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Lady PP's Heart of the Home
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April Check-list


After Easter clearance on Easter decorations, toys and baskets
Spring clothing and shoe sales. Men and boy's suits. Women's and children's coats.
Food: Chicken, pork, post-Easter hams, cabbage, carrots, onions, potatoes, apples, grapefruit
strawberries, bananas, pineapple, raisins, prunes, cottage cheese


Smoke detectors
  • Test alarms
  • Clean
  • Replace batteries
Check your family bikes routinely for loose, worn or broken parts

Spring Cleaning

Twice Yearly Kitchen
(check Kitchen Monthly if you haven't been routinely doing monthly chores)
  • clean doors and inside cabinet thoroughly
  • clean grime around hinges and handles
  • sort and toss items
  • reline drawers and shelves
  • repair scratches
  • polish wooden cabinets
  • re-paint as needed
  • vacuum coils
  • replace light bulbs
  • wax exterior
  • clean floor underneath
  • clean drip pan and tubes
  • dust electrical cords and check for frayed wires
  • defrost
  • wash shelves and bins
  • check for expired food
  • clean exterior and underneath
  • clean drip pans and tubes
  • clean gasket
  • clean around hinges
  • vacuum coils
  • replace light bulb
  • wax exterior
  • update freezer inventory
  • dust electrical cord and check for frays
  • check water temperature
  • check inlet valve screen
  • check hoses and connections
  • clean holes in rotating arms
  • clean gaskets
  • wax exterior
  • replace drip pans
  • replace burnt-out elements
  • clean underneath
  • wax exterior
  • clean electrical cords and check for frays
  • polish/ paint as needed
  • oil hinges
  • WD 40 locks
  • clean sliding door runners
Sharpen knives and scissors
Organize cookbooks and cards
Wash curtains
Polish silver, copper and brass items
Shine pots and pans
Condition unvarnished wooden items and utensils
Clean ceiling fan
Vacuum/wash or paint walls as indicated
Remove and clean electrical outlets and switches
Clean registers and vents
Vacuum ducts
Remove and clean wall hangings
Shampoo carpets
Clear bulletin board
Wash plant hangers
Wash ceiling hung items
  • chains
  • macrame hangers
  • pot racks
  • wind chimes
Free-standing furniture (baker's rake, microwave stands, bookcases, etc.)
  • remove items from shelves and drawers
  • sort and clean items
  • wash shelves, drawers and cabinets
  • clean under
  • polish or wax

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© Lady PP's Heart of the Home