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Lady PP's Heart of the Home
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February Christmas and Holiday Planner


Ongoing Christmas newsletter: Make notes of events that occured in February.
Photo calender: Plan February pictures you need to take for photo calender. Develope or upload January photos.
Purchase 1/10 of budgeted gift items or place in savings.
Label and store Christmas photos.

Update Gift Chest. Review gift list and mark items you plan to make. Make project page in your notebook for each gift.
-Instructions or where they can be found
-Supplies needed-add to shopping list
-Time needed to complete (double estimates)
-On calendar write start date for project and date to be completed

All celebrations:

Make cards for March birthdays, Anniversaries, etc.
If giving a shower, Birthday party, etc. in April begin planning now.

Valentine's Day

Verify reservations early in the month.
Mail cards by the seventh.
Bake or purchase Valentine treats.
Finish shopping for gifts.


Review gift list and budget for Easter.
Mark items to be homemade. Make project page in your notebook.
-Instructions or where they can be found
-Supplies needed-add to master shopping list
-Time needed to complete (double estimates)
-On calendar write start date for project and date to be completed

Plan Easter menu and baking.
-Organize recipes in one spot.
-Make master grocery list.
-Make list of non-perishable items. Divide by weeks to Easter. Purchase this amount each week.

-Check decorations for burnt-out bulbs, worn or torn items. Check table linens at this time.
-Add needed items to shopping list or create a project page for items planning to make.

-Check clothing family is planning to wear for Easter including shoes and hosiery.
-Add needed items to shopping list.

Family Activities.
Review activities your family does over Easter e.g. Egg hunts, Egg count-down, creating an Easter scene, etc.
Include needed items on shopping list

Other events

Complete plans for St. Patrick's Day and the Super Bowl Party.

© Lady PP's Heart of the Home 2005

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