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Christmas Gift Ideas ~ from the heart

by Joyce C. Lock

1.)Invite those who's families are away, for a get-together on Christmas evening; to eat goodies, sing carols, and just visit (giving some a sense of family and something to look forward to).

2.)Run errands for shut-ins.

3.)Volunteer to serve food at a shelter.

4.)Take someone, who can't drive, Christmas shopping.

5.)Share your Christmas meal with a widower.

6.)Do volunteer work at the hospital.

7.)Help a depressed person through the holidays.

8.)Let a latch key kid stay with you until a parent arrives.

9.)Help a homeless person find shelter.

10). Clean house for a recovering surgery patient.

11.) Help the elderly put up decorations.

12.) Visit an invalid to give the caretaker a break. 13.) Welcome a foster child or veteran into your home.

14.) Donate blood or bone marrow.

15.) Adopt a grandparent.

16.) Sing Christmas carols to those who can't attend church.

17.) Share extra coats or clothing with someone in need.

18.) Keep in contact with someone alone or not well.

19.) Tutor someone in school or teach someone to read.

20.) Shovel snow for the elderly or disabled.

21.) Help someone needing roadside assistance.

22.) Be the listening ear for someone with problems.

23.) Pick up someone who needs a ride to church.

24.) Become a big brother or big sister.

25.) Leave disabled parking vacant.

26.) Offer the plan of salvation.

27.) Allow your home to be a shelter for the abused.

28.) Share your talents to assist others.

29.) Volunteer at a pro-life clinic.

30.) Pray for others,

31.) And many more!

It isn't the size of the budget. It's the size of the heart.

If you open your eyes to other' needs, God will show you a need. And, when He does, chances are He's calling you to do something about it, De. 10:14.

The giver receives the greater blessing.

© by Joyce C. Lock

In addition to being a published author and poet, Joyce C. Lock created the religion column, "Christianity Made Simple" for Peru Daily Tribune, continues to write inspirational articles for area newspapers, and shares further in online and e-mail ministries.

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Thank-you to J. S. Magic for the graphics

Thanks Dynamic Drive for no right click script.