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Rose are red
voilets are blue
and so is the soul
of the man speaking to you
from long travels of far
and distance rare
this is my heart
so speak with care
stories of memories
tales of pain rhymes that spark from eyes to brain
yes this are my thoughts
my hopes and schemes
enjoy the freedom
relive the dreams.


Me and love are best friends
You see we kick it the most
Cause I was taught to keep my enemies nearer
But all my friends close

You see really I can't stand love
Me and him just don't get along
I can't stand to hear his words
Or his endearing songs
People tell me what’s best just to leave love alone
I would if I could but I pity love for how I've done love wrong

For the million times I called his name knowing he wasn't around
I just like to say his name I guess I loved the sound
For the times I stood behind him and for me he took the blame
I have done a lot of messed up things all in love’s name

When I introduced her to him pretending I know him well
See at lying I was so good at the time she could not tell
She become fond and he broke her heart when he went away
She thought she had something, thinking love was there to stay

But by that time I knew love, I know his in’s and outs I knew how quickly he could change, knew what he was all about
I first meet love when I was with friends in the field playing a game
But when love came for some reason strange the rules didn’t remain the same
See that is when I started not like love, even more when I meet his brother hate
For love and hate are two connected twins doctors will never separate.

See when she sent me to love, live was great and things were cool
See I had a ball, great time with love while love played me for the fool
But it was too late when I realized what was really going on
And I was sleeping on tear stained pillows listening to his old songs

See I found comfort in his classics remembering how it felt
When I dealt my heart like a deck of cards until the deck was dealt.

Now and again love calls and comes by, trying to be my friend
But I know his tricks oh too well and won’t fall for them again
The next time I pick up the phone to call my best friend love
Will be the last time resting on the heavens above

For if can’t be the last time I make that call
I will die alone and not pick up the phone at all.


Although we’ve been thru ups and downs,
Wrongs and rights storms and fights
Struggles up hill I long to cry
And wish my heart would say goodbye

My head moved on my body the same
My feeling have changed yet my heart remains
Tangled in snare of memories past
What I would give to be free at last
Though I work and work I still wonder why
This heart of mine won’t say goodbye
So I listen to blues till my mind clears
So my heart can see that she’s not here
Then I cloud my mind with r Kelly and jahiem
Telling my heart what we had was a dream And why live a dream
When we can live our life
Yet the pain cuts my heart
Deep and slow like a knife
And though a thousand times and ways I try
My hearts says hello but not goodbye.

So I told my heart explain to me
if you know holding brings pain to me
And when she didn’t call we questing how she cares
And the time when she walked by like we weren’t there
Yes I remember the love we used to share and
How you felt with both of us there
And I know she’s beautiful to you and me
But is this how love is supposed be.

So I convinced my heart those feelings to deny
And I told my heart to say goodbye
And this is what we did for months to pass
I know my heart was free at last
But today I got a call and answered my phone
I was taken back by the familiar tone.
She was on the line taking an unexpected call
But only to my mind my heart wasn’t surprised at all
See she had nothing to say and me trying to subdue
My foolish heart and mouth from telling the phone I love you
And I small talk cause there must be pleasure in pain
How I long for her to call time and time again

But she won’t return for less then a month
Yes I know the this truth and fact were well
She’s done it before and though I didn’t before tell
Before she took my heart and on love’s sea set sail
Yes me and my heart together old friends
Just one call and where in love again.
Just one call and everything remains
How could one voice drive my heart insane
And I though useless once again I will often try
But I know my heart could never say goodbye.

I never asked for your friendship but you gave it at will
And the price and sacrifice your relationship you had to kill
I never asked for the ass, but I enjoyed the feeling
When your body touched my body in pure sexual healing
And I became accustom to being with a queen
You see a black woman with a strong will is every man’s dream
Or it would seem, but not me I seemed to no longer care
I was accustom to the feeling of you being there.

I never asked for the kisses, though when they would stop
You left me yearning for climax like New York before the ball drop
I never asked to see sunrays dancing on your skin,
In the morning, before yawning and letting the day begin.
All these things would seem magical to all who read and understand
However these things become custom, and came to be what I would demand
In never asked for the feeling I felt when shoved inside
The times we would change position to let the other ride
The side of the bed that never was big enough
Yet that same side of the bed we split between us
I never asked to make your body shake and squeeze your inner fruit.
Then lay beside your warm body you donning your birthday suit.

But when you asked me how I feel that’s when feelings change
Though our words sound alike the meaning were never the same
If I said I hate you, then I mean it forever more
But when you say you hate you mean it till you reach the door
If I speak I love you I talk only in aros tongue,
But when you speak of love you place me below only god’s son.

We were mean to be together only in silent bliss
When all conversations started and end with a kiss
Times we could embrace and pass emotions with no doubt
I loved you I needed you, and now I without.


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