

Site Created: July 17, 2003.
Last Updated: February 7, 2004


February 7, 2004
This update has taken FOREVER, and to those of you who actually visit this site and thought I was never going to update again...well I proved you wrong, did I not? I have fixed all broken links on the page (I discovered a lot of them this morning) and I have started to add the next chapter of There And Back Again (chapter 5, I believe). It is already written, I just have to format it in html and it should be posted within a day or two. Second update: -I still need a beta reader. If you're available, please, please e-mail me at fiction_realm2@yahoo.com.

August 18
-There And Back Again is finally posted (well, what I've written of it). It's my edited & formatted version, a slight difference to the FanFiction.Net version.
-I'm pondering posting my Harry Potter stories on here. Perhaps I shall.
-I'm looking for a beta reader! Please e-mail me at the address at the bottom of the page or IM me on PuffBroccoli00 or MoonBurst81! I would really appreciate it! Thanks!


July 23:
Expectations (short story) is posted. Complete. Please read and inquire about a sequel.


July 21:
There and Back Again removed for editing.


July 20:
Prologue - Chapter 5 of There and Back Again posted.


July 18:
My first, full - length (or going to be full - length) fic has been posted. Prologue only. Routine, Cliched, Typical is the name.


July 17:
Requirements for submitting fan fiction is posted! If you want me to host your fiction, go there!



Email: fiction_realm2@yahoo.com