Spider Monkeys
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Spider Monkeys.
Now the question which has plagued man for many a century is are spider monkeys, spiders or monkeys? .
In answer to this question, I don't know. I'll put a case forward for each side and on the facts of which I give you can make up your own mind.
Firstly I fink that this could be a monkey with eight legs yes eight or maybe it’s a spider that can stand up and has a tale.
Well actually I think it’s a monkey that was seen next to a spider by a caveman who well saw the spider and pointed and said ‘spider’ then stopped and looked at monkey and said ‘monkey’ and his friend thought he was on about the monkey as a whole as he couldn’t see the spider.
Or maybe I got this wrong and its not the caveman as to how the creature got its name. Maybe it was a wise old man who was a few years old and just thought he would name a spider he saw in his bath a ‘spider monkey’ just because he like to confuse people.
Or maybe a scientist decided to well experiment with nature and decided to join a spider and a monkey together (funny thought I know) but anyway for the usage of this experiment he decided to call it a ‘spider monkey.’ But one day the ‘spider monkey’ decided to run away and start up a whole new family and it spread around the globe.
Or maybe this is a complete con (yes that’s right a con) and the ‘spider monkey’ is actually a Japanese singing bee.
Well it up to you is the spider monkey one of these or is it something completely different. You decide and we here hope that this had made a different to one of you nerds who tried to find this page.