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Commentary by Kathleen Fischer

[You can get all of Kathleen Fischer's SmoochieComp reviews through this link.]

I didn't get it the first time through. In fact, the FIRST time I played, I exited about half way through, disliking the attitude and the rather excessive use of Italics and bold face. Of course, one can't write a review without playing the game, so I tried again. This time I used the in-game walkthru (nice touch!). This time, at about half way through, I finally figured out what was going on. My opinion of the game went way up... though with a few remaining caveats.

One is that I think the author relied too much on gimmicks, Italics, bold, pausing, even supplying characters other that what I type at one point (a pet peeve of mine) -- especially the Italics. The other was the confusion (at least for me) as to who the PC actually was. Try typing X ME at the start to see what I mean. On reaching the end of the game, I can sort of see why the author implemented it that way, but when something only works in retrospect, I'm not sure the technique can be called a success.

As to the story line itself, it's so far outside the bounds of what I'd ever considered as to still leave me thinking. I like that in game -- though whether that says good things about it, or bad things about my previous level of thinking will remain for other players to decide. At the end of the game, I believe it's in the about/credits somewhere, the author refers to attempting to answer a question with the game. Without giving it away, I will say that I think the author has at least satisfied ME that such a game is not only possible, but can be quite entertaining.

I did dislike all the gimmicks, I repeat that because I think it flawed an otherwise well implemented piece. I felt the purpose of the game at the start needed to be clearer. I spent an inordinate amount of time trying to interact with the first NPC, then finally moved on feeling empty and confused.

Those Italics have to go. I'll repeat it yet again. Those Italics have to go... and take the boldface with them. The first time through, I found the... interjections... to be extremely annoying. Once I was on the same wavelength as the author, they made sense.... again, I have no idea how to solve that problem either -- or even if there is a problem. Perhaps I was just dense.

In summary: the premise of the story is sound, and certainly unique, and quite thought provoking, and in the end, that was enough for me. Be aware that there are several endings, and that my smoochie rating is based on what I consider the best of them.

Smoochies: 6

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Last updated: 01 Apr 2002