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'Compulsion' (prologue)
Commentary by Digby McWiggle

[You can get all of Digby McWiggle's PrologueComp reviews through this link.]

Hmmm. This smacks of those blatantly awful blockbusters written solely as a vehicle for some fake-tanned muscle-goon to flex his pecs and bunch his biceps. I'm thinking Sylvester Claud van Schwartzenegger, stilted English, military slang. Yep, the slang is there, unchanged in the 400 year interval between now and the time setting of this game! "Run a diagnostic", "grenades - check", "sorry ass" (which, to me, connotes a mule, as opposed to "arse"). The colloquial writing ("outta", "gonna") is fine, but then "of them" and "you are betting" sound suddenly jarringly formal ('em, you're?). [Editor's note: Some of the inconsistency is likely due to shortening/editting/argotization that the author added to squeeze under the 2001 byte limit.]

The vague menace of the "compulsion" is nice, but there is not enough here for me to get my teeth into - no mission (yet), and the very nature of "compulsion" suggests that interaction with other characters (e.g. Red) will be necessarily restricted.

Sorry, I don't want to keep playing.

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Last updated: 01 Apr 2002