yours, ion-nin. Now or when you are feeling stronger." Thranduil replied.

Faramir hated waiting for punishment. It was something that Denethor had used to his advantage in punishing his second born.

"Now," the young Steward requested in a whisper.

Thranduil assisted his son to his feet and guided him a short distance to a fallen log. The elven King sat down and Faramir loosened the ties of his leggings and pushed them down to his knees. Carefully, as he was still sore, he lowered himself over his father's knees. 'Faramir's Bane' appeared before Thranduil who smiled up at Maglor in thanks. Faramir also looked up and groaned when he saw the look on the Seneschal's face. It was obvious to the young Steward that Maglor would have preferred to be the one wielding the 'thing'. Maglor turned and walked away.

The elven King wasted no time in beginning the chastisement. Faramir felt a succession of very hard swats hit his exposed posterior. The young Steward gasped at the anger that was driving the swats. It was not long before Faramir was whimpering and moaning in earnest.

"Now, ion-nin, if we can get you to stop and think before you go off saving the world, we will be making progress," Thranduil said as he continued to land blistering blows to his son's buttocks.

Faramir's whimpers turned to sobs and howls of pain and still the elven King did not relent.

"I will not lose you, ion-nin," Thranduil said as he landed several memorable whacks to Faramir's 'sit-spot' before stopping.

The young Steward sobbed in earnest as he lay across his father's lap. The elven King pulled up his son's leggings, turned him over and embraced his son, careful of his well-chastised bottom and the wound on his son's side. Faramir continued to sob as his father rocked and soothed him.

"I…am…sorry…ada," the young Steward kept repeating.

"Shhh…ion-nin. I do not want to lose you from my life, just as I have found you," Thranduil crooned to his chastened human son.

A goblet appeared before Faramir and the young man drank the draught, shooting dark glances at Maglor.

"It is a good thing Boromir did not learn of this trick to keep me out of trouble. Otherwise I would have spent most… of… my… life… aslee…." Faramir said as he dropped off to sleep, again cradled in the secure and loving arms of his father.

Part 10

The young Steward of Gondor awoke later that day and felt his arse afire, throbbing painfully in time to the beat of his heart. His ada had been deceptively angry, something Faramir made a mental note to remember in future. The second son of Denethor had always known how angry Denethor and Boromir were at any time, Denethor by expression and Boromir by expression, posture, colouring and a variety of other indicatives. When his brother gave him a certain dark look, his body tensed in a certain way or he turned a certain shade of puce, Faramir knew that it was in his own best interests to turn tail and run as far away as fast as he could. Feeling another flare of fiery pain, the young Steward groaned into the bedding that consisted of blankets placed over leaves beneath him. Faramir felt a hand brush hair back from his face and opened an eye to confirm that it was indeed whom he thought it was, ada.

"Adaaaa. My arse is on fire!" Faramir whined wondering why it was that he had been able to take harsh thrashings from Denethor in absolute silence but punishments by those who cared for him seemed to reduce him in years to a whinny, needy adolescent.

"I am sorry, ion-nin," Thranduil apologised as he continued to stroke his human son's hair.
"I was angrier than even I realised. When I saw you in that blind gully and then saw the orcs firing arrows upon you…" the elven King could not continue as images of his son's danger flashed before his eyes again.

Faramir looked up at his elven father and saw tears in the elven King's eyes. Turning onto his side carefully, the young Steward reached out and touched a tear that had freed itself of the others and rolled down his father's face. Thranduil's heart faltered at seeing the bemusement and something bordering on awe pass across his human son's features.

"You have found your way into this old elf's heart, ion-nin, and I *do* love you," Thranduil stated firmly, willing Faramir to accept the truth of his words.

Faramir continued to look into his elven father's eyes, using his oft-times cursed 'ability' to look into the depths of the elf's soul. What he saw there made him gasp for he knew that he loved his elven father dearly but just now realised the depth of his father's love for him. Thranduil saw comprehension dawn in his human son's eyes and smiled a watery smile.

"I love you too, ada," Faramir whispered as he continued to touch his father's face. "But my arse is still on fire!" he moaned as another flare of pain from his much abused rear-end made its unwelcome presence felt.

Thranduil chuckled as Maglor arrived with a very large jar of numbing salve. The elven King's eyebrows went skyward at the size of the jar.

"The trio 'horribus' and this young one on the same journey," Maglor said in way of explanation as he removed the lid from the jar. "I have secured three such jars and was seriously contemplating a fourth."

The Seneschal lifted the blanket covering his young charge and winced. Unseen by Faramir Maglor threw Thranduil a look of astonishment with a flash of annoyance at the colouring of the young human's posterior. The elven King had the grace to look chagrined. Maglor applied the salve, as gently as possible, to Faramir's buttocks eliciting pained hisses and moans from the young human. After several long moments Faramir sighed in relief and settled into a light doze.

Some time later and as if from a distance, Faramir heard Legolas arrive and Thranduil depart. He felt the blanket lying atop of him lifted followed by a small sound of distress and then a whispered…

"Ada was *very* angry."

"Ai!" came the hushed exclamation of one of the Elrondion twins. "I have not seen that particular shade of vermilion since that time in Lórien when grandfather was so vexed with us and Haldir."

"I would appreciate it very much if you would stop examining my arse as it is becoming decidedly chilly down south," Faramir drawled in a sleep-ridden voice, feeling the cold around his hindquarters as the heat radiating from his posterior clashed with the cool air of the surrounds.

"Sorry, muindor tithen," Legolas apologised quietly as he lowered the blanket. "Do you need more salve?"

"Not for the moment, thank you. Some was applied by Maglor not long ago," Faramir replied around a gigantic yawn. "But I am in need of distraction from the throbbing. A story about certain elves in Lórien perhaps?"

The twins looked as if they would refuse the request.

"I would do what he asks," Legolas advised when he saw twin looks of refusal. "He will only resort to asking ada, and you would be surprised what ada knows about the exploits of the 'duo horribus'. He feels guilty enough at the moment to indulge any of this one's whims."

"Alright, tithen-pen. But if any of this should get back to Estel, there will be a reckoning… a long and painful one," Elladan warned as he sat down beside the young Steward next to Legolas. "Where to begin…"

Faramir had to bite his lip, eliciting a wince at the sharp pain, to stop the comment 'at the beginning is generally thought advisable' springing forth from his mouth. Legolas, as if having read his brother's thought, laughed and slapped him on the shoulder.

"Behave, muindor tithen!"

Faramir gave his elven brother a small, wry smile.

The Lórien elves braced themselves, as they were wont to do with this particular threat to the serenity of their wooded realm, for the arrival of the twin sons of Elrond. At the present moment they were enjoying the calm before the inevitable hurricane. Not that they did not like the Elrondion twins. It was just that they could never predict exactly what was going to happen during the twin's occupation of their realm. And happen - something always did.

"Where *are* the little…" Haldir fumed as he waited at the rendezvous point on the very edge of the realm for the twin balrogs, so that he could escort them to Lórien.

"…" came a familiar young elven voice from above.

"He does appear to be in a bit of a snit," a second familiar and equally young voice from above but slightly to the right of the first voice.

Haldir closed his eyes, clenched his fists, took a deep breath and counted to fifty, then thought maybe he should continue on to one hundred. The proud Marchwarden was not going to give the young orcs the satisfaction of asking how long they had been in the trees. Turning abruptly, Haldir marched back towards Lórien. The twins jumped lightly from the trees they had occupied and sharing a wide grin, marched after the annoyed elf.

Haldir continued his march into the heart of the realm and then climbed the many stairs to the Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn. Lord Celeborn took one look at the thunderous expression on the face of his Marchwarden and the ingenuously innocent smiles on the faces of his grandsons, and rolled his eyes. The twins had indeed…arrived.

Elrohir and Elladan ran to their grandparents and hugged them each tightly in greeting. The twins were as tall as Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn although yet to reach their full height and just short of adult age.

Haldir bowed to Galadriel and Celeborn, turned and was about to take his leave when Lord Celeborn stopped him with a small 'clearing of his throat' cough. The Marchwarden winced and then gave a sigh of resignation before turning back to his elven Lord, for he just knew what was about to be asked of him and he would rather peel vegetables the cook for three hundred years.

Celeborn for his part was smiling inwardly at Haldir's…pained reaction, although only the hint of a twinkle in his eyes could be seen outwardly. He had been trying, over the centuries, to teach his proud young ward the virtues of empathy and patience, both of which were sorely lacking in his Marchwarden.

"Haldir. I release you from your current duties and ask that you *entertain* the twins during their stay in Lórien," Celeborn requested in his usual calm and quiet manner. If anyone could test his ward's patience, the elven Lord thought, it was his grandsons.

The Marchwarden turned slightly green as he stood ramrod straight and nodded his understanding of the *order*. 'Entertain' was a code word for; ensure that they do not wreak mayhem and devastation on the inhabitants of the Golden Wood. The twins looked at each other and burst into wide, mischievous grins - grins that would have had their father turning out every available warrior in Imladris to watch their every movement. They were going to have such fun they thought.

Generally, by their very existence, the sons of Elrond tested the calm and patience of the young Marchwarden. It did not take much to send him over the edge. The first such incident occurred the very next day. The three young elves were practicing their archery skills. Haldir was very proud of his skills and smirked as the twins made shots that did not match his own in accuracy. Elladan and Elrohir were getting very tired of the smirks and condescending comments made by the haughty elf.

Haldir went to collect his spent arrows and was just pulling one from the 'bullseye' of the target in front of him when an arrow whizzed by over his head. Shocked and annoyed at first but then amused that the arrow was nowhere near the target, he continued to remove his arrows, turning slightly to smirk yet again at the twins. He had but a moment to register that the twins were sporting smirks of their own when he found himself covered suddenly in a foul smelling white liquid. It took a moment to register what covered him from head to toe. Whichever of the twins had fired the shot, severed the rope that was holding a skin filled with cream that had been hung in the tree to sour naturally for subsequent use in a variety of elven dishes.

One look at the almost feral glint in the Marchwarden's expression convinced the twins that they should remove themselves from sight… and with much haste. Haldir counted to five hundred as he went to remove the foul smelling white liquid from his hair, ears, face, tunic, leggings, underthings, boots…

Whilst the first incident caused a crack in the wall of the dam, the second incident was to precipitate it's bursting.

Clean, dry but in an extremely foul mood, Haldir found the two young demons running in the opposite direction having seen him coming. Pride having been assaulted mightily and temper boiling over, Haldir gave chase. Sensing a trap as he weaved past a tree the young warrior managed to throw himself sideways, just in time to dodge a missile that then burst on contact with the tree, spilling its contents over the forest floor. A burst of very powerful smelling floral perfume assaulted Haldir's sensitive elven nose.

Before the twin still holding a skin filled with perfume could launch the missile Haldir sprang to his feet, lunged and grabbed the young elf managing to wrestle the perfume-filled skin from him. Elrohir, the twin in question, turned and bolted. Fuming, Haldir threw the skin at the young elf just in time to see the goblin dodge around… Lord Celeborn. The missile hit the elven Lord in the centre of his chest and burst spilling its contents all over the elder elf.

Haldir, eyes wide, stood frozen as did the twins who looked like identical startled rabbits peeping around a tree.

Taking a very deep, calming breath the Lord of the Golden Wood turned around and began to climb the stairs back to his talan.

"Come," he commanded in a quiet voice, one that no elf would dare disobey.

After removing what he could of the intensely powerful floral perfume, Celeborn retuned from the bedchamber to the centre part of the talan. All three young ones were where he had left them, each in a corner. After hearing the explanations, the elven Lord decided on the punishment. Taking a wooden paddle from the top drawer of an ornate wood cabinet that stood against the east wall, Celeborn walked over to a desk that was situated to the side of the room near the west wall. Deciding that it would be unfair to punish either twin first, the elven Lord decided to punish them together and called them over to him.

Gulping as they turned around, the twins cringed as they saw the paddle their grandfather was holding.

"Come, elflings," Celeborn sighed quietly. "I would like to see you two get through just one visit to Lórien without the need for disciplinary measures," the elven Lord continued as he waved the twins towards the desk.

Both twins walked to their grandfather from different corners, pulled down their leggings and lowered themselves over the desk side-by-side.

Although gentle by nature, Celeborn was known for being very strict in terms of discipline. The elven Lord wasted no time in starting the chastisement as he methodically paddled each of his grandson's buttocks alternately. It was not long before both twins were promising anything they could think of in the hope of stopping the punishing whacks to their rear-ends. After a few more whacks to their 'sit spots', Lord Celeborn stopped the punishment and rubbed each back in gentle circles. When they had calmed enough, he turned them around and hugged them both tightly. After several long moments Celeborn instructed his grandsons to go into his bedchamber. The twins both pulled up their leggings, eliciting identical sounding hisses and did as their grandfather asked.

The elven Lord moved the tall backed chair from its place at the desk and moved it into the centre of the room and sat down upon its cushioned seat.

"Haldir," Celeborn said as he sniffed at the still very powerful smell of perfume that seemed to have soaked into his very skin.

The young Marchwarden stiffened, turned around, walked over the elder elf and stood at attention.

"The twins have been punished for their culpability in this matter. What is yours, pen-neth?" Celeborn asked as he studied his young ward.

"Pride. Not being understanding of their lack of archery skills," Haldir replied in a serious and proud manner.

"Well, whichever let loose the arrow that cut the rope securing the skin to the tree, displayed admirable skill," Celeborn retorted with humour. "We have been through this before pen-neth and I forsee we will again," Celeborn added, his expression turning very serious as he gestured towards his lap.

Haldir responded to the unspoken command, pushing down his leggings and lowering himself over the elder elf's knees.

Disappointed that Haldir did not truly see his culpability and smelling another powerful wave of perfume assault his sensitive elven senses, Celeborn let loose with a mighty whack of the paddle to the young Marchwarden's behind.

"Owwwww!!!!" Haldir yelped as he began to understand how angry Lord Celeborn was at his behaviour. The elven Lord continued to land stinging whack after stinging whack. Proud as always, the young Marchwarden tried to take the punishment stoically after his initial outburst. Pride gave way eventually as the paddling continued at a fast and furious pace. Soon Haldir was wimpering, then sobbing and finally howling as the relentless paddling continued.

"I am sorry…please…stop…sorry," the young elf sobbed out contritely between gasps for breath.

Finally taking pity on the young one, Celeborn stopped the punishment and offered what comfort he could to his young ward. The elven Lord smiled at how his proud elfling always sought hugs after being well chastised - hugs that he was always willing to provide.

By the end of the story, Legolas, Faramir and both twins were laughing merrily.

"Haldir fell into a deep slumber that night and we were able to see the damage that grandfather had inflicted. His arse was about as colourful as yours is at present, Faramir," Elrohir concluded the story his brother had begun.

"Thank you for the reminder, my friend," Faramir admonished gently as he winced as yet another flare of pain was felt.

Thranduil arrived back and the three younger elves departed, smiling down at Faramir as they did so. The elven King sat down beside his human son, wincing slightly as he did so.

"Ada!" Faramir exclaimed quietly. "Are you alright?"

"Yes…yes…nothing is wrong, ion-nin," Thranduil replied as he smiled down at his son.

The young Steward of Gondor's eyes widened as he considered the possibilities but wisely kept his thoughts to himself.

Part 11

Faramir continued to recuperate over the next three days. No more orcs were seen, however Thranduil decided that the company would ride further northeast on the morrow to see if more signs of orc movement could be detected. On the night of the third day, Thranduil was brought back from his reverie abruptly by the sound of his human son rising from his bedding and walking away. The elven King jumped up gracefully and followed Faramir as the young Steward walked straight towards the outcropping in the distance. Maglor, also brought back from his reverie by the sounds of movement, caught up with Thranduil and both followed the young human as he walked resolutely.

"He still sleeps," Thranduil whispered as looked askance at his Seneschal as they walked with Faramir.

"I assume this is not a recent aberration on the young one's part?" Maglor whispered as he looked at Faramir with concern. "How did he survive at Amon Hen with its treacherous drops and water-filled pools with sharp rocks?"

Both elves moved past the young Steward and stopped just short of the edge of the outcropping so they could stop Faramir if he wandered too close. As if knowing where the edge lay, Faramir stopped and 'looked' out across the hills to the southwest.

"What do you see Faramir?" Thranduil asked in a soft voice so as not to startle or wake his son.

"Feel…do you not feel it? Faramir responded in a distant voice as he held his right arm stretched out in front of him, moving his hand as if touching something physical.

"Feel what, ion-nin?" the Elven King asked, feeling the hairs on the back of his neck rise.

"Evil," the young Steward replied in a soft moan, swaying slightly.

Thranduil and Maglor shared a look of concern and bewilderment.

"What evil can you feel, pen-neth?" Thranduil questioned, looking in the same direction as his son.

"Sar…u…maaannn," Faramir drawled in a deep, hoarse whisper. "He is seeking an object of power…it calls to me…it is frightened for Middle Earth…it cannot fall into the hands of the evil wizard," Faramir whispered in ever growing distress. "I come!" the young Steward shouted.

The shout turned into a scream of pain as Faramir clasped his head with his hands and collapsed. He would have fallen heavily to the ground had Thranduil not lunged forward catching his son. The elven King lifted him gently and turned around to go back to the campsite. Legolas and the twins ran towards him.

"Ada, what happened?" Legolas asked concerned by his brother's paleness that his keen elven sight could discern even in the moonlight.

"He has had a vision, my elfling…an evil one," Thranduil replied as he walked quickly back to the campsite. On reaching the camp, the elven King put his human son back abed and sat vigil until morn.

Faramir came to consciousness slowly. His head felt thick and he felt a familiar pounding behind his eyes. 'Oh why, why, why, why, why do I drink', was the first conscious thought the young Steward of Gondor had upon awakening. 'I do not remember drinking', was the second conscious but perplexed thought of the morning. 'Oh crap…a vision', was the third thought as he moaned at the injustice of it all.

"Are you alright tithen-pen?" Thranduil asked as he brushed hair back from his human son's face. The young Steward looked around him blearily still attempting to order his thoughts. He could see Maglor in the distance squatting down by the campfire and Legolas and the twins walking towards him. He assumed that Finrod was still on watch.

"Except for the pounding in my head mimicking a hangover and that had without at least the pleasure of getting drunk," Faramir answered in a beleaguered, war-weary tone. "It is Middle Earth that may not be alright. I cannot believe that Saruman is gathering orcs yet again!"

"You have had visions before?" the Elven King asked gently as Legolas and the twins squatted down beside the young human.

"Yes. Same as the old Steward; yet another reason for him to have felt uncomfortable about me. I 'saw' too much and he thought me a threat," Faramir replied around a yawn with a mixture of bitterness and sadness.

"Where do you think Saruman is gathering the orcs, ion-nin?" Thranduil continued his questioning.

"I am not certain, ada but I got a vague sense of Minas Morgul," the young Steward replied in a distant voice, wincing from the pounding in his head.

"You mentioned an object of power last evening whilst you were…" the Elven King began.

"Sleep wandering again was I?" Faramir groaned with a shake of his head, then moaned at the pain the gentle shaking caused in his head. "I have not had a vision since the Ring of Power was destroyed. I thought the benighted 'gift' gone from me."

"Maglor wondered how you managed to steer clear of the deadly obstacles at Amon Hen," Thranduil said as he continued to stroke his son's hair.

Faramir blushed spectacularly. Thranduil raised an eyebrow in question and looked at his human son intently. After several long moments under the intense scrutiny, the young Steward relented.

"Boromir found me once sleep-wandering close to the edge of a drop into the forbidden Pool. He left a decree that I was to be secured to the wall of my sleeping quarters when-ere I slept there. I tried to argue with him that I had managed not to fall in as yet and was confident that I could continue to do so but he would not listen," Faramir related, annoyance at the indignity of the situation sounding clearly in his tone.

"So you were secured by…?" Thranduil prompted with a twinkle of amusement.

"A rope tied to my ankle," the young Steward of Gondor responded, glaring at the smirking elves daring any of them to laugh and then wincing again as the pounding in his head grew worse.

A goblet appeared before King Thranduil. Faramir moaned.

"Not another sleeping draught, Maglor, I only just now woke," the young Steward whined.

"No, young one, just something for the ache in your head," Maglor chuckled as Thranduil assisted his son to sit. Faramir sniffed the brew and wrinkled his nose.

"Nothing that smells this bad can be at all good for one," Faramir whined again.

"Drink up, ion-nin. For I can assure you that you do not want Maglor annoyed with you. Trust me on this," Thranduil said with a wry smile.

With more dark looks at the Seneschal, Faramir drank the brew and sighed in relief a short while later as the brew took effect.

Later that morning, the company of elves and human mounted their horses and made for Minas Morgul. Just over a day's hard travelling found the company within a short distance of the ruins of the old stronghold. Faramir, Legolas and the twins scouted ahead moving along a high ridge that overlooked the pass in which Minas Morgul was situated. What they saw made their hearts sink for orcs were indeed gathering, hundreds of them, the wretched creatures looking starved and desperate. The trio made their way back to where Thranduil, Maglor and Finrod had stayed with the horses.

Thranduil instructed Finrod to ride to Minas Tirith to warn Estel and advise him to muster his army and rendezvous a few miles back at a unique rock formation. Finrod nodded once in agreement, ran to his horse mounting quickly and rode for the White City. The others hid their horses and made camp in a cave that Legolas discovered a short distance away. The cave afforded the company a view of the gathering orcs below.

When settling down for the night, Maglor looked at his young charge in a musing manner and then disappeared abruptly only to reappear with a length of elven rope.

"I absolutely, positively, let there be no mistake about this, refuse to submit to being tied down like some errant dog!" Faramir exclaimed upon seeing the rope. "That is a low blow, elf," the young Steward continued in a deeper, darker tone, glaring at Maglor as the elf produced 'Faramir's Bane' as if from thin air.

For the next two days and nights they watched the ever-growing number of orcs below and waited for sign of Aragorn.

Legolas, and the twins and Thranduil, Faramir and Maglor alternately made forays out to where the orcs were gathering to check on orc movements and to gather intelligence. On one such foray, Faramir, Thranduil and Maglor fanned out to see if they could catch sight of Saruman. The young Ithilien ranger's stomach fell into the depths when he realised the orcs were alerted to his ada's position. Having just enough thought left to realise that his arse was toast…if he survived, Faramir threw a rock in the opposite direction but in doing so gave away his own position.

Before the young ranger knew it, orcs were swarming over him and wrestled him to the ground. Strangely though thought Faramir, they did not kill him but pulled his arms roughly behind his back, tied his hands and relieved him of all his weaponry. Pulling him to his feet, a large Uruk-hai propelled the young ranger forward. In the trees to the right, Thranduil was beside himself with near panic as he watched his human son at first covered in orcs and then, hands bound, shoved towards the ruins of the stronghold. Maglor had to restrain the elven King from going after his son.

From their vantage point above the pass, Legolas and the twins saw the incident with ever growing horror and clambered down to the pass below. There they met with Maglor who was all but dragging the distressed elven King back away from the orcs.

"We have to plan how we are going to get our young one back," Maglor, ever the voice of reason, said as a visibly distressed Legolas moved to the other side of his father and helped Maglor guide the King to the camp.

Faramir was pushed through the doorway of a stone structure so hard that he fell to his knees and just managed to stay from falling onto his face. Gathering his breath, the young ranger looked up and was greeted by Saruman.

"If it is not Gandalf's pupil," came the smooth greeting from Saruman. "I have been expecting you wizardling."

"I am so pleased not to have disappointed you," Faramir retorted in a calm, even tone that he certainly did not feel, as he rose to his feet and inclined his head forward in a small bow.

Saruman laughed suddenly but just as quickly his expression turned dark.

"Show yourself," the evil wizard said in a smooth and commanding tone, as he looked around, "show yourself or this young one dies!"

"I have heard it said that talking to oneself is the third sign of madness," Faramir said in a conversational tone as he struggled to remove a small knife from his leather wrist protector. "Have you suffered the other two signs in order or…"

A punch to his back by the Uruk-hai sent the air from the young ranger and sent him back down onto his knees.

"Show yourself!" Saruman shouted as the Uruk-hai grabbed a fist full of Faramir's hair and pulled his head back, putting a nasty looking sword to the young human's neck. "Ahhh, there you are," Saruman said in a silky voice as he moved to one of the stones in the wall of the structure.

Feeling the grip of the Uruk-hai loosen as Saruman pulled the stone from the wall and reached into take hold of its contents, Faramir cut his bond and bounded out of the Uruk-hai loosened grip and ran past Saruman grabbing the object from the wizard's hand as he did so. The object turned out to be a ring that, in the middle of the melee, slipped onto the ring finger of the young ranger's left hand. Saruman let out a bellow of rage as Faramir ran for his life.

Just as the young ranger ran out of the stone structure all hell seemed to break loose. Yells, shouts and sounds of fighting could be heard. It took but a moment for Faramir to realise that the King had arrived even as he kept running pursued by the Uruk-hai. Without any weapons, except for the small knife that he still clutched, ranger instincts sent the young Steward looking for higher ground. Clambering onto a wall of the ruin, Faramir continued to climb as quickly as he could still followed closely by the Uruk-hai.

The Steward heard a grunt from below and turned just in time to see three elven arrows protruding from the creature that proceeded to fall to the ground dead. Faramir sighed and sat down upon the stone on which he had been standing. Looking down he could see that the fight was all but over and that his father, Elessar and Maglor all had surprisingly similar looks of anger on their faces. Legolas just looked at him shaking his head.

"Ion-nin, will you not come down?" Thranduil asked in a deceptively calm voice but one that did not fool Faramir one wit.

"No." the young Steward replied.

"Why not, ion-nin," the elven King asked in the same calm tone, one that made Legolas wince.

"I have decided that I quite like it here," Faramir answered. "I may even move here permanently. It does not look so bad from a certain angle," he added as he looked up and around.

"Please come down ion-nin," Thranduil said in a calm, soothing voice, this time making Aragorn wince.

"No. I know what is going to happen if I do and it is not fair," Faramir replied petulantly, eliciting chuckles from the elves and humans gathered below.

Legolas chuckled, remembering a similar conversation he had had with Gandalf whilst ensconced in a tree.

Losing patience, which was in short supply to begin with, Thranduil jumped up onto the wall and quickly clambered to where his human son was sitting.

"Bloody elves!" Faramir muttered as his father sat down beside him. "Oh ada, I am so sorry. I was so scared for you," the young Steward sobbed out in a harsh whisper as he threw his arms around his father's neck and buried his face in the elf's shoulder.

"As was I for you ion-nin," Thranduil replied as he returned Faramir's hug, to reassure himself that his human son was indeed alive and safe - well from the orcs anyway, he amended as he alternated between feeling relief and anger.

Part 12

After several long moments Thranduil broke the embrace to look at his human son.

"How fare you, ion-nin?" the elven King asked looking at his son intently.

"I am fine, ada," Faramir replied, looking down at his hands. It was then that he saw the ring on the finger of his right hand. The ring appeared to be made of Mithral with a blue stone of crystal clarity at its centre and delicate scrollwork in the metal around the stone, continuing around the ring. The young Ithilien ranger tried to remove the ring but it would not budge. Looking from the ring to his father and back to the ring again he was just starting to feel panic over the situation when…

"Faramir Thranduilion you rapscallion! Get down here this instant!" a familiar voice bellowed from down below.

"Mithrandir!" the Steward of Gondor squeaked and then cleared his throat in an attempt to dislodge the mouse that seemed to have taken up residence there. "To what do I owe the pleasure?" Faramir asked as he continued to tug furiously at the ring trying to remove it but without success as he looked down at Gandalf who was standing between Aragorn and Legolas, glaring up at him.

"Aragorn and I were attempting to keep you out of harm's way. But with your usual skill, you ran headlong into it anyway," Gandalf replied in a gruff tone as he continued to glare at his young pupil. Legolas chuckled earning a glare from his human brother. "Saruman could have killed you boy!"

"Speaking of Saruman. Where is he?" Faramir asked as he tried to screw the ring off his finger, almost breaking it, his finger that is, in the attempt. "And how did you and King Elessar get here so quickly? Finrod has been gone but a little beyond two days."

"Saruman escaped unfortunately, as did some of the Uruk-hai and orcs," Gandalf replied annoyed.

"And I had a dream in which I saw you surrounded by orcs. I knew it to be a vision for I knew that my Steward was incapable of staying out of trouble," Aragorn said as he too glared up at his young Steward. Faramir winced at his King's glare but was somewhat distracted by the growing pain in his finger caused by his continuing attempts to remove the ring. "The army had been mustered by the time Finrod arrived with news of Saruman. We arrived here just in time!"

"For which I am very thankful Estel." King Thranduil said sincerely, emotion clear in the timbre of his voice. "Otherwise I and Legolas might have lost him."

Faramir ducked his head, blushing furiously as he tried to wrench the ring from his now extremely sore finger.

"You can stop trying to remove the ring, young one," Gandalf said in a stern voice softened by a twinkle in his eye. "It will not come off. You well and truly belong to it now. And now that it has found you, it will not let you go." Faramir froze, his eyes widened in growing shock. "Now get you down from there!"

Thranduil assisted his stunned son down from the wall and back onto solid ground. Faramir looked at the stern faces of his father, Elessar, Mithrandir and Maglor and sidled past them to stand on the other side of Legolas who was also facing them. Once past Legolas, with ranger flight instincts, if not mind, fully engaged, Faramir was off and running hoping desperately to reach the horses he saw tethered a few hundred yards away before being caught. The young ranger would have succeeded too if it had not been for Finrod who cut off the panicked human before he could mount a horse.

"I would not do that if I were you pen-neth," Finrod advised in a quiet and serious tone but with what Faramir had termed a Mirkwood glint of humour in the elf's eyes. "You are in enough trouble as it is without adding to your considerable tally thus far."

Taking a deep breath, Faramir turned around only to see two angry Kings and a Wizard bearing down on him. Backing up the young Steward bumped into Finrod behind him. The elf put supporting hands on the young human's shoulder. Faramir, head bowed, wrapped his arms around himself in a defensive gesture that Thranduil recognised immediately. The elven King extended and arm out to each side, stopping Aragorn and Gandalf. The elf approached Faramir slowly and enfolded his distressed son gently into a comforting hug.

"I am sorry, ada," Faramir whispered as Legolas came up beside him to offer his brother some much-needed support.

"It is alright, ion-nin," the elven King crooned in a soft voice. "You have been through much today, tithen-pen. Come, we will take this one step at a time," Thranduil said as he and Legolas guided Faramir away from the ruins and up to the cave where they had camped the previous nights.

Faramir sat down upon a rock just outside the cave in which they had slept. Legolas sat down beside him put a comforting arm around his brother's shoulder. Thranduil went to find some water as he saw that Faramir was still suffering shock from the day's events. Aragorn, who had followed the two elves and human, approached his Steward slowly, crouched down in front him and held Faramir's hands in his own.

"What am I going to do with you, my Steward?" Aragorn asked softly as he looked at the young man whom he had come to rely on and care for so deeply. "Boromir warned me that you attracted trouble like dwarves to an ale barrel, but I thought he exaggerated. I now realise he was the master of understatement," the King related, gaining a tremulous smile from Faramir and a chuckle from Legolas.

"Ever it has been with him Aragorn," Gandalf chuckled as he walked up to stand beside where Aragorn crouched in front of Faramir. "How he has managed to see out so many years it quite beyond me, and now this!" the Wizard exclaimed as he looked at the ring on his pupil's hand, which Aragorn still held in his own.

"What is this ring Mithrandir?" Faramir asked, as Elessar released his hands so that the Steward could accept the water offered to him by his father as he sat down beside his human son.

"That you will find out in the fullness of time, young one," Gandalf replied in a tone that discouraged further questions.

As always, Faramir ignored his mentor's quelling tone.

"I felt its power in my vision but feel naught from it now. Is it a ring of power?" Faramir asked as he looked from the ring to his old mentor.

"If you mean is it one of the rings forged by the Dark Lord, no. This one is much, much older," Gandalf replied enigmatically.

"Why me? I sense no evil in it but what does it want of me?" Faramir asked, frustration growing at his mentor's evasive answers.

"That you will learn in the fullness of time," Gandalf replied yet again.

"Mithrandir!" the young Steward whined. "I *hate* it when you do that! One time you fobbed me off with that particular platitude it took me twenty frustrating years to discover the answer I sought!" Faramir added with growing annoyance, "only to realise there was no reason you could not have told me when I first asked!"

"I would rein in that temper of yours, my young pupil. You were not supposed to come into contact with that ring for many, many years. Answers will come in their own time and you have current issues that must needs be addressed," Gandalf said alluding to Faramir's current predicament.

Faramir paled and winced as the Wizard's words brought his situation, soon to be painful situation, to the fore of his bemused and confused mind. Legolas' arm tightened around his brother's shoulders as he felt Faramir tense.

"We can deal with this now or later, ion-nin." Thranduil said quietly as he looked askance at his son. "The choice is yours."

"Oh, what a wonderful choi…" Faramir's surly response began only to be muffled as Legolas' eyes widened and he clamped a hand over his brother's mouth, eliciting chuckles and shaking heads from elves, human and Wizard.

"Now, ion-nin?" Thranduil asked as he looked at the mutinous look in his human son's eyes.

As Legolas' hand was still clamped over his mouth, Faramir, sighing in defeat, could only *nod* his response in the affirmative.

"Follow me, ion-nin," Thranduil said as he, stood, turned and walked into the forest beyond. "Estel, Mithrandir, if you will?"

Legolas released his brother's mouth and gave the despondent young human a hug and a pat on the knee and sent his on his way. The young Prince watched his brother disappear into the forest following the two Kings and Wizard.

Maglor sat down beside Legolas both sharing a wry, long-suffering look.

"You were and remain a challenge, pen-neth but I have the distinct feeling that that one will surpass even you," Maglor admitted ruefully as he smiled at Legolas. "And I believe it will take all of our effort to keep our young one from wandering off the path."

"And in the land of the living now that he possesses a ring that is coveted by Saruman," Legolas said as he wondered about the ring and what effect it will have on his brother.

In the forest beyond Faramir sat upon a rock that looked not unlike a bench, before the two Kings and the Wizard, as Thranduil explained his son's previous encounter with orcs, in great detail, far too much detail in Faramir's opinion. By the time the story was finished, Aragorn was flushed with anger and pacing, neither an encouraging sign the young Steward thought. The King of Gondor was both frightened and angry over the hair-raising stunt Faramir had pulled in the gully and at the young Steward having received a poisoned arrow wound.

"So, by my reckoning my young Steward, you are owed one discipline session from your father, two from myself and what say you Gandalf, is this one owed one from you?" the King of Gondor asked as he looked not at the Wizard but glared at his pale, wincing Steward.

"Nay, not from me Aragorn. It is true that he has come upon the ring before his time," Gandalf said as he pinned his young pupil with an intense look that made Faramir's mouth go dry, "but he cannot go against his nature and it is I who encouraged his curiosity so am therefore somewhat to blame."

"He is your son, mellon-nin," Elessar said looking askance at Thranduil. "How say you? How should his punishment be metered out?"

Thranduil looked down upon his very nervous son.

"His punishment for causing such anguish at his previous encounter with the orcs was harsh indeed. Although he deserves to be paddled, thoroughly," Thranduil said as he gave his son an intense glare, causing Faramir to pale further, "I cannot in all good conscience allow it. But he should feel our displeasure at his continued actions and so I decree that he will receive a hand-spanking from both you and I tonight and a hand-spanking each night from you and I alternately, for the next four nights."

Faramir was about to protest the severity of his father's decree when he was pinned by the equally intense glares of his father, King Elessar and Gandalf. Teeth making an audible sound as his jaw snapped shut, Faramir chose the very wise course of remaining silent.

Thranduil held his hand out to his son and hauled him to his feet when Faramir took hold of his father's proffered hand. The elven King pulled his son into an embrace as Aragon sat down upon the rock where Faramir had been seated. Ending the hug the elven King turned his son around to face his King and moved back a few paces.

Sighing a tremulous sigh, Faramir loosened the ties of his leggings, pushed them down to his knees and leaned over Aragorn's lap. The King pulled his Steward's over tunic up to the young man's waist.

"What is this punishment for, young one?" the King asked. Faramir felt his temper rising and was doing his best to maintain control over his mouth. "I am waiting for an answer, my Steward," Aragorn added after several long moments, as he landed the first stinging whacks to his Steward's buttocks.

"For losing Denethor's love when I was but five, thus failing Boromir and robbing you of the better Steward of Gondor!" Faramir spat out and then gasped at the words that he had spoken, wondering where they had come from and why he had spoken them.

Aragorn growled as he landed blistering slaps to Faramir's posterior.

"Denethor *did* love you but was incapable of showing or expressing that love until the end. You did *not* fail Boromir and you *are* the better Steward of Gondor!" Aragorn all but bellowed emphasising each point with several searing whacks to Faramir's ever reddening buttocks. Both Thranduil and Gandalf were surprised that Aragorn was able to bellow. It was not something that the King of Gondor was prone to do.

"If I had not …lost… Denethor's love," Faramir spat out between gasps for breath and stinging blows to his posterior, "he would have…trusted me…to go to Rivendell…and Boromir…would not… have died. I… am… to… blame!" the young Steward wailed out between sobs. "Mithrandir… what… is… happening…"

"It is the ring Faramir," Gandalf explained as Aragorn continued to blister his young pupil, concentrating on his Steward's thighs. "You are saying what is in your heart but, through your own stubborn nature, remained unspoken except through your reckless actions. The ring understands that you must give these thoughts voice so that you can deal with them and move on with your life."

"I did… not… ask for this. It… is… not… fair," the young Steward wailed.

"No, young one. But it is necessary. Do not blame the ring for it knows the hurt in your heart and wants you to heal," Gandalf said with quiet compassion.

Aragorn stopped the chastisement, pulled up his Steward's leggings and gathered the sobbing young man into his arms.

"You were and are loved, my precious Steward," the King of Gondor crooned as he rocked Faramir, tears welling in his eyes. "You did not fail Boromir, Denethor did. Boromir would have agreed that you are the better choice for Steward. I will keep telling you until you believe me, which could be a long, long time as we both have the blood of Numenor coursing through our veins."

Thranduil, also with tears in his eyes, sat down beside Estel and took his son from the human King's arms. Sensing his ada, for he could distinguish little through the tears and sobbing, Faramir put his arms around his father's neck and sobbed into his father's shoulder.

"Oh, ion-nin, this has been an unpleasant day for you. I cannot bring myself to add to your distress. Consider the debt paid this evening, tithen-pen," Thranduil said as he continued to rock his distressed but no longer sobbing son.

"What… of… tomorrow night?" Faramir asked between hitched breaths, with perversely, a devious look in his teary eyes.

"That debt you will pay in full, ion-nin," the elven King chuckled, again marvelling at the resilience of the human spirit and his son.

"I am very tired ada," the young Steward sighed in a hoarse whisper as he relaxed into his father's arms.

"I have no doubt that you are, tithen-pen," Thranduil said as Gandalf leaned over Faramir placing his hand over his young pupil's face.

"Sleep," the Wizard commanded and Faramir fell instantly into a deep slumber.

"Thank you, mellon-nin," Thranduil said as he looked at his son's peaceful expression.

Gandalf inclined his head in acknowledgement of the elven King's thanks.

"You know the ring and what it heralds for our young charge?" Gandalf asked enigmatically.

"Yes I do, mellon-nin," Thranduil replied smiling from ear to ear, the familiar twinkle in his eye at full force. "You have lifted a great burden from my heart but I do not think this young one will think so. I predict that my son, when he realises, will throw a tantrum worthy of a son of Thranduil."

Gandalf chuckled whilst Aragorn looked perplexed.

"You will find out in the fullness of time," Gandalf admonished, seeing the myriad of questions that the King of Gondor wanted to ask, all but written in Aragorn's face. The King rolled his eyes and sighed for he knew that he would be able to get no further answers out of the Wizard. "But we all, especially my wizardling here, are in for some interesting times indeed."

Aragorn's eyes widened and his eyebrows went skywards at the Wizard's words.


On to Part 13




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