Introduction: The Chronicle
The Tale of the Grand Host of Light is a tale of the characters who fought in the War of the Ring. The Tale is based on the account given by Woodpecker, Captain Althamus, SB129, SaviouroftheSite and Tuor of Dol Amroth. I myself have made the addition to the story by editing it and designing its layout.
- We fought them in the mines, and we fought them in the barrows,
- We fought them in Pelargir, and we fought in Underharrow,
- We fought for the hope that stands in Elves and Dwarves and Men,
- Yet we found ourselves undermanned at the Morannon.
- Now we have won the War that we have for three months fought,
- Now we have destroyed the Ring that long ago was wrought
- In the lands of Mordor, where the shadows lie.