The Metaverse at a Glance
Many overlords in the United States celebrated Labor Day and enjoyed a long weekend full of barbeques, picnics, and general laziness.

A brief look at the events of the last few days brings some happy news for the farmers residing in the Mid-Western Confederation. There are now three empires who have breached the 1 million Metapoint barrier! Congratulations to all in the MWC for your hard work and valiant effort! You have maintained your third place position and this reporter seems to think that the MWC has just been patiently waiting for something drastic to happen to the top two empires. As we all know, farmers have the ultimate patience, obtained from watching corn and wheat grow!
The Fellowship of the Ring surpassed the 1.5 million point mark over the weekend, aided by the addition of two new members and the valiant fight of Ray the Wanderer, who is striving for the two hundred thousand point mark! At the time of press, Ray has 192k+ points and should surpass 200,000 points within the next 24 to 48 hours! Preparations for a massive celebration are being made all through Middle Earth, and reports are that many cases of ale and wine are being delivered at this moment!
The ANZACs seem to be making a push toward the Euro Alliance. Their overlords have been working dilligently, and are only about 100,000 points behind the Euros. Everyone in the Metaverse is watching this closely, as the ANZACs have seemingly risen from the ashes like a phoenix to return to a viable power.
The newly formed Evil Empire has been quietly wrestling with the Gone Golders for another spot on the Metaverse boards. The Evil Empire, which strictly mandates all member overlords be of evil alignment, is slowly gaining momentum. Their recruitment efforts may begin bearing fruit soon.
It seems several overlords from different empires have been organizing a Play By Email RPG. This RPG will be fantasy based, apparently. It is certainly exciting that the community continues to spawn such diverse interests. Efforts such as this RPG keep the Metaverse interesting and fun for all!
The fallout of the Times of Trouble seems to have quietened down a bit, with most overlords returning to normal gaming. It is with a heavy heart that I report that EBZeroMatrix has yet to return. It is the hope of all participating in the Metaverse that EBZ returns to the fun and comraderie of our community. Come back soon, friend.
Updated: Tuesday, 2 September 2003 1:52 PM EDT
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