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6 Steps to Prevent Mould in Your Bathroom

by Mark Davies

Despite regular cleaning mould can always occur in areas of high humidity around the home. Baths and showers create warm, moist air that condenses on cold surfaces providing the ideal breeding ground for the fungi that produce mould spores.

The following steps will help prevent mould from taking root in your bathroom.

1. Extract Moist Air

Opening the bathroom window is not an efficient way of getting rid of condensation, as it can simply blow the moist bathroom air into the rest of the house. Mould will not grow on a dry surface so ensure you have an extractor fan fitted in your bathroom that will expel the moist air outside.

2. Rent a Dehumidifier

The majority of mould problems are caused by condensation, and most condensation is caused by poor ventilation. A dehumidifier will condense moisture out of the air in your home and store it as water in a reservoir, which must be emptied regularly. Renting a dehumidifier for a few weeks from a local tool hire company will soon establish whether you have a condensation problem or not.

3. Remove Carpets

Stepping onto carpet when getting out of the bath or shower can lead to it getting wet, which will keep the humidity level high in the bathroom. Look into alternative bathroom floor coverings that do not absorb water.

4. Remove Pot Plants

Pot plants need to be watered regularly, keeping the soil moist. This is an ideal breeding ground for mould producing fungi so keep them out of the bathroom.

5. Check For Leaks

A constant but small leak can lead to untold damage if left unchecked. Ensure all pipe-work is bone dry (especially around connections). Have a close look around the shower tray and bathtub to make sure that all of the seals are still intact. Mould growing in the silicone seal itself usually (but not always) indicates that moisture has got behind the seal.

6. Install Surfaces That Do Not Harbor Mould

Ceramic tiles are commonplace in most bathrooms but are cold to the touch, attracting condensation. Although the tiles are waterproof the grout used between the joints can retain moisture and lead to mould growth.

Harbor(Harbor ceilings and walls can suck in moisture if they come into contact with water, enabling mould to grow even if the surface looks dry.

A modern alternative to these products is bathroom cladding. This is a form of waterproof wall paneling that is warm to the touch, so condensation will not form on it. Bathroom cladding uses no grout - each panel slots into the next using a tongue and groove system - so there is nowhere to harbor moisture.

Following these steps should lead to a mould free bathroom.

Mark Davies is the owner of The Bathroom Marquee(, a UK based online store specializing in bathroom wall cladding, ceiling cladding and the Outasight concealed shower curtain system.

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These articles and tips are for informational purposes only. The authors have provided these cleaning solutions in good faith; however, results cannot be guaranteed. Use the advice with caution and common sense. Use care when mixing cleaning products. Read the labels carefully before mixing different products. Some combinations can create lethal fumes. Always proceed from most gentle solution e.g. blotting before proceeding to brushes, etc. Always use the most gentle products first e.g. water and soap before using harsh cleansers. Always test solutions in an inconspicuous place first. Wear gloves when using harsh cleansers. Store cleaning products in a safe place. If you have any questions or doubts, please contact your local extension agency before proceeding. Lady PP's Heart of the Home will assume no liability related to the use or misuse of the information contained here.

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