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Gardening/Monthly To-do

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March Zone-4 To-Do List

This is my attempt to create a Zone-4 List with average last frost May 15. Please check with your local extension agent for recommended dates for planting and fertilizing.

General To-dos
Photograph garden as it begins to bloom.
Order dormant plants.
Check borders and beds for plants that have pushed out of the ground. Cover with mulch.

Lawn (late March*)
Dethatch lawn if needed.
Spread thin layer of compost and rake in gently.
Fertilize per local extension agents recommendation.
Water per local extension agents recommendation.

Remove dead foilage.
Pull back mulch and sprinkle compost around plants. Recover with mulch.
Weed-an early weeding program will prevent much work later.
Feed bed with systemic.*

Plant dormant bare-root plants as soon as hole can be dug.
Pull back mulch and sprinkle compost around the bushes. Recover with mulch.

Vegetable garden
Prepare bed as soon as ground can be worked.
Start Eggplant seed 3/07.*
Start Tomatoe seeds 3/01.*

Prune while dormant late-summer blooming bushes.
Plant as soon as holes can be dug dormant evergreens, liliacs, bush fruit, and strawberries.*

Feed with 5-10-5 as emerge from ground*
Feed blood-meal after blooming ( or bone-meal if live in acidic area)*
Water 1"/week while in bloom.*
Remove dry foilage
Dig up non-blooming plants.

Start Double Petunia seeds 3/1-15*
Start Dwarf Dahlias, Impatients and Petunias 3/16-31*

Container Bulbs
Start indoors in containers: Achimes, Aganpanthus, Peruvian Lily, Gloriosa, Nerine and Polianthes.
Start in peat moss: Cannas.

*Gardening is a big investment in time and money. Don't take chances! Always check with your local extension agent, garden center, master gardener or garden club for recommendations about planting, fertilizing, soil ammendments, watering, preventive pest and disease control, and choose of plants. Local discount stores can carry plants not recommended for local conditions. Always check for suitability before purchasing.

Please post your comments and tips about gardening on the Gardening Message Board

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