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Lady PP's Heart of the Home
Happy Easter

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Easter Count-down

For this Easter count-down you will use an egg carton with 12 plastic eggs. A small object is put inside each egg. You can choose any item that was mentioned during the last week of Jesus' life. Below are some ideas. Starting 12 days before Easter, each day an egg is picked and opened. Allow your children to explain the meaning of the object.

Donkey-Jesus riding donkey on Palm Sunday.
30 silver coins-Judas' betrayal of Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. (Matthew 26:15)
Towel-Jesus washing disciples feet.
Rooster- Peter's denial of ever knowing Jesus.(Mark 14:72)
Piece of rope- Jesus being arrested.
Thorn- crown of thorns. (John 19:2)
Nail-Jesus was nailed to the Cross. (John 19:17-18)
A cross.
Piece of cracker-the last supper.
Palm leaves-Palm Sunday. (John 12:13)
Rock-stone rolled in front of tomb.
Purse size perfume-Jesus being anointed by a woman.
Cup-last supper. Symbol of the blood of Christ.
Dice-casting lots for Jesus' clothes. (John 19:23-24)
Solider- solider saying "Truly this is the Son of God."
Linen-Jesus was wrapped in linen.
Angel-angel at the tomb.
Piece of fabric-the curtain was ripped in two.
Piece of black paper-darkness fell over the land.
Cotton- Jesus rises to Heaven in the clouds.
Piece of sponge-Jesus was given vinegar on a sponge. (Matthew 27:48)
Empty egg-the tomb was empty.

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