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Anywhere and Anytime Exercises

by Jasdeep Singh

These type of Exercises generally makes your body strong and firm. No matter, you are Exercising or Muscle Building or Body Building, these exercises are quite handy and help a lot.

Here are few Anytime and Anywhere Exercises:-

a) Crunch

Lie down on the floor on your back with your feet up on the couch or something. Give support to your neck with the help of cushion. Place your buttocks as near as possible to the couch. Lock your elbows. Now slowly raise your head off the ground just a few inches. Hold on to the raised position for 2 secs and then slowly come down.

Repeat this exercise 20 times to make one set.It will really build your abs and you will feel it.

b) Raising your Toes and then coming down.

Stand on a floor flatfooted with toes pointing straight.Hold onto something to balance yourself. Now VERY SLOWLY, raise your toes as high as possible. Hold on for 2 secs and come down very gently and slowly. Repeat it 20 times to make one set.

c) Push ups

Lie down on the floor facing towards the floor with your body weight on your palms.Now slowly , push your body up keeping your back straight and facing right ahead. Hold onto 2 secs and then slowly bring your body back to the starting position.

Repeat it 5-10 times in the beginning and then try to practice this exercise 20 times per set.

d) Wall Squat

Stand straight with your back against the wall. Now, gently move your body down to the sitting position. Make sure your back is still against the wall.Hold on to 15 secs and then gently move up keeping your back against the wall again.

Repeat it 5-10 times in the beginning and then try to practice this exercise 20 times per set.

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The information contained above is intended for general reference purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional advice or a medical exam. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified professional before starting any new treatment. No health information on LadyPP's Heart of the Home, including information about herbal therapies and other dietary supplements, is regulated or evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and therefore the information should not be used to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease without the supervision of a medical doctor.

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