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Breaking away from white wall paint

by Lisa French
Decorating Country Home

Paint is one of the most affordable and easiest ways to change a room. But choosing the right paint colors for your home can seem like an overwhelming task.

Paint, accessories, fabric, furniture, and flooring should all blend, so take a good look at the room you will be working on, preferably before you choose a paint color, and decide what will stay in the room, and what you may want to move out of the room.

The first thing you should do when choosing interior colors for your home, is look around at colors that make you feel good, happy, and relaxed. These colors are probably already in your home. A few examples are the colors you love to look at in your flower garden, the colors in your jewelry, or pottery, or they can be found in the colors of the clothes in your closet.

The second thing you should do is go to your local paint store and pick up a color wheel, and or sample cards, pick the sample cards that really catch your eye, and don't be afraid to get as many as you want. Take these cards home and look at them at different times of the day and night, to see how the color will look when the sun shines in on them, or at night when you have lamps turned on, or candles burning. Study this for several days. Be patient when deciding which color feels best to you.

  • Complimentary colors - are the colors that are directly across from each other on the color wheel.
  • Harmonious colors - are the colors that are next to each other on the color wheel. Like blue and purple.
  • Tints - are colors with white added.
  • Shades - are colors with black added.
  • Saturation - is the amount of color used. The more color, the more vibrant.
  • Color tone - is the degree to which it changes.
  • Pastels - use only a hint of color.

Lisa French invites you to visit her website for more home decorating ideas.

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