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5 Holiday Decorating Ideas That Will Get Noticed

by Michelle Hylton

Are you planning a Holiday Open House or hosting the family Christmas dinner? Try one of these decorating ideas and your guest will be sure to notice.

1. Add some pizzazz to your hall guest bathroom with a mini table top or floor themed tree. Whether your bathroom is in your favorite color or contains a theme like ducks, fish, flowers or Victorian create a mini tree with the same theme. Add some lights to the tree with a mini battery operated light set or sets.

2. Enhance your China cabinet bowls, platters and cups by adding glass ornaments in them. You can choose from silver and gold, traditional red and green or match the color to your China pattern. If your cabinet has multiple light levels, set it to dim to give it a warm glow.

3. Let a little touch of snow into your home, by hanging iridescent snowflakes from your dining or breakfast room chandeliers.

4. Do you have an empty wall space you haven't found the right picture for yet? Dress it up for the holidays by hanging a decorated gift box on the wall. Take a box, preferably a shirt box and punch two holes through the bottom box one inch from the edge you wish to hang it from (vertically or horizontally). Cut a 6 inch piece of ribbon and thread it through the holes, tie off to form a loop in which to hang it from later. Tape the top and bottom of the box together. Wrap box with your favorite wrapping paper. For an elegant look use shiny gold, red or green solid paper with a large oversized gold ribbon wrapped around it and tied off in a bow. Make sure to cut a small opening in the paper to thread through ribbon loop for hanging. Hang from ribbon on the back. This will surely get noticed!

5. Decorate the refrigerator with a small wreath and a holiday apron. Use magnetic holders or suction holders with hooks to hold these in place. It adds a little more warmth to your kitchen.

Author and ezine editor Michelle Hylton shares her passion of celebrating and gift giving. Her complimentary newsletter provides party tips, gift ideas, recipes, contests and more. Start your celebration today at

This article provided by the Family Content Archives

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