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'Compulsion' (prologue)
Commentary by Robb Sherwin

[You can get all of Robb Sherwin's PrologueComp reviews through this link.]

Gunther, is this your work? [Editor's note: Sorry Robb, guess again.] The multiple opening quotes, the never-before-seen-in-IF subject matter, the gratuitous use of salty language, the indication that butts will be liberally kicked... well, if it isn't you, then consider this a good thing, because I like all of Gunther's games, and I'd love to play this one.

Ah, I could go on and on about how this thing is right up my alley, but it would inevitably lead to a kind of fawning that everyone involved would find embarrassing. Keep two things in mind: your players are going to fire those pulse guns at everything so never being able to see real damage on unintended objects will get stale, and when you sell the movie rights, ensure that Ed Neumeier will never, ever be allowed within a parsec of the screenplay.

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Last updated: 01 Apr 2002