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Gardening/Monthly To-do

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April Zone-4 To-Do List

This is my attempt to create a Zone-4 List with average last frost May 15. Please check with your local extension agent for recommended dates for planting and fertilizing.

General To-dos
Keep a garden journal
Early in the month-test and amend garden soil
Cold frames-remove mulch around plants. Open when temp is greater than 32º. Photograph garden as it blooms

Seed before the 15th of the month
Water after detaching lawn regularly
Pre-emergence control 2 weeks before lilacs bloom. (if not re-seeding)*
Diazon (if had bugs in the fall)*

Cut back ornamental grasses
Once Peonies emerge, dust or spray with Zineb or Phalton till buds appear(prevention)*
Divide perennials as needed. Add compost to the soil.
Iris, 2-3" tall, spray with insecticide, repeat weekly for 2 to 3 weeks (prevention)*
Water 1"/week during dry spells
Spray young new foliage with soap and water solution.

After the 15th slowly remove mulch.
Spray with lime-sulphur
Prune dead and cross canes (when tulips bloom).

Vegetable garden
Start Green Peppers, Brussels sprouts, Cabbage, and Cauliflower seeds indoor at the beginning of the month.
Dig and divide rhubarb and asparagus
About mid-month plant onion sets, radishes, rhubarb, asparagus, horseradish, lettuce, chard, carrots, kale, and beets outdoors
Install string and poles for peas and beans.
Late month: Plant tomato plants in Water-Wallos

Bushes and trees
Transplant container shrubs every 3 years
Dormant spray shade trees before buds swell when the temperature will be above 32º for 24 hours. (wash with soap and water first).
Remove protective wrap from trees
Spray fruit trees and bushes with oil and lime/sulfur spray early April.
As new growth appears on fruit trees and flowering bushes, feed with root cartridge every other year

Remove spent blooms
Remove bulbs without blooms
Remove browned foilage-don't remove before.
Fertilize lilies as they emerge from the soil
Plant pre-cooled Oriental Lily bulbs as soon as the soil is workable.

Sow indoors in flats: Calendula, Marigolds, Dahlias, Black-eyed Susan, Aster, fennel, coriander. Potulaca, Zinnas, Basil, Dill and Parsley
Late month: Start Zinnas and Celosia indoors in flats.
Late month: sow asslyum, bachelor buttons and dianthus seeds in the garden
Sow wildflower seeds: Columbine, Lance-leaf Coreopsis, Missouri Evening Primrose, Mexican Hat, Snow on the Mountain.

Container Bulbs
Pot in containers indoors: Zephr lily, Ipomoea, 12 apostles, Omithogalium, Acidanthera, Ginger lily, Peruvian lily, Oxalis, Blackberry lily, Canna, Dahlias, Crinum, Caladium, Pineapple lily, Galtonia, and Cala lily.
Pot for later transplanting: cannas and dahlias.

*Gardening is a big investment in time and money. Don't take chances! Always check with your local extension agent, garden center, master gardener or garden club for recommendations about planting, fertilizing, soil amendments, watering, preventive pest and disease control, and choose of plants. Local discount stores can carry plants not recommended for local conditions. Always check for suitability before purchasing.

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