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Giving Homemade Mixes in a Jar

by Monica Resinger

Mixes in a jar are thoughtful and inexpensive gifts to give to anyone for any occasion. The idea is to layer dry ingredients of a cookie, cake, biscuit, muffin, beverage or other recipe decoratively in a jar and add directions of how to complete the recipe. The jar can be a mason jar or a recycled, clean mayonnaise or other large jar that has a lid and can then be decorated with fabric, ribbons, paint, etc.

I have seen these jars of mixes sell in retail stores for around $8.00! Imagine the savings if you were to make your own! A few inexpensive ingredients like flour, brown sugar, chocolate chips and a jar don't cost very much! Gift recipients will love receiving a homemade mix from you so they can easily prepare a treat to enjoy and when they prepare the treat, they'll be thinking of how thoughtful you are.

Mixes in a jar are excellent for gifts that need to be shipped because you don't have to worry about baked goods getting smashed or getting stale. A mix will allow the gift recipient to freshly prepare the treat when it is craved or needed. They are also great to give to children's teachers, neighbors and acquaintances because of the ease and money savings involved.

Here is a delicious mix recipe for you to try:

Peanut Butter Chocolate Cookie Mix in a Jar

1 cup packed brown sugar
1 1/2 cups packed confectioners' sugar
3/4 cup cocoa
1 1/2 cups flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt

In a separate bowl, mix together the flour, baking powder and salt. Layer ingredients in order given in a 1 quart wide mouth canning jar. Clean the inside of the jar with a dry paper towel after adding the confectioners' sugar and after adding the cocoa powder. Be sure to pack everything down firmly before adding the flour mixture, it will be a tight fit. Store in a cool dry place away from a heat source so condensation and clumping does not occur.

Instructions to attach to Jar:

Peanut Butter Cookies

Empty jar of cookie mix into large mixing bowl. Thoroughly blend mix.
1/2 cup butter, softened
1/2 cup creamy peanut butter
1 egg, slightly beaten
1 teaspoon vanilla.

Mix until completely blended. Shape into walnut sized balls and place 2 inches apart on a parchment lined baking sheets. Press balls down with a fork. Bake at 350F degrees for 9 to 11 minutes until edges are browned. Cool 5 minutes on baking sheet then transfer to a cooling rack to finish cooling. Makes 3 dozen cookies.

If you'd like more mix recipes, check out the Creative Mix Recipe E-book here:

©, Monica Resinger, 2002

Monica Resinger is the creator of 'Homemaker's Journal E-Publications' where you will find many fun and informative home and garden related e-books, tip sheets and how to sign up for her FREE home and garden newsletter! Click here to visit:

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