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Make Father's Day Really Special!

As soon as Mother's Day is over, the media starts bombarding us with things we should buy to give to Dad for Father's Day. You can't escape it---the advertising is everywhere.

The new lawnmower for Dad would be nice...if he needs a new lawnmower. A new grill, new set of golf clubs, a bottle of cologne or after shave, and the doo-dads and the what-nots. Buy this, buy that, buy some other thing... The advertising media will try to convince you that the only way to show your father that you love him is to buy something.

Why do you have to buy something to say "I love you, Dad and I'm glad you're my father"? Why can't you just say it, and then do something for your Dad? You don't have to spend any money at all--- and you can give your Dad the best Father's Day he's had for a long time!

Think about what your Dad likes to do or something special that he likes to eat---or both! Plan ahead, maybe even just a day or two, and surprise your Dad with a day of his favorite activity or meal. If he likes to golf, then clear your calendar, call ahead to his golf course to arrange a tee time---and then go with him! Using your printer, or just paper and a couple of colored markers, make a "certificate" or "coupon" for a round of golf and some special "Dad and Me" time. (If you need an idea for a "coupon" please go to This is a free printable Word document and offers an idea for making a Father's Day Coupon.)

Maybe your Dad would just like a "day off" from doing chores, running errands, and being Mr. Fix-It around the house. Maybe he'd really like to sit in his lounge chair and be a couch potato all day, watching whatever sports shows are on (or maybe he just wants to snooze the day away). Give him a coupon that is good for "Dad's Day Off" (go to for a free printable coupon).

Fix Dad his favorite meal or snack for his day off---whatever it is he likes best! Just make sure that he doesn't have to shop for it, prepare it, grill it, cook it, or clean up after it! For a great idea, why not make Easy Nachos Supreme? You can get a free printable recipe at

In the end, it really doesn't matter what you do for your Dad--- where you take him, what you cook for him---just do something that comes from your heart. He'll value your time and attention more than the pre-gift-wrapped bottle of after shave.

Jan K., The Proofer is freelance proofreader and copyeditor. Visit for more information. Visit Jan's Dough at for free printable recipes for Sourdough Bread and more. For more free content articles by Jan K., The Proofer and other contributing authors, visit Go to Mom's Break at for free printable projects and crafts. Article © Copyright 2005. All rights reserved..

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