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One-Minute Wake-ups

by Susie Cortright

We all get frazzled. We all get overwhelmed and snappy. And we all need to re-center before we share that feeling with the rest of the world.

Here are a few one-minute "wake-ups" that will help you to re-focus on what's important.

- What are you thankful for? List as many "gratitudes" as you can in one minute. Don't think; just write.

- Recite one-liners: uplifting quotes or favorite Bible verses.

- Close your eyes and listen to your life in all its noisy glory.

- Change your mental scenery. Close your eyes and imagine that you are somewhere else. Somewhere with sand.

- Drink a towering glass of cold water. Visualize it as an energy elixir (because it is.)

- Light a candle and enjoy a mini-meditation staring into its flame.

- Pray.

- Smile for an entire minute (This falls into the category of "fake it till you make it.")

- Listen to a behavior modification tape. Mike Brescia's are wonderful: - Really look at your family. Leo Buscaglia once took a poll of college students. "What color are your mother's eyes?" he wanted to know. Only 20 percent of them could answer the question. Take an entire minute to look--really look--at your spouse or your kids. Strive to be fully present with them, one minute at a time.

- Read an uplifting children's book to your kids.

- Read a devotional or meditation.

- Be silent.
- Turn on some classical music. Close your eyes to listen.

- Jot a few things in your "Bliss Book," a personal journal that contains only positive thoughts, positive memories, positive ideas.

- Ask yourself: How can I find more patience, calm and strength right now?

- Write your own "wake-ups."

Copyright 2004 Susie Cortright
Susie Michelle Cortright is the author of several books for women and founder of the award-winning, a website designed to help busy women find balance. Visit Momscape today and get Susie's *free* course-by-email "6 Days to Less Stress."

The information contained above is intended for general reference purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified professional.

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