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Apply the Power of Focus

by Jill Black

"The ability to concentrate our focus helps avoid many of the detours that life would have us take."

How do we apply the Power of Focus effectively in our lives?

1.You must know where you are going.

One of my favourite stories is the tale of a group of men employed to cut a path though a jungle to a clearing. Day after day they hack away at the undergrowth pleased with their efforts on how far they have come. One day the manager comes to find out why it is taking so long. He climbs a tree to see how far they have left to go. From the top of the tree he finds to his dismay that they have been heading away from their destination in the opposite direction.

The moral of this story: Be clear about what you want and where you are going or you may end up in the wrong place.

2. Do a little every day.

When a thought is held in the imagination, and constant focus is placed on that thought, little by little, step-by-step, it eventually becomes a reality.

Jay Conrad Levinson (of Guerrilla Marketing Fame) illustrates this very well in a little story he tells about a stone carver who day after day sits chipping away at a large block of stone. In the beginning people excitedly come to see what is happening and when nothing much appears to be happening they walk away again until eventually they stop coming at all. Then one day they pass by to find a beautiful statue standing where once a block of stone had stood.

Life is a little like that. Each day we must chip away getting closer to our goal and this brings me to the next point about the power of focus.

3. Don't give up too soon

Maintain persistent and focused effort until you achieve your objective no matter what it is.

My favourite story is the tale about two frogs that fall into the vat of cream. One gives up after a while deciding it is a hopeless situation and therefore drowns. The other frog just keeps right on swimming until finally the cream turns into butter. By focusing on never giving up the frog is able to overcome what had seemed like an impossible and hopeless situation to go on and live another day.

In Summary: (a) Know the direction you intend to take.

(b) Keep a laser like focus on where you want to go.

(c) Take the time to evaluate where you are "actually" going.

(d) Make any adjustments you may need to make as you proceed. If you get off course, make the necessary adjustments (both mentally and physically), then continue on your way.

(d) Efforts compound like interest in the bank. Keep building, one step at a time on what has gone before.

(e) Avoid any temptation to give up to soon. As the saying goes - "Where there is a will, there is a way" and like the frog, with a little faith and determination, know you will always find a way even when there appears to be no way.

Find the power of focus, apply will power and determination, never give up and success will eventually be yours.

Copyright © J Black 2004. For more articles and ideas for better living visit Jill online today at -

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