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A Friendly, Frugal Thing To Do

by Cyndi Roberts

How many times do we all say to ourselves "This year I will send birthday cards to all my nieces and nephews and anniversary cards to all my brothers and sisters and cards from the kids on Grandparents' Day?"

And how many times do we let this promise to ourselves fall by the wayside? Sending cards is becoming a thing of the past. But it is a really worthy thing to do.

Maybe all we need is a little help getting started and getting ourselves organized. Sending cards is not as expensive as sending a gift. But it does show the recipient that you are thinking of them.

The first thing you need to do is mark all your birthdays, anniversaries and other dates to remember on your calendar. You may have a large calendar where you keep track of the family's schedule. Or you may have a small one that you carry with you. Either way, mark every date for the entire year.

Then at the first of every month, glance at the calendar and note what cards you will need to send. Of course, there will also be unexpected occasions that come up--you may need to send a Get Well or Sympathy card.

It is handy to keep a stash of assorted greeting cards in a special place in your home along with a supply of postage stamps. It's a good idea to keep your address book here, also.

It's nice to include a small gift along with a birthday card for small children or even adults. Bookmarks, small calendars, magnets, stickers are some things that are flat and small enough to fit in a card easily. Be on the lookout for gift items when you are out shopping and add them to your "stash" at home so that you are always prepared.

If a card is from the whole family, have the children sign their own names. It adds an extra touch that friends and family will appreciate.

Another thoughtful touch is to always write just a short note, instead of just signing your name. Even one sentence is enough to make the recipient know you thought enough to take a little extra time just for them.

By the way, the proper way to send a card is to insert the folded side into the envelope with the pretty design facing the flap.

"Why not brighten someone's day today?"

Cyndi Roberts is the editor of the "1 Frugal Friend 2 Another" bi-weekly newsletter and founder of the website of the same name. Visit to find creative tips, articles, and a free e-cooking book. Subscribe to the newsletter and receive the free e-course "Taming the Monster Grocery Bill".

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