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Choosing Candles & Scents Part 1 - Candles for July

by Kara Kelso

Deciding on just a few candles is rarely easy. With so much to choose from now (possibly even thousands of scents), it's next to impossible to choose just one. This is part one of a number of articles to follow on choosing candle scents for your home.

With 4th of July and several weeks of celebration, it seems only natural too choose an Amercian type candle, or even a "summer" scent. Here are some suggestions for scents that "fit" the month of July:

American Style Containers:
Many candles companies are now offering candles with red, white, and blue layers. Others offer American flag design containers and votive holders.

Apple Pie Scent:
This has become quite popular, and for a good reason. It's absolutely yummy, and smells good enough to eat! Nothing says American quite like Apple Pie.

Blueberry Muffin:
Another very "American-like" scent. This scent smells just like blueberry muffins right out of the oven.

Watermelon Scent:
Looking for something a little more sweet? Try this summer favorite. Watermelons are a picnic favorite, and a fun summer treat.

Cinderella Scent:
If you prefer floral scents, here's a nice one for mid-summer. This unique scent is a romantic aroma of amber, musk, vanilla, with base tones of fresh cut violets and lily of the valley. Available at many candle stores online.

Dandelion Pear:
Another unique summer scent. This aroma begins with the slightly bitter aroma of dandelion, and wildflowers; perfectly mellowed out with tart fresh pear, green tea leaves, and cool aloe vera.

Still looking for something a bit more floral? Try this simple favorite. While more of a spring-time scent, this one is also nice for mid-summer.

Need more suggestions? Read Part 2 at:

Kara Kelso is the co-owner of the mother-daughter candle company, Prairie Soy Candles. Grab your FREE report on "Truth About Triple Scented Candles" by subscribing to her newsletter at:

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