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"I know you well. Ever your desire is to appear lordly and generous as a king of old, gracious, gentle. That may well befit one of high race, if he sits in power and peace. But in desperate hours gentleness may be repaid with death."
[Denethor to Faramir, in: Return of the King; The Siege of Gondor]



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Title: The Cure
Author: Minx
Pairing: Faramir/Aragorn
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: LOTR and all its characters belong to Tolkien
Feedback: would love it -
Archiving: Drop me a line before you do
Warnings: Slash
Summary: An extra dosage of a fever cure has side effects that were completely unforeseen. General angst, PWP

printable version


Chapter 1

Aragorn stood at the window of the room and watched the city of Minas Tirith spread out before him. The faint sounds of someone stirring made him turn towards the bed. He moved towards it and sat by the reposing figure, smiling quietly into the grey eyes of his Steward.

“How do you feel now?” he asked tenderly, pushing a sweat-dampened lock of hair off the clammy forehead.

“Better,” came the scratchy reply.

“Liar,” Aragorn muttered but his features softened as Faramir sighed and curled up on his side facing the King, “Poor thing,” he murmured gently, as he stroked a wan cheek, “You shall feel much, much better soon. I promise.”

Faramir simply grasped his hand in response, but the grip was weaker than Aragorn had ever known it to be.

“You must drink that brew the healers have sent over. It contains herbs meant for such fevers.”

His patient promptly made a face, “It tastes terrible,” he said unhappily.

“If you do not, I shall write to Éowyn in Rohan and tell her you are ill. She shall return immediately, and all our plans for this week shall be disrupted.”

“They have already been disrupted,” came an almost bitter reply, “Because of my stupidity!”

“Hush!” Aragorn scolded gently, and then stroked the distressed face gently, “ There is no stupidity in falling ill, love. It could happen to anyone. Our plans can always be adhered to another time. For now, I merely wish to see you recover soon. You had us very worried, my sweet.”

Faramir gave him a remorseful look, and the dark lashes dropped. Aragorn sighed softly and bent down to kiss him lightly on his cheek.

He had to use up every ounce of self-control to stop there. It had not taken him long to realise that Faramir in a fevered state could present a very arousing picture. Even now, when he was recovering rapidly from his illness, one look at him was enough to stir up a familiar feeling in his groin. The dark hair was strewn wildly, and stray strands stuck to his damp brow. His face was flushed, and Aragorn could not help but notice that the hue went all the way down to his neck. The heat had forced the steward to leave his shirt half open, and it now lay askew over his squirming body, exposing a glistening shoulder and chest as flushed as his face.

Aragorn had not even realised the younger man had been ill, when he had arrived in Minas Tirith a week ago. Éowyn had left for Rohan with Arwen for company leaving the two men to ostensibly discuss matters of state. Faramir had dismissed his ailment as a light cold and paid no attention to his aching throat or the slight headache he felt. They had gone out hunting and been caught in the rain which only served to aggravate the condition. It was not until Aragorn had reached the Steward’s house later that night, that he had realised Faramir was ill. He had found the younger man leaning against a wall in a near faint, and had just managed to catch him in his arms as he had collapsed. The healers had been called in and they in turn had diagnosed it as the new strain of fever that had broken out in some parts of Gondor.

Aragorn had sat by his bedside and watched the ministrations, until he had been asked to leave. He left but then found to his dismay that he was to be kept away from Faramir for they could not have the king of Gondor falling ill. He had protested vehemently, silencing himself only when he was told Faramir wished him to stay away from the houses of healing too.

He had fretted and fumed but to no avail. All that night he lay awake, wondering how Faramir was feeling, for when he had last seen him, his steward had been writhing uncomfortably between the sheets in the healing room. His eyes had been dazed and the king was not even sure if he had heard him speak to him.

The fever being a new strain, they were still developing the antidote for it. Unfortunately Faramir was one of very few whom it seemed to affect very badly. And he was hit the most. His condition had only worsened the first few days and Aragorn had had a hard time controlling his emotions, when he was allowed to see him. It hurt him tremendously to think that the young man was suffering, and on one particular night when the healers had been excessively worried, he had feared greatly that he would lose one who had come to mean so much to him in so short a span of time.

He had insisted on being allowed to hold him and had sat by the writhing, delirious figure, clutching the thinned wrist and stroking the fevered brow for hours. In his heart, he decided that that had helped. For, the younger man’s health had improved and now, some days later, the healers had acceded to his request to move back to his room in the citadel, for the healing houses were a little crowded, and Faramir chaffed to be there.

A knock on the door interrupted them as a servant came in with some food for Faramir, a bowl of steaming broth that made the patient groan.

“I’m not hungry,” he said irritably.

Aragorn took the bowl and dismissed the servant before turning to his Steward, “Of course you are. You have barely eaten anything ever since you were ill. And you know this is all you are able to have yet. Sit up now.”

He placed the bowl on a table and gently tugged the reluctant man up. Helping Faramir sit up against the pillows, he dipped a small wooden spoon into it and held it up to the steward’s mouth.

“Eat now.”

Faramir simply groaned again and tried to swat Aragorn’s hand away weakly, but was ultimately forced to slowly ingest the broth, spoonful by spoonful. Aragorn held the spoon up to his mouth, each time gazing at the pale lips for a second longer than normal. He longed to simply crush them with a bruising kiss, to feel the younger man’s mouth melt under the force of his passion. Once again, he was made painfully aware of how entrancing Faramir’s body seemed in the flush of fever. Even the warmth of his skin affected Aragorn as their hands brushed.

“Not hungry,” Faramir tried to murmur after a while.

“There’s hardly any left - just a few drops,” Aragorn coaxed, as he held the spoon up.

When it was over, he picked up a wet towel and helped him clean up. Wiping it over the neatly sculpted mouth he let his fingers rest briefly upon the lips. He wrapped an arm around the slumped shoulders and hugged him gently, before bestowing a tiny kiss on the worn forehead, wishing he could make that kiss more forceful, and simply push him down and make love to him.

Faramir sighed in response, a soft little sound that Aragorn was by now used to. That Faramir loved him, he knew. He had said it often, and he said it again now.

Faramir had accepted him as king with an ease that had never failed to amaze Aragorn. The more he had got to know the younger man, the more fond he had become of his quiet natured yet brave and honourable Steward. When the mutual fondness and respect turned to love, he could not say, but it had seemed inevitable. Ever since they had first shared their bed, the love had only grown. It was not a matter they could speak of to anyone for the world of Men would frown upon it, as they were both married. But they loved each other and that was all that mattered.

And that Faramir needed him, he had guessed without being told. But now, in his delirium, Faramir had said much that he would have normally left unspoken. And what Aragorn had guessed had been confirmed. Among those he had cried out for, were the expected ones – his father and brother - both lost during the war of the ring; an experience that had left the Steward more scarred than he cared to admit. But an equally frequent call had gone out for Aragorn.

Faramir curled into his embrace now and shivered a little forcing him to tighten his hold. He slipped an arm around his waist, and at the last moment stopped himself from snaking it any further down.

“You had me so worried,” he said softly as he stroked the limp, dark hair.

“Forgive me,” came the remorseful reply.

“Nay, ‘tis my fault for not noticing you ailed earlier. I was trained in healing after all.”

“No! It is not your fault. You could never do wrong!” the force behind the words startled him as much as the words did.

“You cannot say that,” he said lightly, “Everyone makes mistakes.”

“No,” came the insistent response, “You can do no wrong. You are always good, and kind and just and –,” he broke off suddenly, wearily before whispering, “You do so much for everyone. You did so much for me. The second son of the steward, that is all I was. You made me a prince, though I deserve no such title, and you sit here now and care for me when you should be resting.”

“Hush. You will tire yourself out, if you speak so much,” Aragorn said, his mind still reeling from the words he had heard, “And you are wrong. You deserve your princedom for I know how much you love Ithilien. And you are the Steward now. All that I do for you earned it. And I sit here and care for you, and will do so as long as needed for you deserve that too. I love you much, my Prince, and you must never forget that!”

Grey eyes stared back at him apprehensively, “I am fortunate that you choose to do so.”

Aragorn sighed. Everything that he had normally seen in Faramir’s eyes or read in his actions now seemed to be coming out in words, “That is the fever speaking, love,” he said quietly, “You know I love you and I know you return the feeling. I do not care why I do so, but if you must know, be assured it is because you deserve it. I cannot think that anyone would not love you. But I love you more than anyone else could, and you must never forget that!”

Faramir opened his mouth again but the weariness written across his features did not escape Aragorn's eye. He gently let go of the tired man and nudged him down gently, “Rest now, dear one, and when you wake up, let us not speak of such silly matters.”

Faramir bit back his words and lay down as commanded, but his eyes were still clouded.

“You are ill still,” Aragorn insisted softly, “and you tire yourself out by saying such things. Banish these silly notions from your mind, and do not trouble yourself so, I beg of you, my love. ‘Tis I who should wonder what you see in one so old as I!”

That had the effect opposite of what he desired. Faramir shot up immediately, “I do love you,” he said beseechingly, “I would do anything you ask of me.”

“I know,” he stated soothingly, trying to push Faramir down again, “Lie down now.”

And he did know. He had always been deferred to in their relationship. They met when he wanted to; they made love when he wanted to, and where he wanted to, and, as he wanted to. He would have thought Faramir had no real heartfelt interest in the matter if he had not seen the adoration in his eyes or heard the love in his voice. He had inferred enough to realise that while his Steward could be forceful and decisive in matters of state and put his point across in the council, or in any matter of the mind, when it came to affairs of the heart, he would never take the lead.

They spoke of it just once. He had asked Faramir what he wanted to do, and was told they would do as the King pleased. A suggestion that for once he would like to do what Faramir desired was met with confusion and bewilderment.

“But I desire only to please you, Aragorn,” he had said in a sincere but puzzled tone.

He was scared of losing anyone who loved him, Aragorn had realised. It had struck him very forcefully that deep inside Faramir did not have the belief that he would love him forever. It seemed similar in case of Éowyn. It hurt him but there was little he could do. Faramir himself seemed not to have realised that so he could say little. And that he felt that way was understandable. It stemmed from being the less favoured son of a stern father, who had had no words of love to give to Faramir until too late.

He picked up the medicinal brew now and brought it to the ailing man, “Here, drink this. You will feel better.”

“It smells terrible,” Faramir sighed, “What vile herbs have they put into this?”

“Some new herbs from Khand,” Aragorn said, “You need fear nothing, love. It is safe to ingest. I am sure I remember it from my travels there many years ago. It had a strange name and the leaves had many uses. But the flowers were used for something else . . . I cannot recall what it was.”

Noticing that Faramir looked sleepy, he stopped talking and gently tucked him into bed, coaxing him to lie comfortably, and covering him up.

“Aye, you do everything I want,” he told the sleeping figure, “In your fever you look so lovely, my sweet. If you only knew how much I desire to lie with you now I fear you would forget your fever just to please me.”

Sighing a little he left the room to get some things. He planned to stay by Faramir’s side that night as he slept. He found himself thinking about the herb. He wished he could remember what other use the flowers had for it had been something important and they were rarely used. They gave strength to those recovering from extreme illness yet the people in Khand had used them sparingly.

He returned to Faramir’s room with a blanket and draped it over a chair. The smell of the herbs lingered on in the room. A strange sickly sweet smell, that brought back a fragment of memory. A happy one, he thought, but could not be sure.

He sat in the chair comfortably for it was huge and cushioned, and pulled the blanket over him, trying to jog his memory.

It was when his sleep was interrupted that he remembered what the flowers were used for. Moonlight streamed through the room from the window. Faramir’s face loomed over him as he struggled to open his eyes. Warm breaths fell over his neck and chest.

Long slender fingers were unlacing the bindings of his shirt, even as the other hand slipped underneath the cloth and began playing with his left nipple, the heat of the other man’s skin radiating onto his.


“Aragorn!” came the dreamy voice, “Aragorn! My love!” The dark head bent and nuzzled his exposed collarbone, the warmth continuing to creep across his skin. But this time it wasn’t just the warmth of Faramir’s fever, but that of his own aroused body too.

An aphrodisiac! A voice screamed in his head, as a wet tongue slicked over his throat. The flowers were used as an aphrodisiac in Khand!

Chapter 2

Somewhere in his sleep-laden mind Aragorn could piece together disjointed memories of dark haired maidens wearing diaphanous clothes and exotic perfumes and beautiful cream coloured flowers that emanated a strong sweet smell, as the skilled fingers of the courtesans of Khand squeezed them into exquisitely moulded clay bowls.

“Faramir!” he barely had time to gasp out his lover’s name before he found his open mouth claimed in a tender, loving kiss. Sleep left him immediately, as he stared back into enraptured face above him.

His shirt now lay open, exposing his well-muscled chest, and Faramir had wrapped his arms around his neck. He had climbed onto the chair now and was kneeling over Aragorn in such a way as to render it impossible for him to move. His tongue explored Aragorn’s mouth gently, making him moan involuntarily.

The sound made Faramir press his body down further upon him. All that the Steward wore was a thin nightshirt that reached to his knees. But it had ridden up as he knelt and Aragorn could feel an unmistakable hardness pressed against his stomach. He felt his fists clench, as the heat of Faramir’s arousal combine with the kiss threatened to sweep him away. In the hot tongue that set upon him, he could taste the juice of the flowers.

“Did you like that, my liege?” came the hoarse whisper as Faramir drew away. The King bit back a whimper at the feeling of loss that instantly washed over him. Faramir rose in a swift, graceful motion, and held out his hand.

“Come, Sire. Come to my bed, and let me pleasure you,” he said softly. The faint light of the moon played upon the planes of his body under the thin robe he wore, as he waited expectantly. Aragorn automatically put out his hand and grasped the thin, damp wrist. The pulse raced erratically under his fingers, and as further proof, when he raised his eyes, he could see that just his touch had made Faramir throw his head back in ecstasy.

“Aragorn!” he murmured reverentially, before tugging his King over to the bed.

It was the gentle tug that brought Aragorn back to his senses. He gently but firmly disentangled his hand and frowned at his Steward.

“Tell me what you wish me to do, my liege,” Faramir said huskily.

“No!” he replied calmly, “you are ill, and I insist you go back to sleep now. You need the rest! And so do I.”

Thin, long fingers reached up for his cheek and brushed them lightly, “You said you desired to lie with me. I heard you, my liege, my love.”

Aragorn winced mentally. He had thought Faramir had been asleep. The Steward was continuing to speak, “ You will not let a mere fever come in our way will you, my lord? ‘Tis so short a time we get to ourselves. We have wasted enough time already. Come, my King, let me pleasure you,” the voice was rich with a throaty sensuality that had Aragorn clenching his fists.

“Nay – ,” he began weakly, only to stop short as he saw Faramir’s seductively smiling countenance change into a unhappily pouting one.

“Do you not desire me anymore then?” the hand slipped off his cheek.

Aragorn felt his heart wrench at the words. The tone that accompanied them had lost the huskiness. It was raw and unhappy. But Faramir had not given up yet. The hand that had slipped off Aragorn’s cheek, now rested on his bare chest.

“Tell me what I must do then, my liege. I would do anything, you just need tell me. Even if you love me no longer, let me at least give you some joy this night.”

Aragorn grasped the hand that had trailed down from his cheek and stared back into the other man’s eyes.

“Of course I still love you!” he exclaimed, and then gasped as Faramir’s warm fingers began to work on his nipple. The other hand snaked around his waist, and he found his own hands automatically reaching for Faramir’s lithe body and pulling him closer.

In one sudden, swift motion, the younger man reached forward and fell into Aragorn’s open arms, kissing him everywhere. His wet lips roved Aragorn’s bare torso, while his hands pulled the open shirt off. Then, the King suddenly felt himself falling back onto the soft bed behind him, under the onslaught with Faramir spreading his body over his. The pillows felt soft and cool under his back, while at the same time his chest seemed to be on fire as the kisses continued, accompanied by purring sounds from the shapely mouth that was now attacking his flat stomach.

Aragorn moaned softly as a tongue explored his navel and lower belly. Faramir’s hand was toying with the waistband of his leggings, shifting it up and down but never pulling it down completely. He ran his hands up and down the Steward’s back cursing the cloth barrier. He wanted it off, but then that would mean Faramir’s mouth would be off him and he did not want that.

He adjusted himself, leaning forward a little to pull up the thin cloth exposing his lover’s taut backside to him. Faramir made a noise between a squeal and a delight, and lifted his head up to smile at Aragorn. Straightening up, he sat kneeling over Aragorn’s thighs, effectively trapping the King under him, a situation Aragorn found extremely intoxicating.

Meanwhile Faramir had pulled his robe off, revealing the familiar contours of his body. Sweat glistened on the pallid skin, making it seem almost like velvet. Aragorn had seen his lover many times, but this one night, he thought he looked as he had never before. His eyes travelled down from the face, to the chest, down a flat stomach to the arousal that made itself apparent between the Steward’s long flanks, and found himself groaning as a wave of desire swept over him. Faramir’s long, slender fingers went back to the waistband of his leggings. He felt the aching sensation in his groin intensify.

Aragorn tried shutting his eyes and telling himself that Faramir was ill and probably in no condition for to do what Aragorn wanted to do with him. He scrunched his eyes tightly, trying to think up the correct phrase to use. How was he to convince Faramir to lie back quietly, without hurting him immensely? Even one wrong phrase would make the sick man think he was rejecting him. And the effect of the drug was obviously not helping. He had always wondered what Faramir’s thoughts were behind the intense stares he used to bestow upon him at all times. He seemed to be getting a good indication of that now.

The sensation of having his leggings yanked down interrupted his thoughts. Long fingers clasped his erect shaft and stroked him slowly, causing him to nearly shout out. He shuddered as much from the sensation as from the look in those eyes, that even now stared up at him. Grey eyes gazed at him hungrily, questioningly, even as the beautiful lips parted a little, and a pink tongue snaked out, hovering enticingly over his aching shaft.

He tried to tear his eyes away, but he could not. The usually solemn, noble mien of the man he had come to trust the most now looked enchantingly beautiful. There was no other word for it. The flush of fever had seemed attractive, but the drug’s effects had added to that many times over. Wanton need was etched on the thin features.

He nodded almost imperceptibly, unable o help himself. The signal was immediately understood. His tiniest gestures could be interpreted accurately by the younger man.

The shapely mouth closed over his shaft, as Faramir took in the engorged length, not slowly as he usually did, but swiftly this time, sending Aragorn scrabbling at the sheets in an effort to control himself. He grasped at the unruly hair bent over him and felt himself thrusting forward as a skilful tongue attacked him. He had been aching for this ever since he had seen Faramir that evening, and his body responded swiftly. When he came, Faramir took his seed in hungrily, and the trickle of wetness that spread over his legs told him that the Steward had found his release too.

He shuddered as Faramir finally removed his mouth, and collapsed over him, the damp, sweat-lined face resting against his flat stomach, strands of thick hair splayed over his chest.

It was a while before he could sit up slowly and pull Faramir up along with him, holding him in his arms, feeling the warm body of his gentle Steward leaning against him. He gently kissed him on his lips. Faramir reacted promptly and kissed him back, surprising Aragorn. Aragorn felt a hardness against thigh and looking down, remembered what his Steward’s brew had contained.

Faramir moaned needily into his mouth, and thrust himself against Aragorn. The feel of the hardened member sent jolts through the King’s veins, and he closed his eyes trying to control himself. He couldn’t so he opened his eyes again and decided to make the best of the situation.

“Do you know what I really want tonight?” he asked softly pulling away a little.

“Aye, tell me what you want,” it was almost a demand.

“Tonight, I wish to give you all you desire. Why don’t you tell me what it is you desire, my sweet one?”

“You are all I want,” came the muffled reply as Faramir began nuzzling his neck, “I want you – inside me.”

Faramir pressed against him and he could feel the warmth of his arousal against his belly. He was being pushed down again, and Faramir’s legs snaked around his own. They fell together against the pillows, onto their side. His hands strayed to the Steward’s backside, running over them lightly. Then Faramir turned onto his back so that Aragorn lay over him.

“I love you,” he said, his eyes shining and his voice slurred, as he ran his hands all over Aragorn’s body, “I love you inside me. I want you to take me till I scream, my liege.”

Aragorn tried once, reason poking its head through for a brief second, “But dearest you are ill–“

Faramir wrapped a leg around his waist and thrust himself up, positioning his opening near Aragorn’s arousal, “Yes, my love, and you are the one who can always heal me.”

Reason fled promptly.

“I need some oil,” he aid determinedly. He was not going to hurt Faramir.


“Love – “

Faramir grinned lazily up at him, “It is said of you, my liege, that you must have had some magic in your tongue to have charmed the dreaded Lady of Morthond with your words.” He leaned back against the pillows and spread his legs apart exposing himself to Aragorn.

The King of Gondor stared at his lover, who seemed to be making all the decisions. But then, he told himself, that was what he had wanted – for Faramir to make the decisions. So he shrugged and leant down to tiny, puckered opening on offer.

He licked the ring of muscle, and smiled mentally as Faramir squealed in delight. Slowly, he continued to lick the tight ring of muscle but refused to penetrate it yet, sensitising it further and further. Then he stuck his tongue in, and Faramir released an incoherent moaning sound as he slicked it in and out, wetting the narrow passageway liberally. He pulled out causing a whine to emanate from between his lover’s lips. Then he attacked him again, sending his tongue in deeper this time, simultaneously cupping Faramir’s buttocks in his hands and lifting him slightly. He explored him slowly, taking his time, and felt Faramir clutch at his head, somewhere a voice in his head told him he should be forcing Faramir to sleep, but he ignored it, and listened to his lover’s call instead.

“I need you inside me,” the Steward was groaning, “I need to feel you, Aragorn, my love, my king.”

He pulled his tongue inciting an aching whimper. Leaning forward, he brushed Faramir’s lips with his, and then stuck a finger into his passage gently. Faramir smiled dreamily and mumbled out more jumbled words. He pushed it in slowly, gently, feeling the tight wet, channel close around it. He probed on watching as Faramir arched his body up sobbing for more. Then he pulled it out and bending down, stuck his tongue in again. He wet him thoroughly before pulling out again.

“Please Aragorn, my dearest!” the grey eyes looked beseechingly at him, and fell upon his now engorged member. Faramir’s own arousal was glaringly obvious and he seemed to be aching for release as much as Aragorn as. Or, perhaps more, Aragorn thought ruefully, as he remembered his own experiences with the drug.

“Soon, sweetling, soon,” he said reassuringly. Whatever the young one said, he was not going to hurt him now.

He reached towards the small table by the bedside and grasped the jar of oil the healers had been using to massage Faramir’s forehead when he had had a headache. He applied it liberally to his hands and shaft, and then turned back to Faramir whose eyes were upon him, still pleading. Gently preparing Faramir to receive him, he worked his oiled fingers in carefully watching Faramir’s face for any sign of pain as he stretched him. They had not lain together for more than a month now, and Faramir felt very tight. All he saw was the same expression on his face.

Pulling out his fingers, he positioned himself carefully and slowly entered the slicked entrance. Faramir shouted in delight, his sudden noisiness amusing Aragorn greatly. The drug obviously manifested itself in many ways.

He pushed in slowly, allowing the muscles to clench around him.

“Faster,” Faramir screamed.

He ignored him, and thrust slowly in. He brought his hands forward and grasped Faramir’s shaft and began slowly rubbing his hands up and down it, in rhythm with his thrusts.

Faramir jerked up and brought his legs around his waist, his hands clutching at Aragorn arms, the nails raking into his skin, as he arched his back, and shouted again. A sudden intense shudder as Aragorn thrust further in told him he had hit Faramir’s sweet spot. The steward’s release coated his fingers and dripped onto the sheets. He came almost immediately after that.

They collapsed in a heap bonelessly, Faramir kissing him all over his face and chest repeatedly telling him he loved him and that he was the most wonderful being on Arda. Aragorn felt his hot breaths fall all over his skin, and the clammy feel of his lover’s face and sighed.

“Well, you’re not at all wonderful. You never listen to me. You were supposed to sleep!”

Faramir stopped kissing him and looked up, a wicked grin spreading across his face, “Then punish me, dearest,” he said eagerly.

“Your punishment is this,” Aragorn said pulling him close and claiming his lips in a deep, passionate kiss, even as he wondered whether how long the drug’s effects lasted. He had little energy left, while Faramir seemed to be ready to jump out of bed and fight an army of Orcs single-handedly. It would fade as the drug’s effect faded, he knew, and Faramir would be back to normal.

Faramir hugged him tight, and Aragorn was suddenly worried to note that the heat radiating off his lover’s body had increased now.

“Love,” he murmured uncertainly, “you are ill, youngeling. Please rest now, dear one.”

And surprisingly this time, Faramir murmured in acquiescence, his head sinking tiredly against Aragorn’s chest. The drug seemed to be wearing away.

Chapter 3

Aragorn waited until the warm breathing hitting his chest had evened out, before he tried to move out of Faramir’s embrace. Faramir’s arms were wrapped snugly around him, and he was forced to shift them. The movement resulted in a soft whimper from the Steward but he remained asleep. Aragorn gently lifted him and placed him on the pallet near the large fireplace, covering him up in the blankets that had fallen to the floor. Then he cleaned himself up and pulling on spare clothes, replaced the soiled bedclothes rapidly.

Picking up a wet towel, he proceeded to wipe Faramir’s bare skin clean, slowly and tenderly, letting his hands explore the thinned body in detail. Faramir looked completely worn out. There were dark circles under his eyes that stood out against the ashen paleness of his face, and thin lines had formed around his mouth. Aragorn’s long fingers brushed over numerous battle scars that dotted Faramir’s chest and back and his long limbs. Many years spent defending Gondor against the shadow had left their mark on the brave young man.

He felt warm to touch and Aragorn was soon left berating himself for having succumbed to Faramir’s request. The younger man had been so ill; he should have forced him to rest, instead of listening to him, and making love to him.

“But I could never resist you, my sweet,” he murmured softly as he swathed him in blankets once again and carried him back to the bed. Laying him down on the bed, he ensured that Faramir was comfortably clothed in a fresh sleeping robe and covered in blankets. The only robe he had been able to find had been his own. It was a little large, but it was warm.

The younger man mumbled something and snuggled into the warmth of the bedclothes. He lay curled up on his side, his face turned towards Aragorn. The King gently pushed the stray strands of hair stuck to his face and kissed his lover lightly on his temple. Faramir’s expression relaxed immediately, and the tired lines seemed to vanish, as a soft sigh escaped from between his lips.

Aragorn drew away and moving towards the table, began to sort out the herbs kept there, searching for an alternative. The after effects of the medicine Faramir had taken were excellent and highly desirable, but his lover was in no condition to experience them once again. They needed to change the medicine. Faramir had been too ill to indulge in any activity that could get as strenuous as the lovemaking he had literally demanded from Aragorn.

He should not have listened, he thought to himself. Faramir looked so tired right now, and he had fallen asleep almost immediately. He knew from experience that his Steward rarely slept so easily, usually lying awake instead till the wee hours before drifting into a light slumber, often plagued by painful dreams.

He had often woken up in the few nights they spent together, to find Faramir’s grey eyes focussed intently upon him. He would invariably make love to his Steward all over again, revelling in just feeling the supple body encased in his arms. And Faramir would quietly submit to his desires, asking in return merely to be held in his arms.

The rustling sound of sheets interrupted his thoughts, and he turned towards the sound only to see Faramir moving restlessly in his sleep, throwing his blankets into disarray. He was by his side in an instant, holding him, and calming him down, pulling him away from whatever nightmare haunted his sleep then. He had done this often and each time it would take little more than his touch to soothe the younger man. It was the same this time. Faramir curled into Aragorn’s embrace, his breathing shallow and rapid, as beads of sweat stood out on his forehead. When Aragorn tried to move away, he whimpered, and moved closer in his sleep, swinging one slender leg over Aragorn’s thigh.

The sight of the bare limb over his leg nearly drove Aragorn into distraction, but he had heard the tremor in the faint sob that had resulted from his movement.

“I am here,” he whispered reassuringly to his unconscious lover as he gently nudged the bare leg off and pulled the blankets up again, all the while continuing to hold Faramir in his arms. When he was done he lay back against the pillows and let the still sleeping man rest his head against his chest. He could not possibly let Faramir suffer a relapse of his illness, all because he, the King of Gondor, could not control his lust.

He ran his hands through Faramir’s hair, smiling as he noted how the usually neat hair was now a dark unruly clump. He fingered his drawn face slowly, tracing out the sharp contours wishing as he had on numerous occasions before, that his lover could have been spared all the ordeals he had gone through. He had battled so many things in so few years, been hurt so often, and lost much he loved, and yet survived everything bravely, but still retained humility and gentleness. Three nights ago, Aragorn had been afraid he was going to lose him forever, and that to a mere fever.

It had reminded him rather painfully that Faramir, although he had Numenorean blood in his veins, would not live as long as he would. He would do anything to see him happy. A part of his mind argued that he had made Faramir happy by giving him what he wanted this night, but the other part argued that he had merely given into his lust because Faramir had looked so appealing, unmindful of the exhaustion he would cause him.

He felt extremely contrite for his Steward did indeed look completely worn out, and to Aragorn’s eye, he still retained the strange attractiveness that the fever seemed to cause. This time, he had a faint hint of a smile too on his sleeping visage.

He didn’t seem to be in pain, Aragorn decided. He’d never forgive himself if he caused Faramir to hurt. Thankfully, his illness did not seem to be worsening yet either. He found himself drifting off, his young lover still ensconced in his arms.

He was wide-awake, however, when Faramir began to stir. He stayed by his side, quietly watching him awaken. It was a rare sight to his eyes. Faramir would usually be the one awake, staring at him whenever they lay together. If ever he had awoken before Aragorn, it would have been due to some terrible dream. This time however, the dreams that may have floated through Faramir’s head seemed to have been pleasant ones. But he was still worried about his health.

Grey eyes opened sleepily to his gaze. Aragorn smiled. Faramir looked so endearing as his expression turned puzzled and confused while he tried to make out his surroundings and at the same time, pleased at the sight of Aragorn’s face.

“Aragorn,” he whispered softly, his voice still sounding husky.

“How do you feel now, dearest?” he asked tenderly while aiding Faramir in his attempts to sit up.

Faramir’s eyes widened a little as though he were still trying to decipher how he had woken up in Aragorn’s arms.

“I am well,” he replied distantly, looking down at the robe he wore, “But why am I in your clothes?”

“Your clothes were soiled last night,” Aragorn explained.

“Last night -,” Faramir spoke uncertainly, and then his eyes widened as the memory of their revels hit him in full force.

“I – last night -,” the distressed voice trailed off as he shut his eyes and a flush spread over his pale cheeks, a ruddy hue that promptly sparked off a warmness in Aragorn’s groin.

The King took a deep breath to control himself, before replying remorsefully, “Forgive me sweetheart. You were ill and I should not have –“

“But you didn’t,” Faramir spoke wide-eyed, “I forced it.”

He pulled away from Aragorn’s embrace, all the while muttering unhappily, “I behaved so disgracefully. You must hate me so, to have forced you to make love to me. I know you did not wish to.”

“Why would I hate you for wishing me to make love to you? I wish or no more, dearest but not when you are so ill and weary. I tired you out needlessly when I should have insisted you rest.”

But Faramir seemed not to be listening. He continued speaking in hurried phrases, the words tripping over each other, “Forgive me for not heeding your words, Aragorn. I know you wished not to lie with me tonight, but I made you.”

“Faramir!” Aragorn couldn’t help the raised tone, “Stop saying that!”

Tear-filled fevered eyes glanced fearfully up at him, “You are angry with me,” Faramir spoke uncertainly.

“Yes, I am!” Aragorn growled as he stood up, and walked over to the window. He found he could not stop the words coming out now, “Do you not love me Faramir? Tell me now and I shall never bother you again.”

He heard a gasp from behind him, but he didn’t turn. He would never have confessed to this fear of his, but Faramir’s words had hurt him, though he knew the Steward would never have intended so. But the fever had made a different man of him, and Aragorn found himself scared now that he would learn what he had so far managed to hide from.

“I – Aragorn, - ”

“Do you feel anything at all for me?” he asked brutally, his voice hard.

He heard the rustling of clothes from behind him. Faramir seemed to be rising from bed. The tiny, unhappy voice came from behind him.

“Forgive me. I did not mean for this to happen. I do not know what came over me. But to see you here by my side, and when I heard you say that you wished to lie with me this night, I thought- I only wished to please you Aragorn,” the voice had turned hoarse and pleading now.

Aragorn shut his eyes in despair, “Do you love me Faramir? A simple yes or no will suffice,” he repeated calmly, turning around to stare at the drooping figure of his Steward.

The ashen face lifted up, shock mirroring the worn expression, “I love you Aragorn,” Faramir said beseechingly.

“And yet you do not trust me?” Aragorn responded tiredly.

“I do trust you! Since the day you saved me from the shadows. I knew you were the King. You could be no one else. I knew I could give Gondor over to you.”

“You trust me with Gondor but not with your heart?” he asked brutally.

“I would trust you with my life!” Faramir protested.

“With your heart, Faramir. Do you trust me to love you forever, unheeding of what others may say, or of what may happen?”

Faramir nodded brokenly, tears now flowing down his pale cheeks, “I trust you with all I have, Aragorn. You saved me.”

“Is that all I am then? Your saviour? To pull you out of the shadows.”

“Nay. You save me everyday. Without you, there is naught for me here. Believe me Aragorn, please, I beg of you. Why do you doubt me so today? Is it for what I have done? I was not myself, Aragorn forgive me,” Faramir was almost swaying on his feet as he spoke, and Aragorn had to put out his hand to support him.

For a moment he almost thought, the hand might be shrugged off, but then it was accepted gratefully.

“Then why will you not believe me if I tell you that I love you and that nothing you do will change that? It is you I love, loveling, and if you, one day, choose to ask me to make love to you, I will willingly do it. Why do you fear me so? Do I seem so stern to you, my love that you cannot ask me for what you desire?”

The dark head fell into his shoulder, “Nay, it is not what I please that is of aught. It is what you please that we must do. I will not lose you,” he muttered fervently. The heat radiated off his forehead onto Aragorn’s shoulder through the cloth.

“Faramir!” he said shocked, “You would never lose me love. How can you speak so?” He gently pulled him away and stared into the stricken face quietly.

“I do not want to lose you,” Faramir sobbed incoherently, “One day, you too, will see for what I am and stop loving me.”

“What do you say?” Aragorn exclaimed uncertainly.

“You will realise how worthless I am and you will love me no longer. I am of no use. Father spoke true. I was ever the lesser man.”


His literally shouted out the name causing Faramir to look up, out of scared eyes that wrenched at Aragorn’s heart. He had never realised how much of an impact Denethor continued to have on his lover even after his death.

It was obvious such thoughts had remained dormant in the younger man’s mind for long now, and the impact of the fever had brought them out, loosening his tongue and his self-control. For, under normal circumstances, Faramir would never have admitted to such matters. He spoke rarely of his father, preferring instead to dwell on the happier memories of his brother’s love and affection for him.

“I do see you for what you are,” Aragorn said softly, clasping the warm face in his hands and staring into the deep grey eyes, “I see you for the lovely noble man you are, for the brave captain, the intelligent scholar and the sweetest lad I have ever known. You are you, my dearest, and it is you I love. Do you truly doubt me, sweetest?”

The same scared expression dotted Faramir’s visage.

“Look into my eyes and tell me you doubt my love for you,” Aragorn insisted.

“I could never doubt you,” came the hoarse reply, and Aragorn automatically found his spirits lifting. He had been foolish, he knew, to think that Faramir might not love him, but for a while he had feared that to be the case.

The hands that had hung limply by Faramir’s sides now suddenly wrapped themselves around Aragorn, the grip very weak, but there nevertheless, “Forgive me,” Faramir whispered, his head sinking against his king’s chest.

“You keep asking my forgiveness, love. It sounds – trite, now.”

“I know you love me, and I do trust you, but the fear never leaves me.”

“Then I will drive it away for you,” Aragorn said firmly, gently stroking his hair.

A stifled sob made him lift the drooping chin in concern, “Faramir?”

Faramir’s eyes were brimming over.

“What is it, love? Do you hurt anywhere?” he asked frantically, shocked to see the stricken expression upon the Steward’s face. He placed a palm against the exposed throat. It was warm to touch, “What is it you require, love?”

“You. I beg of you. Please Aragorn, stay with me tonight.” He raised a curled fist and wiped his eyes, and then sniffed softly.

The gesture completely undid Aragorn’s resolve. Faramir seemed to be hurting terribly, and he would do anything to prevent that.

“I had every intention of doing so,” he promised softly.

He tugged him towards the bed, sank down next to him, and pulling him closer, hugged him gently.

They stayed that way awhile, in each other’s arms; the Steward slumped against his King for he had no strength to stand on his own. The King meanwhile, found he loved holding his lover in his arms so, as he soothed his fears away, holding him as one would hold a child.

They spoke after awhile, of simple, ordinary things, of the weather outside, and how they could go riding when Faramir’s health improved. Outside, the sun rose, a thin line against the horizon. They even spoke of the herbs from Khand and how Aragorn had encountered them in a courtesan’s house, where he had had to take refuge once, a story that made Faramir laugh.

It thrilled Aragorn to hear him laugh like that and see his mood improve.

“I do not like how I behaved last night,” Faramir gulped, his head still in Aragorn’s shoulder, “Can I make it up to you?” he raised his head, and attempted a coquettish grin, failing miserably as the pallor on his face showed up how awful he felt inside.

“Yes,” Aragorn said promptly, “Get to sleep, you little imp. And take what rest you can for there is much work to do! The papers are piling up on my desk and the councillors are beginning to get tiresome, and no one will let you work for some days yet, so I must do it all!”

Faramir gave him a guilty look, but before he could start off again, Aragorn placed a hand on his lips, “Say nothing! I merely jest. But rest you must, and I will ensure you do that if I must tie you to the bed.”

“Tie me to the bed?” Faramir inquired with a small smile, “I should like that.”


“Those flowers – are they all destroyed?”

“Why, need more, do you? Have you not thrown yourself wantonly upon me enough for one day, my dear loveling?”

“Well . . . you seemed to like it.”

“Go to sleep, dearest!”



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