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January Zone-4 To-Do List

This is my attempt to create a Zone-4 List with average last frost May 15. Please check with your local extension agent for recommended dates for planting and fertilizing.

General To-dos
Make garden plans. Look through last years photos and decide where plants need moved or replaced. Design your container and box gardens. Make a list of plants you will be using and the number of each needed. Review notes from your vegetable garden. What plants where too late to be useful or developed diseases? Try a different variety. Did you have too much of some produce and too little of other? Adjust row size or number of plants.
Order dormant plants, seeds, roses and half-hardy summer bulbs

Fertilize if indicated. Check with local extension agency or garden center. In my area this is when sulfur is applied.

Check borders and beds for plants that have pushed out of the ground. Cover with mulch.
Check window boxes and tubs with live plants (evergreens, bulbs, perennials) water if dry when T. is greater than 32 degrees.
Cold frames with live plants. Provide additional coverage during cold spells. Tarp or heavy plastic securely tied down or hay under glass. Leave snow covering alone.

Wild life
Feed suet and seeds. Make a pudding of suet, seeds, oatmeal and peanut butter.
Provide fresh unfrozen water.

Bushes/ Trees
Remove heavy snow from evergreens.
Check evergreens for bag worms and remove.
Check junipers for leaf miners (brown, hollowed out foliage). Cut off and destroy.
Protect trees and shrubs from wind-burn. Use screens and Wilt-pruf (follow label instructions). Protect trees and shrubs from rabbits and other rodents. (use hardware cloth and/or No-Nibl spray)
Prune grape vines (remove 1/3 of old vines and all undergrowth) and fruit trees.

Care for fish left in outdoor ponds:
Stop feeding fish when pond temp is less than 45 degrees. Use spring and autumn feed when temp is over 45 degrees. Be careful not to overfeed.
Change 20% of pond water every month when T if over 32 degrees.

Check stored pots, corms, bulbs and tubers:
- discard rotted bulbs.
- cut away withered and rotted portions of tubers and dust with sulfur.
- pack glad bulbs in plastic bags and add 1 oz. naphthalene flakes/ 100 corms.
- Store glads at 35 to 40 degrees.
- check for moisture. Keep almost dry with exception of , achimenes, tuberous begonias or cannas-keep slightly moist.

Annuals-start seedlings
Jan 1-15
Start Lisianthus, Lobelia and Fibrous Begonias seeds
Jan 15-31
Start Gerber Daisy, Vinca Rosa, Nierembergia seeds

Summer Container Bulbs
Move clivias into warmer, brighter room.
Pot and begin watering Erythonium bulbs.

Indoor Container Bulbs
Move potted hyacinths into very cool place with indirect light.
Pot paper whites and narcissus and begin watering for forced Easter blooms (use bulbs that are treated for forcing)
Keep watering and fertilizing your Amaryllis as you would before flowering until next September.

Check house plants for spider mites, scale, white flies and mealy bugs. Treat.
Poinsettia, when all the leaves have fallen, cut back stems to 4" and keep almost dry.

Create budget
Basic supplies: (essential supplies)
Fertilizers-lawn, vegetable garden, bushes, roses, flowers, annuals, cacti, bulbs, house plants, etc.
Soils and amendments-potting soil, seed-starter, compost, sand, lime, sulfur, etc.
Equipment-gas, oil, spark plugs, lubricant, blades, strings, etc.
Weed killer.
Pest control and prevention-insecticides, fungicides, etc.
Services-lawn mowing, lawn care, pond care, etc.
Pond supplies-test kits, chemicals, filters, fish food, etc.
Bird and other wild-life food.
Tool replacement-hoses, sprinkler heads, hoes, prunners, mower, etc.

Trees and bushes.
Vegetable garden:
- seeds
- transplants
- seeds
- transplants
- spring
- summer
Pond plants.
- lawn seed
- sod
- ornamental grass seed
- ornamental grass transplants
- seeds
- transplants
Ground covers:
- seeds
- transplants
Wish list: Anything you would like to have if budget allows e.g. plants, equipment, hard scapes-arbors, patios, walls, etc., sod, lawn furniture, pond, water fountains, etc.

*Gardening is a big investment in time and money. Don't take chances! Always check with your local extension agent, garden center, master gardener or garden club for recommendations about planting, fertilizing, soil amendments, watering, preventive pest and disease control, and choose of plants. Local discount stores can carry plants not recommended for local conditions. Always check for suitability before purchasing.

© Lady PP's Heart of the Home 2005


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