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"Frodo bowed low. 'I am answered,' he said, `and I place myself at your service, if that is of any worth to one so high and honourable."
[Frodo to Faramir, in: The Two Towers; The Forbidden Pool]



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Title: Need
Author: Sarah Eleven
Disclaimer: Not my characters, but I love them!
Pairing: Gandalf/Faramir

Thank you to Nefertiti for the muses!

printable version


Faramir had known the old wizard his whole life, but until this day had never looked upon him in any way but as a wise, grandfatherly figure. Denethor had been jealous of him, had accused Gandalf of stealing his younger son’s love, as if he had not enough love in his heart for both a father and a grandfather!

But Denethor had shunned him, and though the young man had yearned for his father’s love and approval, he had never received it. Now that the ruling steward was dead and the station had come to Faramir, he found himself in great need of direction and affection.

His dead brother Boromir had loved him, but none other had ever touched his heart. After Denethor’s death, Faramir found his great need driving him to search for love, and at first, he thought the Lady Éowyn would be a comfort to him. But Éowyn accompanied her brother back to Rohan and did not return, so Faramir was left alone.

Gandalf found him on the balcony outside his bedroom in the castle one day, gazing out over the reconstruction of the nearly ruined city of Minas Tirith. The old wizard laid a hand upon his shoulder, offered him an easy smile, and Faramir slid comfortably beneath his arm into a companionable embrace.

“What is wrong, Faramir?” Gandalf asked as he stroked the young steward’s sandy-colored hair.

“I am lost,” Faramir answered, twisting in the wizard’s arms to press his face against the solid shoulder.

“No, Faramir, you are not lost,” Gandalf assured him. “You are merely misdirected.”

The younger man calmed at the comfort as Gandalf’s strong hand caressed his back. “I love you, Mithrandir,” he whispered.

The old wizard hugged him more tightly. With a heavy sigh, he answered softly, “And I love you, my Faramir.”

“Do you remember that day long ago when you held me on your lap and consoled me when I had been disciplined? Do you remember what you told me that day?”

Gandalf’s eyes clouded in memory. “Of course I remember. It was not so long ago to me. I told you I would always be there for you when you needed me.”

“I need you now,” Faramir said, his voice breaking.

Gandalf’s hand cupped the back of his head. “And I am here,”

As Faramir drew back slightly, two sets of tear-filled blue eyes met and held for the space of twenty seconds before the young steward closed the distance between their lips and kissed the wizard. Gandalf’s surprise hindered his reaction, but he did not pull away. His mind processed quickly and came to the conclusion that the deed was acceptable. Once that had been settled, he pulled Faramir closer and deepened the kiss.

When their eyes met again, the younger man was breathless. “Will you be with me tonight, Mithrandir?”

Gandalf kissed him again before his measured reply. “I will stay with you and hold you tonight, but being with you is quite another matter. I choose not to take advantage of your desperation until you are certain of your heart. Love and sex are two completely different things, you know.”

With an acquiescent nod, Faramir took his hand and led him to his bedroom. Being held in Gandalf’s arms this night was a good beginning.



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