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I'm holding out for a Hero... - Arytheriel
Replies [34]. This Reply Posted [8/19/2005 9:03].

Can you tell me a bit about yourself? What is your favoured weapon(s)? Do you cast spells? What do you look like? What are your stats? (remember keep it sensible)

Please tell me so i can incorporate all of you into my battle games as heroes. That way we can all live on even though this campaign draws to a close.

Your faithful ally,

Arytheriel of Imladris

RE: I'm holding out for a Hero... - tombolw I'm holding out for a Hero...
Replies [2]. This Reply Posted [8/18/2005 16:30].
>> Hi
>> Can you tell me a bit about yourself? What is your favoured weapon(s)? Do you cast spells? What do you look like? What are your stats? (remember keep it sensible)
>> Please tell me so i can incorporate all of you into my battle games as heroes. That way we can all live on even though this campaign draws to a close.
>> Your faithful ally,
>> Arytheriel of Imladris
i drees as a capten of the rangers or gondor i carry a sword and a bow i do not cast spells and my stats are F 4/3 S 4 D 5 A 3 W 3 C 4 MIGHT 3 WILL 2 FATE 2

RE: RE: I'm holding out for a Hero... - LondrandirOfMirkwood
Replies [0]. This Reply Posted [8/9/2005 16:28].
Londrnadir of Mirkwood

Points = 110

Might = 2
Will = 3
Fate = 3

F - 6/3+
S - 4
D - 4
A - 2
W - 3
C - 6

Londrandir wears and Elven Cloak and carries and Elven Blade and and Elf bow. at an additional cost he may wear armour:

Armour - 5 points

Special Rules:
Expert Shot:
He can fire 2 shots per turn.

Natures wrath: See Arwen's entry.

They are only little ruff house rules. you can use them if you want, but in my battles i use haldirs stats for Londrandir.

RE: RE: I'm holding out for a Hero... - tombolw RE: I'm holding out for a Hero...
Replies [0]. This Reply Posted [8/18/2005 16:30].
>> >> Hi
>> >>
>> >> Can you tell me a bit about yourself? What is your favoured weapon(s)? Do you cast spells? What do you look like? What are your stats? (remember keep it sensible)
>> >>
>> >> Please tell me so i can incorporate all of you into my battle games as heroes. That way we can all live on even though this campaign draws to a close.
>> >>
>> >> Your faithful ally,
>> >>
>> >> Arytheriel of Imladris
>> i drees as a capten of the rangers or gondor i carry a sword and a bow i do not cast spells and my stats are F 4/3 S 4 D 5 A 3 W 3 C 4 MIGHT 3 WILL 2 FATE 2

sorry i forgot to say my name you can call me daraclan

RE: I'm holding out for a Hero... - KingofRohan888 I'm holding out for a Hero...
Replies [0]. This Reply Posted [8/10/2005 1:11].
>> Hi
>> Can you tell me a bit about yourself? What is your favoured weapon(s)? Do you cast spells? What do you look like? What are your stats? (remember keep it sensible)
>> Please tell me so i can incorporate all of you into my battle games as heroes. That way we can all live on even though this campaign draws to a close.
>> Your faithful ally,
>> Arytheriel of Imladris

I would have a short spear to twirl around (hand weapon) and bow. I wear heavy armor and have the option of riding a horse. I am also a elf named Halmir.

120 pts
F 6/3
S 4
D 6
A 3
W 2
Heavy armor 10pts

Special rules:

Fury of the Spear Halmir is so good with a spear in close combat when chargeing more than two enemys he gains +1 attack and -1 defence.

The special rule makes him storonger but more vunrebale if he loses combat.

Coder - coder
Replies [1]. This Reply Posted [8/14/2005 21:15].
Hehe, we did 'Footloose' as a school musical last year.


Coder: Carries sword and shield

F: 4/4+


RE: Coder - coder
Replies [0]. This Reply Posted [8/14/2005 21:15].
Having just returned from camp, I've found that I'm a very adept fighter at fencing, swordfighting and polefighting. Hence I will change my stats accordingly.
>> Coder: Carries sword and shield
>> F: 5/4+
>> S:3
>> D:7
>> A:2
>> W:2
>> C:6
>> M:2
>> W:3
>> F:2

RE: I'm holding out for a Hero... - Thoringol I'm holding out for a Hero...
Replies [2]. This Reply Posted [8/10/2005 10:56].
My name is Thoringol, i where rangers of the north armour, weel a sword and a bow and my stats is:

F S D A W C Might:3
6/3 4 5 3 2 5 Will:2

RE: RE: I'm holding out for a Hero... - wormtongue2
Replies [1]. This Reply Posted [8/10/2005 10:56].
My Name is: Quarion (my real nickname,dont ask) Cost: 85pts
5/4+ 4 5 2 2 7 M:2
Wargear: F:1
Quarion wears heavy armour,and weilds
the blade of his ancestors.
AT an additional cost:

Banner of Los Manthor-----10pts

SPecial rules:

Anaxorion,the ancient blade of Los Manthor.
The sword that Quarion carries is an ancient
blade,forged by the dwarfs asa gift to the
Gondarion Kings. It works exactly as Nⲳil.

Banner of Los Manthor.
The Banner of Los Manthor give every man 8cm
near him 1+courage and all other banner bonuses.


RE: RE: RE: I'm holding out for a Hero... - wormtongue2
Replies [0]. This Reply Posted [8/10/2005 10:56].
>> My Name is: Quarion (my real nickname,dont ask) Cost: 85pts
>> F S D A W C
>> 5/4+ 4 5 2 2 7 M:2
>> W:3
>> Wargear: F:1
>> Quarion wears heavy armour,and weilds
>> the blade of his ancestors.
>> AT an additional cost:
>> Horse---------------------10pts
>> Sheild--------------------2pts
>> Banner of Los Manthor-----10pts
>> SPecial rules:
>> Anaxorion,the ancient blade of Los Manthor.
>> The sword that Quarion carries is an ancient
>> blade,forged by the dwarfs asa gift to the
>> Gondarion Kings. It works exactly as Nⲳil.
>> Banner of Los Manthor.
>> The Banner of Los Manthor give every man 8cm
>> near him 1+courage and all other banner bonuses.

By the way,Los Manthor is a realm up in the Iron Hills that ive created,reminds a little about Arnor before it fell.

RE: I'm holding out for a Hero... - Loter
Replies [1]. This Reply Posted [8/10/2005 21:05].
>> Hi
>> Can you tell me a bit about yourself? What is your favoured weapon(s)? Do you cast spells? What do you look like? What are your stats? (remember keep it sensible)
>> Please tell me so i can incorporate all of you into my battle games as heroes. That way we can all live on even though this campaign draws to a close.
>> Your faithful ally,
>> Arytheriel of Imladris

Hi,I?m a Rohan Captain:Name-Eroas
stats-F s d a w c
4/4 4 4 2 3 4
Wargear-Sword,Shield,Bow and Horse(captains of men stats for horse,thier horses stats)
extra-Trowing spears-5Pts
heavy armor-10Pts
Special rules-Expert rider(see rules)
Veteran-Eroas has been fighting uruk hai for many months,and knows how to fight them,Add one to his fight value if he is fighting an uruk-hai of any affiliation,even if the majority are orcs in a multiple fight.
No magic.

RE: RE: I'm holding out for a Hero... - Aule_the_creator
Replies [0]. This Reply Posted [8/10/2005 21:05].
Hordur, son of Bjarni

points: 145

F: 6
S: 4
D: 7
A: 3
W: 3
C: 6

M: 3
W: 3
F: 3

Bjolfur carries a sword (hand weapon), a shield and a throwing spear, he also wears heavy armour.

RE: I'm holding out for a Hero... - Grimhelm
Replies [5]. This Reply Posted [8/18/2005 16:16].
I don't have much time to think up some stats (yet). It's a work in progress so just use Eomer's stats for now and assume he can be given the Royal Standard (I'll give an update later).

RE: RE: I'm holding out for a Hero... - RoryleaderofElves
Replies [3]. This Reply Posted [8/11/2005 10:26].
Galarandial (i got it off a website) woodelf 120pts
f s d a w c
6/3+ 4 5 3 4 7
wargear:Galandrial carries a bow, two swords,elvencloak and wears armour.
Pendent gives Galarandial +1 to s, a, w.

Expert shot
2 shots in 1 turn.

RE: RE: RE: I'm holding out for a Hero... - RoryleaderofElves
Replies [2]. This Reply Posted [8/11/2005 10:26].
>> Galarandial (i got it off a website) woodelf 120pts
>> f s d a w c
>> 6/3+ 4 5 3 4 7
>> wargear:Galandrial carries a bow, two swords,elvencloak and wears armour.
>> Horse:10pts
>> Pendent:60pts
>> Pendent gives Galarandial +1 to s, a, w.
>> Expert shot
>> 2 shots in 1 turn.
3might 3will 3fate

RE: RE: RE: RE: I'm holding out for a Hero... - wormtongue2
Replies [1]. This Reply Posted [8/11/2005 10:26].
>> >> Galarandial (i got it off a website) woodelf 120pts
>> >> f s d a w c
>> >> 6/3+ 4 5 3 4 7
>> >> wargear:Galandrial carries a bow, two swords,elvencloak and wears armour.
>> >> Horse:10pts
>> >> Pendent:60pts
>> >> Pendent gives Galarandial +1 to s, a, w.
>> >>
>> >> Expert shot
>> >> 2 shots in 1 turn.
>> 3might 3will 3fate
Good has some awesome unknown heroes huh? :D

RE: : I'm holding out for a Hero... - moriquendi
Replies [0]. This Reply Posted [8/11/2005 10:26].
Heres my rohan hero


6 4 6 3 1 5 2 1 1

Equiptment: Horse, sheild

Special Rules: Expert rider, Blood Wraith
Blood wraith
The bloodwraith is a fenzied battle rage causing him to charge his most hated foes. 'Imagine hatin' an emeny so much, that if he had a 100 soldiers behind he'll still charge him. To represent if an name emeny hero within 10 he must charge, he causes terror, he gains 3 fate and there passed on 3+.

RE: RE: I'm holding out for a Hero... - Grimhelm
Replies [0]. This Reply Posted [8/18/2005 16:16].
>> I don't have much time to think up some stats (yet). It's a work in progress so just use Eomer's stats for now and assume he can be given the Royal Standard (I'll give an update later).

Okay, here's my update. I have been busy recently and didn't have enough time to give the full profile. Fortunately, I have since tested various profiles to find which best befits a lord of Rohan (without going overboard on power). Thus, I have found this profile to be the fairest and most effective in any battle, whether a War Party or full-scale Competitive Points Match (and I have tested it in such circumstances). I have to thank Arytheriel for posting this thread. I also have two supporting heroes who have progressed from Battle Companies, but for now, here's my own profile on its own:

Grimhelm, lord of Snowbourn (Rohan Hero)
85 Points

F 6/4+
S 4
D 6
A 2
W 2
C 6

M 3
W 2
F 2

Grimhelm carries Angúre, a claymore which he wields as an Elven Blade, and wears sturdy armour. He also bears the Horn of Eothéod. He can be given the following items at additional cost:
Horse – 10 Points
Throwing Weapon – 5 Points

Expert Rider: (See Eomer's Profile)
Angure: (See Elven Blade Rules)
Horn of Eotheod: (This Horn is an ancient and proud heirloom brought out of the North by the first Rohirrim to settle in the Westfold. The blowing of the Horn is answered by the battle cry "Forth Helmingas!" The Horn of Eotheod works in exactly the same way as the Horn of Gondor – See Boromir's Profile).

Grimhelm can be represented most easily by using Boromir with a different paint scheme. See Boromir mounted and on foot at:

RE: I'm holding out for a Hero... - Arytheriel
Replies [0]. This Reply Posted [8/11/2005 14:15].
Thanks so much guys you are all really great. here is mine if you want it.


To make the renound Captain of imladris appear on your bordgames simply do the following.

Take a metal High-Elf spearman but do not glue the shield on. File away the little point which the shield is supposed to fit onto. Ary is painted thesame as any other high elf except for his inner robes (which are painted Hawk turquoise) and his cloak and sash (which are painted ice blue)


Arytheriel points value:185

6/3+ 4 4 2 2 6

Might: 3
Will: 4
Fate: 3

Arytheriel resides in Rivendell and gladly risks his immortal
life to defend Middle-Earth, whether it be with his glaive or his magic. He has travelled all over Middle-Earth and regularly visits Mirkwood, the home of his good friend Londrandir.

Arytheriel weilds a glaive (his favoured weapon) in battle. At an additional cost he can have any of the following items

Elf Bow 5pts
Armour 5pts
Heavy armour 10pts
Elven cloak 10pts
Horse 10pts

Magic Powers

Effortlessly Immobolise

Heal - dice role to use 4+. With this power Arytheriel can attempt to restore the wound of any friendly hero within 6"/14cm of himself. He may not attempt to restore the wounds of a dead character.

N.B Arytheriel can use this power to restore his own wounds

Hope you enjoy using/killing me. keep 'em coming!


RE: I'm holding out for a Hero... - TheIronWeevil I'm holding out for a Hero...
Replies [1]. This Reply Posted [8/11/2005 19:22].
first I am dyslexic so my spelling is cack sorry

i am ranrod of Dol Amoth leader of a long range strike force of 15 of the best nights.

I ride in to battle with a sorwd, sheald, larnce, hevay armor, and a dapple armord horse,

I have fallen on the fealid 14 times and have been saved by the valar. but i have a leg wound.


M F S D A W C Might Will Fate
5 6 5 7 3 3 6 2 2 8

spacal abilatys blade master, parry, grate leader, caragos, leg wound.

I have 14 more lesser heros with me so tell me if you want detales of the hole squad

RE: RE: I'm holding out for a Hero... - MarioBarakus
Replies [0]. This Reply Posted [8/11/2005 19:22].
Aye, my hero is:

Thork,Smith of Erebor

F S D A W C W:3
5/-4 9 2 3 6 F:3

Thork wears dwarf heavy armour and carries a long hammer(counts as an elven blade).

Special rules:
Master of Smiths. Thork has an exepcional ability for making armours. If Thork is included in the good force, all dwarves recive an extra +1 defence. This does not include Thork himself.

RE: I'm holding out for a Hero... - Arytheriel
Replies [2]. This Reply Posted [8/14/2005 6:51].
Thanks guys these are all really great. Keep them coming in.

RE: RE: I'm holding out for a Hero... - Eodread
Replies [1]. This Reply Posted [8/14/2005 6:51].
>> Thanks guys these are all really great. Keep them coming in.

I am Eodread of Rohan, a horse master who dances Rohirric dances in his free time. Due to the war of the ring, my stats are not very strong and soon i will meet my ancestores in their great halls with no fear as i will not be ashamed in their company.
Here are my stats: F(5/5) S(3) D(7) A(1) W(2) C(8) m(1) w(2) f(0) Special rules: Manhorse: While Eodread is on a horse, his F(5/5) becomes F(7/5). If his horse is wounded the horse roles a free fate dice. Expert Rider. Wargear:Horse, Heavy armour, Sheild, Throwing Spear.

RE: RE: RE: I'm holding out for a Hero... - Tuorofdolamroth
Replies [0]. This Reply Posted [8/14/2005 6:51].
My BC hero:

Tuor of Dol Amroth - General of the Grand Host of Light

M/F S D A W C Might 4
6/- 4 7 3 3 6 Will 1
Fate 1
Special Rules: Corageous, Parry, Blademaster, Great Leader

RE: I'm holding out for a Hero... - taladro
Replies [3]. This Reply Posted [8/15/2005 3:38].
so many Heroes, so many corpses to feed our orcs...

anyway, interesting stats, though they won't help you to avoid losing Middle earth ;)

RE: RE: I'm holding out for a Hero... - coder
Replies [2]. This Reply Posted [8/15/2005 3:38].
>> so many Heroes, so many corpses to feed our orcs...
>> anyway, interesting stats, though they won't help you to avoid losing Middle earth ;)

Fte puh, sh, was that necessary- go away.

RE: RE: RE: I'm holding out for a Hero... - rhysjohn RE: RE: I'm holding out for a Hero...
Replies [1]. This Reply Posted [8/15/2005 3:38].
>> hi my name is Lord Glyndwr i am a Dwarven lord .

my stats

fight falu 7/ move-5 corege-7 defence-8 strenghth-5 wound 3

DWARVEN Lord Glyndwr has the folowing

axe of the moutin 20p
frowing axe 1p

specal rules

Glyndwrs is a master of close combat so he causes fear terror in all evill troops.

axe of the moutin is a anctient weapon of the dwarves you may re roll faild rolls to wound and hit but only two times for one turn after that he may only do it once.

RE: RE: RE: RE: I'm holding out for a Hero... - rhysjohn RE: RE: RE: I'm holding out for a Hero...
Replies [0]. This Reply Posted [8/15/2005 3:38].
>> >> hi my name is Lord Glyndwr i am a Dwarven lord .
>> my stats
>> might-3
>> will-2
>> fate-3
>> fight falu 7/ move-5 corege-7 defence-8 strenghth-5 wound 3 attack-3
>> DWARVEN Lord Glyndwr has the folowing
>> axe of the moutin 20p
>> frowing axe 1p
>> specal rules
>> Glyndwrs is a master of close combat so he causes fear terror in all evill troops.
>> axe of the moutin is a anctient weapon of the dwarves you may re roll faild rolls to wound and hit but only two times for one turn after that he may only do it once.

RE: I'm holding out for a Hero... - LordofDragons100
Replies [5]. This Reply Posted [8/18/2005 11:23].
Points 90

Weapons: shield,sword

F 4/3 S 4 D 5 A 3 W 3 C 4 MIGHT 3 WILL 2 FATE 2

does not cast spells & gives +1 to allied units 4cm near him

RE: RE: I'm holding out for a Hero... - burek
Replies [4]. This Reply Posted [8/18/2005 11:23].
I'm a member of Dain's Khazad Guard:

F5 S4 D8 A2 W1 C7 Might 1 Will 1 Fate 2

I don't know my pts. cost but I would be very glad if someone could give me the adress of the pts. cost calculating thing. :D

RE: I'm holding out for a Hero... - Brokensky3
Replies [2]. This Reply Posted [8/15/2005 11:27].
aye, the renowned Elnaith general Daetirion is mosts suitabally represented with Glorfindels profile.
THe Shadow Watcher of Mithlond is ever vigilant!

RE: RE: I'm holding out for a Hero... - Phalanx131
Replies [1]. This Reply Posted [8/15/2005 11:27].
>> aye, the renowned Elnaith general Daetirion is mosts suitabally represented with Glorfindels profile.
>> THe Shadow Watcher of Mithlond is ever vigilant!

I am Mithriel, scout of elrond and i wield twin elven blades, do not cast spells, and my stats are
PTS 90

I'm holding out for a Hero... - mightyhaldir
Replies [0]. This Reply Posted [8/15/2005 11:27].
I am Thrandir, i dwell in Mirkwood and hunt Orc out of Dol Guldur in the company of Legolas. My stats are:

Fight 6/3+
Strength 4
Defence 5
Attack 2
Wound 2
Courage 5
Might 3
Will 1
Fate 1
Special Rules: Expert shot (see Haldir entry)

RE: RE: RE: I'm holding out for a Hero... - Grimhelm
Replies [0]. This Reply Posted [8/18/2005 11:23].
>> I'm a member of Dain's Khazad Guard:
>> F5 S4 D8 A2 W1 C7 Might 1 Will 1 Fate 2
>> I don't know my pts. cost but I would be very glad if someone could give me the adress of the pts. cost calculating thing. :D

Well, burek, it looks like you'd cost 70 Points on the battle-field (compare with a Dwarf Captain), assuming you have the basic Khazad Guard Wargear.

RE: I'm holding out for a Hero... - CaptainIngold
Replies [0]. This Reply Posted [8/19/2005 9:03].
Captain Ingold of the Rammas (Gondor Hero)
50 Points

F 5/-
S 4
D 5
A 2
W 2
C 5

M 2
W 2
F 2

Captain Ingold is the defender of the Outer Walls of Minas Tirith, and carries a spear and wears armour. He can be given additional items at the following cost:
Horse - 10 Points
Shield - 5 Points

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