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'Compulsion' (prologue)
Commentary by David Myers

[You can get all of David Myers's PrologueComp reviews through this link.]

How does this make me feel about playing this game? It's splashy, that is not in doubt. There will be blood shed. That is not in doubt. There will be some pretty foul stuff to deal with. And there is likely to be some kind of moral to the story hanging off the end. It reminds me most of The Forever War, by Haldeman. A bone crusher of a plot, with some messages slipped in between. While it is bound to be a wild ride, and while IF has not yet seen the likes of it yet, the pace of the prologue threw me off here and there. There were tiny slips of language that could have slid me into the scene even more deeply, but then wound up distracting me by some small, odd choice or placement of words or punctuation. I just know it will be hard to sustain this kind of emotion for the full game, and it might even be hard to sustain it far past this opening scene. I have to give it high marks for ambition and balls, and do so dearly hope it gets made into a game. Still, I couldn't help but feel that this is no Fight Club or Total Recall (bonecrushers with an ounce of brain), but more The Terminator.

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Last updated: 01 Apr 2002