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Energy Saving Tips for the Freezer and Fridge

by Naomi Knudsen

Your freezer and refrigerator work extra hard in the summer. Whether it is summer or not where you live, help them work more efficiently and save energy and money.

Tip 1:
Fill it up! A full freezer or fridge operates more efficiently than an empty one. (Solid items hold the cold longer than air.) If you tend to have an empty freezer or fridge, put in some 1/2 –gallon milk cartons filled with water to help keep in the chill. Frozen, they work great as ice blocks in a cooler.
Tip 2:
Clean it up! Be sure to vacuum the condenser coils on the back or underneath of the appliance once or twice a year. Accumulated dust can block the air flow causing your appliance to work less efficiently.
Tip 3:
Warm it up! A layer of frost more than ½ inch thick calls for a melt down. Turn off and empty the appliance, then allow the frost to melt off. You can speed the process with pans of hot water, but never use a sharp object to scrape. Some use a blow dryer, but be very careful. Electricity and water don't mix well.
Tip 4:
Give it a rest! If your electrical power is going off and on, such as during a storm, it is better for your appliance if you unplug it until the storm passes. Just leave the door closed, and food should be safe for 24 hours in a refrigerator and 48 hours in a freezer.

Article by Naomi Knudsen
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