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Contain Yourselves! Plant Pots Explained
by Debbie Rodgers

All About Strawberry Pots
by Monica Resinger

The New American Garden -- Innovations for Small Spaces Produce More Vegetables, Flowers and Herbs in Containers

Container Water Gardens Add Tranquility to Outdoor Spaces

Closing Up Your Container Garden
by Debbie Rodgers

Growing Kitchen Herbs in Containers
by Jill Black

Easter Lilies, and the Number One Gardening Question Right Now
by Doug Green

Planting a Container Garden
by Johann Erickson

Growing Vegetables in Containers - The Compact Solution
by Judy Williams

Container Gardening Indoors and Outdoors
by Mary Hanna


Growing Gorgeous Amaryllis Indoors
by Monica Resinger

How to Grow Christmas and Thanksgiving Cactuses
by Monica Resinger

Five Tips for Healthier Houseplants
by Monica Resinger

Bring a Touch of Spring into your Home by Forcing Bulbs
by Monica Resinger

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