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Easy Gifts for Mother's Day!

by Angela Billings

Gift Baskets, Survival Kits and Candy Grams! Make your own this year.You can use the ideas below and add to or take away, Just make it personal for the recipient.(Copy off an issue of Home and Family Weekly and include it )

Mother's Day Gift Basket

subscription to her favorite magazine
bath salts or aroma therapy bath powder
her favorite scented candles
her favorite chocolate
coupon book you make (nights that you cook, or leave mom alone for a day or an hour)
a soft back romance novel or romance movie
comfy, warm slippers
a coupon to visit a spa for the day
a gift certificate to her favorite clothing store
a personal handwritten letter telling her why you love her and what you admire about her
her favorite flowers

Mother's Survival Kit

Bandaid to fix hurt feelings
Button to button lips and count to 10 when angry
Cotton swab to clean out little ears - for better listening
Flower to remind you that the dandelion your child offers you is better than any bouquet
Glitter for a glimpse of how the world looks thru the eyes of a child
Hug&Kiss Candy to make everything alright
Lifesaver for one of those days
Marble for when you've lost yours
Rubberband for when you are stretched beyond your limits
Sweet/Sour Tarts to help you find the sweet in the sour times
Toothpick to pick out the good in difficult situations
Penny for your thoughts
Pen & Journal to write down your thoughts
Clock to remind you that time will pass by too quickly, enjoy every moment.
Tissue to dry those alligator tears, the babies and yours.
Fireball for times when you are burnt out
Lollipop to lick all your problems
Eraser to remind you that every Mom makes mistakes
Puzzle Piece because you are an important piece in your child's journey through life.
Starburst for energy
Mirror to remind you to take time for yourself
Jewel because Good mothers are a precious jewel to their family

Mother's Day Candy Gram
(Write this on poster board and where the candy name is you can substute the candybar!)

I know I haven't been an ALMOND JOY to you all my life. I have been down some ROCKY ROADs, but you have always been there to help me pick up the REESE'S PIECES and pave a better MILKY WAY for me. You are truly a SPECIAL TREASURE in my life. A CAREFREE spirit and never without HUGS & KISSES for her child. You are the RIESEN they made Mother's Day BAR NONE. Happy Mother's Day. I love you GOOD & PLENTY.
(Sign your name here)

Angela Billings is the editor/publisher of Home and Family Weekly Newsletter.Recipes and household tips for better living! You can send a blank email to subscribe at

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