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How To Improve Your Personal Success

Dave Lindbeck ©2004 All Rights Reserved

When it comes to your personal success, which we’ll define as your sense of happiness, satisfaction and significance, you want the best results. However, if that’s not happening, you’re probably not practicing.

Producing the best results takes practice, even if you’re gifted, or if things come to you naturally. This is as true for personal success, as it is for business and career success.

Most people expect personal success to just happen, but it’s usually not that simple. You’re busy with work, family and easily become distracted by the day’s demands, the expectations of others, and the confusion of your own negative self-talk and doubts. All of this erodes your focus.

Creating and maintaining personal success is a choice and requires effort, but you can succeed if you know what to practice. These five tips can help:

1. Practice consciously creating your day, and expect good experiences. By doing so, they will occur.
2. Practice not being a victim. Shift your thoughts to self-responsibility and personal power.
3. Practice faith. Whatever your beliefs; open up to your source of guidance, opportunities and abundance.
4. Practice letting go. Let go of attitudes and beliefs that do not serve you or support you.
5. Practice positive self-talk. Repel all thoughts and messages that are negative, fearful or ego-driven.

By practicing these principles you can enjoy a more worthwhile and consistent sense of happiness, satisfaction and significance – your personal success. It will become easier and more natural as you continue to choose the right focus on a daily basis.

Dave Lindbeck is a coach and President of Phoenix, AZ based InStep Coaching, and provides business, career, and personal coaching programs to professionals, executives and entrepreneurs Visit to schedule a complimentary consultation, or email. To receive the complimentary e-letter "The InStep Journal", visit 602-277-5170, P.O. Box 7221, Phoenix, Arizona 85011

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