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Family Traditions: Family Activities

Start a large jig-saw puzzle at the beginning of the season. See if you can finish before New Year's Day.

Visit Santa.

Read a story aloud each evening. Add a new storybook to your collection each year.

Watch a Christmas video.

View Christmas lights about town.

Go caroling.

Write Santa.

Make a Christmas tree for the birds.

Make Christmas ornaments.

Make Gingerbread House.

Bake and decorate Christmas cookies. Use shapes to teach meaning of Christmas.

Make Christmas cards.

Have each child write a little bit about himself for the Christmas letter.

Hang stockings. Encourage family members to write a note of thanks for each family member.

Make wrapping paper.

Make Christmas candy.

Take a photo of the family in front of the tree.

Attend Candlelight services at Church.

Attend a Church Christmas Pageant.

Take each child alone to go Christmas shopping.

Attend a Christmas concert

Create matching Holiday t-shirts or sweatshirts.

Create a Christmas banner

Go to a living Nativity.

Make Christmas gifts.

Make luminaries.

Sing to Christmas CDs or around the piano.

Learn a new carol each year.

© Lady PP's Heart of the Home

Please post your ideas for Christmas on the
Holiday Message Board

Thank-you to J. S. Magic for the graphics