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Mother’s Day!

by Susie Glennan
The Busy Woman, Inc.

Do we ever think about all the blood, sweat, and tears a Mother puts into the lives of those around her? During the month of May, many of us hurry over to purchase something nice for mom. However, does she REALLY need that?

Think of all the things your mom has done for you. Mine changed my diapers, fed me, clothed me, and spent way more money on my clothes than her own. She was the chauffer, shoulder to cry on, advice giver, chief cook, bottle washer, nurse, housekeeper, and supreme typist for those last minute reports that were due. And how many of you girls used your mom as your sounding board? I know I sure did and still do. However, for Mother’s Day most of us just run to a store and buy something nice for her, such as flowers or chocolate. While those things are “nice” they are not going to make up for the many years of labor she has given.

Have you ever thought of either hiring a cleaning crew for her or doing her cleaning for her? If you really have to spend money, send her out for a massage, facial, manicure, pedicure, and favorite lunch while YOU take over her duties for a day.

Why not put together some sort of tribute in a scrapbook or family tree that she can set out on her coffee table? This takes time and ingenuity and will truly show her how much you care while giving her something to remember your love.

For those of you who do not have your mothers with you any longer, think about adopting a mom. Is there a woman in your life who’s a mom and you happen to KNOW won’t be getting any appreciation this Mother’s Day? How about you take her out or make her dinner? Think of ways to celebrate the life of your own Mother by being with another.

I have two friends who are facing their first Mother’s Day without their own moms. They are so heartbroken that if someone were to take them out and love them, I know it would make all the difference. Isn’t that what women are all about, making a difference in the lives of others? We’re the nurturers and caretakers. Don’t let it stop at your immediate family! Carry it to other families in need.

Take this time to enjoy your Mother. Have fun with her. Celebrate her life. Revel in her love.

Copyright © 2004 Susie Glennan

Susie Glennan has been happily married since 1982, is mom to 3 teenagers, and is a Home Maker, Nurturer, Teacher, Competent Toast Master, Author and owner of The Busy Woman's Daily Planner. She teaches time management seminars, offers FREE consultations with your order, and will help you set up a schedule that's right for YOU. You can reach Susie at or 800-848-7715

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