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Lady's Heart of the Home
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May Christmas and Holiday Planner

Purchase gifts and cards for June
Start planning June parties

Mother's Day
Review budget.
Finish home-made gifts
Finish shopping for gifts, gift wrap and cards.
Order flowers early.
Purchase needed grocery items

Ongoing Christmas newsletter: Make notes of events that occurred in April.
Photo calendar: Plan April pictures you need to take for photo calendar. Develop or up load April photos.
Buy 1/10 of budgeted Christmas gifts or place money in savings.
Update Gift Chest list with new items you have purchased.
Home-made gifts: Refer to calendar for Christmas projects you should be working on now.
Christmas budget: Up-date budget.

Freezer meals: (family meals you can freeze ahead and use during the Holidays) - Find recipes for 30 meals.
- Organize recipes
- Make a shopping list
- Note non-perishable items
- Note earliest date you can freeze each item on your calendar.

Stocking stuffers:
- Note ideas on the person's gift ideas page.

Plan containers for food gifts you are making:
- Make list of jars, baskets, tins, plates, etc. you will need.
- Mark on shopping list. Watch for at flea markets and garage sales.

Father's Day
Review budget.
Finish home-made gifts
Purchase grocery items from the non-perishable list each week

Address and mail invitations three weeks before.
Refer to your party plan. Complete items needed done for each week.
Update your budget for the event.

Continue plan for school wardrobe. Spread purchases out over the next several months. Check flea markets and garage sales for fill-ins.
Continue following project pages for homemade items.

Fourth of July
Start plans for Fourth of July
If camping out make a list of all equipment you will need to take.
Plan menus.
- Organize recipes
- Make a shopping list
- Note non-perishable items
If having a party, start planning now.
Make a budget for the event.

© Lady's Heart of the Home 2005

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